Chapter 163 Leo Lu was born! The cultivation direction of the ghost!!

Gu Yu’s room.

In the incubator on the table, Leolu’s elf eggs began to shake constantly.

This is a sign that Leo Lu is about to be born!

The first to be woken up by Leolu was naturally Cosmogu and Ghost who were sleeping above the table.


Kosmogu woke up from his slumber to see the incubator constantly shaking on the table and quickly realized what was about to happen.


At the suggestion of Ghost Si, the two elves floated to Gu Yu’s head.





The voices of the two elves woke Gu Yu from his sleep.

When Gu Yu woke up, he heard the sound of the incubator shaking and immediately realized what was about to happen.

After having the experience of delivering to elves such as Cosmogo, Sticky Treasure, Laluras, etc.

Gu Yu did not hurry to get up and prepare to start delivering the baby.

Fifteen minutes later.


The first crack appeared in Leolu’s elven egg.

The cracks are very thin, as thick as a strand of hair.

If you don’t look closely, you can’t even see it.

Take advantage of the gap where Leo Lu was born.

Gu Yu began to prepare food for the soon-to-be-born Leolu.

The special baby elf milk ordered from the Ibu House was taken out of the refrigerator by Gu Yu and heated.

Fifteen minutes later.

Gu Yu just poured the heated special juven fresh milk into the bottle.


A second crack appeared on Leolu’s elven egg.

The original first rift began to grow.

From a hair-like crack to a thumb-wide crack in the blink of an eye.

This thumb-wide crack almost separated Leolu’s elf eggs from top to bottom.

Through this thumb-wide crack, a blue figure could be clearly seen in the elven egg.

“Cha! Exactly! ”

Leolu’s slightly anxious voice came out of the elven egg.

He’s trying to break out of his shell!

Click! Click! Click!

There are more and more cracks in the elven eggs.

Fifteen minutes later, Leolu’s elf egg finally cracked completely.

A palm-sized, mucus-stained Li Oulu appeared in front of Gu Yu’s eyes.

Leo Lu’s appearance is like a catty dog.

The difference is that Leo Road walks upright.

Leolu’s body is blue, and the legs and the lower part of the dribble are black.

Opening the glass cover of the incubator, Gu Yu gently took out the slime-stained Leolu.

In Gu Yu’s arms, Li Oulu slowly opened his eyes, and his red pupils looked at Gu Yu.

“Welcome to this world! Leo Road! ”


Li Oulu looked at Gu Yu, and his eyes were full of affection.

The elves in the house, because of Leolu’s birth, have long awakened.

Seeing Li Oulu in Gu Yu’s arms, the elves greeted Li Oulu one after another and welcomed Li Oulu to this world.





“Cha! Just! ”

Li Oulu also began to respond in Gu Yu’s arms.

At this time, Gu Yu’s voice sounded again.

“Leo Road! Let’s eat something first! ”

After speaking, Gu Yu hugged Li Oulu while delivering the bottle containing the fresh milk of the special juvenile elf to Li Oulu’s mouth.

“Cha! (* ̄︶ ̄)”

With a slight sniff, it seemed that Leo Lu liked the taste of the special juvenile elf milk.

After shouting happily, he immediately began to drink heavily.

Gu Yu also checked the information of Qili Oulu.

【Leo Lu (Fighting)】



[Characteristics: Mental strength through the exercise of the spirit, will not be afraid of the opponent’s attack)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31, Speed (31)]

[Skills: Lightning Flash, Hold Up, Pretend Attack, Metal Claw, Double Bong Return, Broken Rock, Trickery, Sword Dance, Hair Strength, Thunder Fist, Frozen Fist, Flame Fist]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Champion】

Just born with level 10!

It was already a level comparable to that of the Quasi-God Sticky Treasure!

Thinking of this, Gu Yu was also more and more looking forward to the day when Li Oulu would grow up and carry out MEGA evolution.

Leolu, who had eaten and drunk enough, quickly fell asleep.

Gu Yu put Li Oulu on the bed, and then began to study the cultivation of Ghost Si and Li Oulu.

Both elves belonged to elves that the trainer had cultivated relatively little.

Gu Yu did not find the right information on the Internet, so he found No. 6 again through the Dragon Chat APP.

“Number Eight: Are you there?”

“Number Six: Yes, what’s the problem with me?”

“Number Eight: I want a training plan for Geng Ghost and Lucario.”

“Number Six: Huh?! You have such a rare elf as Lucario! It’s not easy to find, wait a minute, I’ll look for it. ”

“Number Six: I’ll send you the Geng Ghost cultivation plan first.”

“The Cultivation Direction of Geng Ghost”

Poison Genie General Training Manual

“Analysis of the most suitable skill combination of Geng Ghost” ·

“Number Eight: Trouble!”

After receiving Geng Ghost’s cultivation materials, Gu Yu immediately looked at it.

In general, the direction of Geng Ghost’s cultivation is very similar.

It was very similar to Su Qingjun’s Geng ghost.

Use your speed and your own skills, combined with control skills such as hypnosis and strange light to deal with and solve opponents.

This way of training cannot be said to be wrong.

But reality is not a game, because the sprite can carry four skills in the game.

Therefore, in the absence of mysterious protection, the ghosts cultivated in this way are very frightening.

In reality, play high-end innings.

A mysterious guardian, hypnotic, strange light and other skills after ineffectiveness.

The problem of the ghost will be revealed.

The speed is no better than that of elves who can move at high speed, divine speed, and flash of light.

Defense and health are low.

In the sixth training manual for Gu Yu, there were sufficient measures to deal with this situation.

Let Geng Ghost learn to juggle space and wonderful space.

[Juggling Space: Create bizarre spaces.] Sprites who are slow for a certain period of time can act first. 】

[Fantastic Space: Create bizarre spaces.] Swap all sprites’ defenses and special defenses for a certain period of time. 】

In nausea. No, it should be said that the opponent will be mysteriously guarded, and the characteristics will be exchanged and sealed.

[Feature Interchange: Use superpowers to swap the characteristics of yourself and your opponent.] 】

[Seal: If the opponent has the same move as himself, then only the opponent cannot use that move. 】

[Mysterious Guardian: Protected by magical powers for a certain period of time, so that it will not fall into an abnormal state. 】

Due to the effect of the mysterious guardian is not to fall into an abnormal state.

So the trick-up space, feature swapping these skills are something that the Mysterious Guardian can’t prevent.

After looking at my Geng Ghost cultivation party, Gu Yu sighed, “This kind of cultivation method, if the opponent does not have a suitable elf, it is really disgusting and dead!” ”

Ding dong!

Just when Gu Yu sighed, Number Six sent Lu Calio’s cultivation plan.

Lucario Training Practice Manual

“Number Six: Lucario’s training program is here, you look at it, if there is anything you don’t understand, you can ask me.”

“Number Eight: Good.”

Wait for Gu Yu to read the information sent by Number Six.

For Leolu’s training program, I had a general idea in mind.

Lucario acts as a fighting and steel elf.

In terms of resistance, it is still excellent, except for the double weak fire system, the ground system and the fighting system, there are basically no other shortcomings.

You can learn three speed skills: lightning flash, god speed and high speed movement.

Paired with Sword Dance to enhance attacks, life droplets restore HP, and harsh sounds reduce opponent defenses.

You can also learn multiple skills such as Flame Kick, Frozen Fist, Lightning Fist, Metal Claw, Poison Strike, Comet Fist, Shadow Claw and so on.

It can be said that it is really easy to face most elves.

In general, it is very similar to the Gera Aura, but because the skills of the Gera Aura are more electric.

The types of skills that can be learned are inferior to Lucario’s.

After determining the cultivation plan of Geng Ghost and Leolu.

After Gu Yu stayed at home for another day, he immediately booked a ticket to Guangdong Province.

July 3.


Clear Sky Dojo.

The Clear Sky Dojo is a flying department dojo, plus the location of the magic capital.

Therefore, Jia Yuecheng, the owner of the museum, directly set up the Qingkaido Hall on the top floor of the Magic Capital Jinhui Building.

Jinhui Building has a total of 21 floors.

The top three floors are the location of the Clear Sky Dojo.

And once a challenger comes to the challenge, go straight to the top floor and start a fierce battle above the sky.

Due to its location in Modu, there are many trainers who come to challenge.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it is Jia Yuecheng’s disciples who come forward to deal with the challengers.

And today comes a special challenger.


Jia Yuecheng, who was making tea in the office, heard a knock at the door.

Put down the teacup in your hand and open your mouth.

“Come in!”

With a creak, the door was opened.

Seeing that it was his disciple Wang Lu, Jia Yuecheng asked, “Is there anything wrong with finding a teacher?” ”

Wang Lu respectfully replied, “Teacher, it is like this, there is a special challenger here today, and you may need to come forward in person.” ”

A trace of doubt appeared in Jia Yuecheng’s eyes.

“Who is going to challenge it? I was required to come forward in person. ”

“Gu Yu!”

Hearing this familiar name, Jia Yuecheng was first stunned, and then his eyes showed a look of expectation.

“I didn’t expect it to be him!”

“Let’s go! Wei Shi also began to look forward to a battle with this successor of the Heavenly King who possessed the Divine Beast! ”

While speaking, Jia Yuecheng got up and left the office.

Thinking of Gu Yu’s performance in the National Collegiate Elf League, Jia Yuecheng involuntarily accelerated his pace.

By the time Jia Yuecheng came to the top of the building, the roof had become a pot of porridge.

Gu Yu, wearing a black T-shirt, was surrounded by people.

Countless people around pulled out their mobile phones, and some people began to discuss.

“Gu Yu! It turned out to be Gu Yu! I didn’t expect to see me! ”

“I don’t know what kind of elves Gu Yu will use in the Daoguan Battle today?” If only Terra Ola could play! ”

“Pokkis, just let a genie out of the way,… This rare elf I have never seen in person until now! ”

“Here it comes! Here it comes! The owner of the Jia Pavilion himself came, and the next thing is definitely ——— wonderful battle! ”

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