Chapter 165 Clear Sky Badge! Goodbye Ye Mengyao!!

When Jia Yuecheng saw that the Flaming Arrow Eagle had been defeated, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, a trace of war intention appeared.

Then take the Flaming Eagle back.

“Gu Yu’s strength is very strong, and the younger generation in the university has no stronger trainer than Gu Yu!”

“Only relying on the Spirit Arrow Eagle, a newly cultivated spirit to become a quasi-Heavenly King, is obviously no longer Gu Yu’s opponent, so it is…”

While thinking, Jia Yuecheng felt out an elven ball.

With a flash of red light, one was nearly two meters tall and had many scars on his body.

Elves with white head feathers and red and blue feathers appear on the field.

It’s the Warrior Eagle!

The warrior eagle can fight bravely for his companions regardless of danger, and the more injuries on his body, the more he is a brave warrior who has experienced battles, and he will be respected by his companions.

Humans in some areas, because of the warrior eagle’s kind of caring and brave personality for the sake of their companions, regard the warrior eagle as a sacred elf and worship and respect them.

【Warrior Eagle (General) (Flight)】



[Feature: Sharp eye (thanks to sharp gaze, the hit rate will not be reduced)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Attack)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (27), Special Defense (21), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Wing Attack, Glare, Peck, Divine Bird Slam, Brute Force, Grinding Claw, Downwind, Ghost Face, Swallow Back, Splitting, Blowing, Blowing Away, Air Slashing, Tearing Claw, Destroying Dead Light, High Speed Movement, Steel Wing, Guarding, Bodybuilding, Shadow Claw, Mind Hammer, Iron Head, Self-Motivation, Storm, Malicious Chase, Close Combat, Rapid Return, Hot Wind, Sleep, Dream Talk, Thug, High Speed Star, Rock Collapse]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Quasi-Heavenly King】

Look at the information on the warrior eagle, as well as the scars on his body.

Gu Yu thought to himself, “This should be one of Jia Yuecheng’s main combat forces.” ”

The Fire Elves who were broadcasting live on the side were the strongest, and they saw the Warrior Eagle appear.

First a shock, then a flash of shock flashed on his face.

“Master Jia Guan actually sent out a warrior eagle!”

“This is the elf that Jia Guan can rank in the top six!”

Jia Yuecheng was such a Daoist master, although not the strongest among all the Daoist masters.

In terms of real strength, it is not as strong as Xia Pengyu.

But to say that there is no King-level elf is impossible.

This warrior eagle, even among all the elves in Jia Yuecheng, could rank in the top six.

Although the probability is that it ranks sixth, it is enough to show that Jia Yuecheng attaches great importance to Gu Yu.

Hearing the strongest words of the fire elves, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room also brushed up.

“One of the six strongest elves! Can Gu Yu ever fight?! ”

“Theoretically, this is already beyond the level that the Daoist Hall should have, and it seems that Jia Yuecheng should want to fight Gu Yu!”

“! What trainer doesn’t crave to play against a powerful trainer? Not to mention Gu Yu and the Divine Beast! ”

On the field, the game has begun.

“Pokkis! Air chop! ”

“Warrior Eagle! Hold on! Then self-motivate! ”

[Self-motivation: Motivate yourself to improve your attacks and special attacks. 】


Pokékés shouted and flapped his wings.

An air blade nearly three meters long went straight to the warrior eagle.

A huge white shield appeared in front of the warrior eagle.


It sounded like the sound of swords colliding, and the air chopper was blocked.


The Warrior Eagle shouted, exerted self-motivation, and attacks and special attacks began to improve.

“Warrior Eagle! Move at high speed! Then cast the steel wings! ”

As soon as Jia Yuecheng’s voice fell, the warrior eagle turned into a phantom and headed straight for Pokkis.

Coming to Pokkis, the wings of the warrior eagle were covered with white light, like two sharp blades, directly slashing at Pokékis.

Pokékis is twice as weak as steel, plus the Warrior Eagle has exerted self-motivation if he is hit by the steel wing, and Pokékis will be hit hard if he is not directly knocked down.

“Pokkis! Charming! Then cast the air chop! ”

Pokkis’s body emitted countless pink glows.

The eyes of the warrior eagle instantly turned pink, and the body involuntarily stopped attacking and actively approached Pokkis.

Jia Yuecheng realized that it was not good, and hurriedly shouted, “Warrior Eagle wake up quickly!” ”

In response to Jia Yuecheng was Pokkis’s air chop.

As Pokékis flapped his wings, a blade of air nearly three meters long headed straight for the warrior eagle.

The enchanted Warrior Eagle had no time to dodge.


The scream of the warrior eagle sounded, and then it fell from mid-air.

With a bang, the grass field was instantly smashed out of a two-meter-deep pit, and countless earth and stones splashed.

“Pokkis! Divine Bird Slam! ”

[Divine Bird Slam: Attack your opponent in Turn 2.] Occasionally making the opponent cringe, it is also easy to hit the point. 】

This is the effect of the Divine Bird Slam in the game, and it is naturally impossible to wait for the 2nd round in reality.

Often people can’t tell the difference between the Divine Bird Slam and the Divine Bird Attack, although the two look very similar in name, but the effect is completely different.


Pokkis shouted, and countless flying energy poured out from around Pokkis.

In an instant, Pokékis transformed into a giant bird nearly three meters long and composed of countless flying energy systems.

Go straight to the warrior eagle on the ground.

“Warrior Eagle! Hurry up and get out of the way! ”

Jia Yuecheng stood on the sidelines and shouted anxiously.

But due to the added effect of the grace characteristics and the air chop.

The Warrior Eagle has entered a state of cowering.

His body trembled involuntarily, and the look in Pokkis’s eyes was also tinged with fear.


Amid the terrified sound of the warrior eagle, the divine bird slammed directly to drown it!


A loud explosion sounded, and the smoke flooded the battlefield.

Jia Yuecheng looked solemnly at the center of the arena.

He already had a bad feeling in his heart.

By the time the smoke cleared, the Warrior Eagle had collapsed into a deep pit unconscious.

Pokékis was intact in mid-air.

【Ding! Pokékis defeated the Warrior Eagles to gain 55,000 XP! 】

(Ding!) Pockies upgraded to level 47)

“The Warrior Eagle fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“Congratulations to Gu Yu! Win this Dokan War! ”

The referee’s voice fell, and the scene was also a commotion!

“How strong is Gu Yu’s strength?!” The Warrior Eagle is one of the six strongest elves of Lord Jia Guan! ”

“One wears two! And it’s still harmless! Gu Yu’s strength was so terrible?! ”

“The Divine Beast is already so strong without appearing!” How strong should Gu Yu’s true strength be?! ”

In the Fire Elf’s strongest live broadcast room, the barrage at this time has already been fried!

“Sleeper! I read that right! Why does it feel that Jia Guan’s warrior eagle is not as good as the Flaming Arrow Eagle? ”

“This is really one of the six strongest elves, are you sure it’s not acting?”

“Gu Yu’s strength is also too strong!” Finish one wear two directly to the veteran dojo owner! ”

“If I didn’t know that Gu Yu was 19 years old, I really couldn’t imagine that this was a 19-year-old trainer!”


The Fire Elves were now looking at the arena with a look of shock on their faces, and their faces were even more full of surprise.

“I was able to complete a harmless one-and-two!”

Jia Yuecheng, who was on the sidelines, shook his head helplessly.

“The additional effect of the air chopper makes the warrior eagle enter a state of cringe.”

“If it weren’t for this additional effect, Gu Yu would definitely not have won so easily.”

“Is it luck? No, this Pokkis is a natural trait, and if that’s the case, I really didn’t lose badly. ”


The ground of the training ground cracked and the grass field fell…

Jia Yuecheng strode towards Gu Yu from the end of the training ground.

The staff of the Qingkong Dojo also walked over with a red tray at this time.

The two came to Gu Yu and stopped at the same time.

“Congratulations! Beat me and get the Clear Sky Badge! ”

“Seeing Gu Yu, such an excellent young man as you, I feel really old!”

While speaking, Jia Yuecheng took a wing carved out of white jade from the tray and handed it to Gu Yu.

The white wings are only the size of a thumb, but crystal clear.

It is the proof of the success of the Challenge Clearway!

Clear Sky Badge!

After getting the Qingkong badge, Gu Yu also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, one step closer to his task of completing the life script.

Then he replied politely: “Master Jia, it is now in his prime, but he is not old!” ”

Hearing Gu Yu’s words, Jia Yuecheng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Old or not, can I still not be clear?”

“The future belongs to you young people, and if you don’t have anything to do, you can stay at the Clear Sky Dojo for a few days.”

Hearing Jia Yuecheng’s invitation, Gu Yu immediately refused.

“No, I’m dating a friend, I’m going to train in Guangdong Province, it’s an afternoon plane.”

“If nothing else, Master Jia, I am ready to say goodbye!”

“Since that’s the case, I won’t keep you, and if you have time, you can come to the Clear Sky Dojo for a few days.”

“If you have time, be sure to bother.”

After bidding farewell to Jia Yuecheng, Gu Yu went straight to the airport.

Gu Yu’s ticket to Guangdong Province departs at 2:00 p.m.

At 6 p.m., I arrived in Guangzhou.

For fear of being recognized, causing unnecessary trouble.

Gu Yu put on sunglasses and a mask before boarding the plane.

But when Gu Yu walked out of the airport.

Or was recognized by Ye Mengyao as a girlfriend.

Backbite! Backbite! Backbite!

Then Gu Yu heard the honking of the car.

A silver Lamborghini stopped next to Gu Yu.

Wearing a T-shirt printed with a round land shark and a beautiful face, Ye Mengyao sat on the driver and said to Gu Yu: “Come up!” ”

Seeing Ye Mengyao, the corners of Gu Yu’s mouth also showed a smile.

Then, in the envious eyes of the people around him, Gu Yu sat on Ye Mengyao’s Lamborghini.

Ye Mengyao sped up, and the two of them flew away.

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