Chapter 168 All Watches! The King of Heaven has arrived!!

What is it like to be pressed against a body that is one meter long and weighs 23.5 kilograms?

Anyway, Gu Yu felt very uncomfortable!

“Xiantu Elf, hurry up!”

Under Gu Yu’s repeated urging, the fairy spirit reluctantly got up from Gu Yu’s body.


The fairy elf who had just risen wrapped its ribbon-like tentacles around Gu Yu’s arm.

The head also began to rub Gu Yu’s arm to express his joy.

【Senda Elf (Fairy Ibu) (Goblin) (Flash)】



[Features: Goblin Skin (The general attribute of the move becomes the goblin attribute. Power will be increased slightly)]

【Character Talent: Calm (+ Special Attack, One Speed)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Impact, Scream, Sand Splash, High Speed Star, Round Pupil, Digging a Hole, Stand-in, Charming, Charming, Charming, Shadowball, Charming, Bite, Lightning Flash, Magic Shine, Suction Kiss, Mist Field, Feature Interchange, Self-Suggestion, Loud Sound, Iron Tail, Meditation, Goblin Wind]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Champion】

Absorbed the goblin energy of the Sword King’s Sword Tip Field.

Coupled with the effect of breaking the cocoon evolution.

Directly made Ibu a dojo-level elf.

“In terms of effect, it seems that it is better not to have a rainbow feather because it is damaged and some of the power is lost.”

“Or is it that in the form of the King of Swords, there is more steel energy?”

The more Gu Yu thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible.

In its general form, the Celestial Beast is a Goblin Divine Beast.

And the sword king form of the thunder has a steel system in addition to the goblin system.

“If it’s smoke, maybe you can let Leo Lu try it.”

While thinking, Gu Yu looked at Li Oulu on the side.


Li Oulu paid attention to Vice Gu Yu’s gaze, and then shouted.

“Forget it, Leo Lu was just born, and I’ll think about it when he’s past his infancy!”

While thinking, Gu Yu put the tip of the Sword King’s sword back into his backpack.

Then he began to rest with the elves.

August 1.

In the morning, the golden sun pierces the night sky.

Gu Yu in the villa was still sleepy.

To the left of the pillow is a fairy elf that has just evolved.

To the right of the pillow is Leo Road.

Above the bed are Kosmogu and Ghost who are floating in mid-air and sleeping.

Terra Ola was still clinging to Gu Yu as always.

On the ground is a wind-speed dog sleeping on its stomach.

Jingle Bells!

The phone alarm clock breaks the silence.

Gu Yu woke up from sleep, and many elves also woke up.

“Everyone! Good morning! ”






Spirit Yang responded to Gu Yu one after another.

After getting up, the first thing Gu Yu did was naturally to feed the elves.

After the elves began to cook, Gu Yu also had a simple breakfast with Ye Mengyao and Cold as Frost.

Then he continued to devote himself to the training.

Zhejiang University opened on September 1.

On August 12, the Steel Department Dojo Jinhui Dojo will be officially opened.

On August 7th, Cold as Frost will leave because of the Dojo incident.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao’s training was also over.

Didn’t stay home for a few days all summer vacation.

After the opening of the Jinhui Taoist Museum, Gu Yu was also ready to go home and rest for a while, waiting for the school to start.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao continued to devote themselves to training.

Wait until the 7th is cold as frost to finish the last day of training.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao’s elves had both improved a lot.

The Kirby Beast rose another level, reaching level 48.

Pokékis learned the Guard Skills.

Wind speed dogs learned crazy volts.

[Crazy Volts: Let the current cover the whole body and crash into the opponent to attack. I will also be hurt a little. 】

Ye Mengyao’s elf, the improvement is not small.

The Jenny turtle evolved into the kami turtle.

The one-sword scabbard evolved into a double scabbard.

Ride the dragon to upgrade level 31 and become a dojo-level elf.

Laruras evolved into Chirulian.

Blazing Roaring Tiger upgraded to level 45.

The Centiosaurus is upgraded to level 40.

It can be said that after more than a month of training, Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao’s strength has improved a lot.

After the cold as frost left, Gu Yuye Mengyao started the vacation.

The two set off on a dragon ride, holding hands and playing together near Guangzhou.

First of all, catch crabs on the Gold Coast, and taste local special seafood banquets, fried oysters in the South China Sea and other special foods.

Yunshui Ballad, Tulou, Nanputuo Temple, Zengcuo’an…

The last stop of the two came to Gulangyu Island.

Lie on the beach at the back of the Asca Beach, listen to the waves crashing on the beach, watch the blue sky, and enjoy the sea breeze.

Li Oulu and Ghost Si lay next to Gu Yu.

Gu Yu felt that everything was so beautiful.

At this time, Ye Mengyao returned with Chirulian and Kami Gui.

Hand the coconut juice from Teda to Gu Yu.

“I don’t know what you like to drink, so I bought coconut water.”

After receiving the coconut water, Gu Yu smiled: “As long as it is bought by Mengyao, I like everything!” ”

Ye Mengyao did not speak, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, which already explained the thoughts in her heart.

Then he sat down and leaned over Gu Yu’s side.

Leolu, Ghost and Kami Turtle Rent Chirulian start playing together.


At this time, Gu Yu heard his mobile phone ringing.

Pick up the phone and look at it, it turns out to be someone @ him.

Expedition squad group chat.

“Su Qingjun: @Gu Yu, I saw you among the guests of the exhibition competition of the Jinhui Daoguan, do you also go to the opening of the Jinhui Daoguan?”

Ning Qiyun: “Gu Yu also want to go?” My father was also ready to take me to the meeting. ”

Lin Xuan: “I seem to have heard that the owner of the Cold Pavilion helped my aunt train, and Gu Yu seems to be with my aunt now.” ”


Looking at the group chat message, Gu Yu also began to reply.

“Gu Yu: That’s right, I’m going to have an exhibition match with the owner of the Cold Pavilion.”

“Yan Siyu: Gu Yu can already be a special guest, I can only be an audience when I go, is smoke the gap?” I’m going to keep trying! ”

“Su Qingjun: Gu Yu should be accompanied by Ye Mengyao, I can only go alone this time!”

“Ning Qiyun: @Su Qingjun, is your grandfather going to the country?”

“Su Qingjun: My grandfather didn’t know what kind of wind to smoke, and when he said that he went to the secret realm to explore, he disappeared directly, and he couldn’t contact him for more than a month, and now he can only come forward to participate in the opening of the Jinhui Taoist Museum.”

Su Tianhe, the strongest grass trainer in the Dragon Kingdom, went to the secret realm!

“According to the reason, Su Tianhe is already the strongest group of trainers under the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom, and he can even give him the strongest name under the Four Heavenly Kings.”

“In this case, the secret realm that can make Su Tianhe unable to get out for more than a month can only be an S-level secret realm.”

“Even speaking, this S-level secret realm, I’m afraid that among the level secret realms, it belongs to the more dangerous kind.”

“At this point in time, it seems to be some coincidence!”

Just as Gu Yu was thinking about Su Tianhe’s identity, Ye Mengyao had a slightly sleepy voice.

“Your group chat, why is there that woman Su Qingjun?”

Ye Mengyao was hostile to Su Qingjun, and it wasn’t a day or two.

Gu Yu hurriedly began to explain: “This is a group built by Yan Siyu, so that you need to help together in the future, if you want to add a group, I can also pull you.” ”

“Pull me in!”

Hearing Ye Mengyao’s words, Gu Yu directly sent out an invitation.

Expedition squad group chat.

Gu Yu invited Ye Mengyao to join the group chat.

“Lin Xuan: The little aunt is here!”

“Su Qingjun: Sister Ye has also come, is she here to supervise Gu Yu?”

“Lin Xuan: I always feel like you’re taking advantage of me!”

“Ye Mengyao: Who is your sister?”


August 12.

Guangzhou City.

As the first Taoist museum in Guangzhou, the opening ceremony of Jinhui Daoist Museum.

It attracted countless Guangzhou citizens to watch.

Su Qingjun even chose the location of the dojo on the outskirts of the city.

However, tens of thousands of people have been densely packed around this dojo.

Guangzhou Television Station sent a helicopter to film the opening ceremony of the Jinhui Taoist Museum.

The broadcast vans that came to the scene were also close to fifty.

The hot search for the opening of the Jinhui Taoist Museum once rushed to the top three on the Internet.

It can be said that this opening ceremony can be called a lot of attention!

As a guest of honor at the exhibition match, Gu Yu naturally came to the scene early.

Ye Mengyao, Su Qingjun and others all represent the forces behind them, so they all arrived early.


With a humming sound from the garden, a pitch-black helicopter flew in.

Fall onto the lawn of the Jinhui Dojo.

A middle-aged man in a black trench coat stepped out of the helicopter.

Lin Yan of the Dragon Kingdom Four Heavenly Kings Regiment!

Seeing Lin Yan’s arrival, the cold frost as the owner of the museum immediately stepped forward to greet him.

10 a.m.

All the guests and representatives of the major forces are all behind.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

With the sound of the salute, the opening ceremony of the Jinhui Taoist Hall officially began.

The first session is naturally a guest speech.

Lin Yan, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, was the first to take the stage to deliver a speech as the most important guest.

Ran Wei is the governor of Guangdong Province, the mayor, and finally the cold as frost speech.

As for what they said.

Anyway, Gu Yu, Su Qingjun and the others were listening to them sleepily.

After Su Qingjun finished speaking, the applause at the scene was also exceptionally loud.

Everyone has one idea.

It’s finally over!

Next up is the most anticipated exhibition competition for the audience!


The steel floor at the site cracked.

Then, in anticipation, a competition field of nearly 1,000 square meters, made up of rocks and soil, slowly rose.

“The playing field is ready!”

“Now invite Lin Yan Heavenly King and the Cold Pavilion Lord to play!”

As the referee’s voice fell, the cheers on the scene sounded like a tidal wave!

“It’s finally time to start! Sleepy or after the Heavenly King Challenge, Lin Yan Tianwang shot in front of the public for the first time, right? ”

“I don’t know which elf Lin Yan Heavenly King will send?!” What a look forward to it! ”

“It should still be the trump card!” I guess it’s probably a relatively inferior two-axe dragon or a sonic dragon! ”


Gu Yu of the audience, the eyes of Tian Tian also showed the color of expectation.

Because, this was the first time he had seen the Heavenly King strike!

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