Chapter 170 The Shock of the Heavenly King! Golden Glory Badge!!

On the field.

For the discussion, Gu Yu had already anticipated it.

Therefore, orders were not issued directly under the influence of the outside world.

“Fairy Elves! Meditation! ”


The fairy elves shouted, and the special attack and special defense opened ~ began to increase.

“Emperor Nabo! Rush to go! Gold – Claw! ”

[Metal Claw: Splits the opponent with the Claw of Steel to attack. Sometimes they improve their attacks. 】

Emperor Nabo’s claws were covered with white light, and with a roar, he rushed directly towards the fairy spirit.

The fairy elf is twice as weak as steel, and if hit by a metal claw, it will be seriously injured.

“Dodge away in a flash of lightning!” Then cast the Shadow Orb! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, the fairy spirit turned into a blue glow and dodged the Emperor Nabo’s metal claws.

Coming to a position five meters to the side of Emperor Nabo, the energy of the ghost system converged in front of the fairy spirit.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a black sphere the size of a fist and went straight to Emperor Nabo.

“Emperor Nabo! Iron wall blocked! ”


Emperor Naboin cried out, and his wings turned metallic.


With the sound of an explosion, the Shadow Ball was blocked by Emperor Nabo.

“Fairy Elves! The Sound of Enchantment! ”


An incomparably seductive voice came from the mouth of the fairy spirit.

However, Emperor Nabo, who heard the voice of the question, had a painful color on his face because of his attribute restraint, and the goblin system could only cause half of the damage to Emperor Nabo.

But the fairy elves had already amplified their own special attacks with meditation.

Emperor Napo will still be hurt by being hit by the Voice of Charm.

“Emperor Nabo! Foam light! ”

[Foam Rays: Violently spray foam at your opponent to attack. will reduce the opponent’s speed. 】

The water energy in Emperor Nabo’s mouth began to gather.

In the next instant, countless bubbles erupted from Emperor Nabo’s mouth and went straight to the fairy elves.

“Fairy Elves! An electric flash of light rushed over to cast a bite! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, the Immortal Spirit turned into a blue light and went straight to Emperor Nabo.

Emperor Napo was casting bubble rays, and there was no way to avoid it at this time.

The evil energy in the mouth of the fairy elf gathers, and the bite skill directly hits Emperor Nabo!

“Fairy Elves! Fairy Wind! ”


The fairy spirit screamed, and countless pink goblin energies appeared on the surface of the body.

Ribbon-like antennae, gently shaking.

The pink goblin wind blew directly towards Emperor Nabo.

Emperor Napo was directly knocked out, slammed and fell to the ground.

With the blessing of meditation skills, Emperor Napo is equivalent to eating three skills of fairy elves.

Directly beaten by the fairy elves until unconscious.

【Ding! The fairy elves defeated Emperor Nabos and gained 3500 experience points! 】

“Emperor Nabor fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the cheers of the scene instantly rang out!

“The fairy elves have won! It’s so beautiful and strong! ”

“Senda Elf is so strong! I envy Gu Yu so much! ”

“Don’t say it! Countless lemons have appeared in front of my eyes! ”



After the fairy elf defeated Gu Yu, he raised his head and seemed to enjoy such cheers.

Seeing the scene, Gu Yu said to himself, “Has the personality of the elves changed so much after evolution?” ”

“I remember Ibrahimovic was very scared before, and now he seems to be enjoying the cheers!”

While talking to himself, Gu Yu took out the elf ball and was about to take back the fairy elf.


The fairy elf shouted, directly cast a flash of electric light, and came to Gu Yu’s side.

He wrapped his ribbon-like tentacles around Gu Yu’s arm while shaking his head to express that he didn’t want to score the elf ball.

“Okay! Then you must obey. ”

The fairy elf nodded and agreed to come down.

Seeing this scene, the bullet screen that is watching the live webcast is directly paralyzed by the server!

“I would also like to experience the feeling of being wrapped in fairy silk ribbons!!”

“I’m willing to exchange ten years of life for Gu Yu’s fairy elf to wrap a silk belt around me!”

“Only ten years? I’m willing to spend twenty years, but I’m going to add Menas bundles! ”


The game on the field continued with sleepiness.

Since the two had agreed before the start of the game.

The three elves are of the Dojo level, the quasi-king level and the heavenly king level.

This was also the reason why Gu Yu would send out immortal elves.

The only dojo-level elves left in his hands were the fairy elves and the sticky beauty.

Compared to the general sticky beauty is different from the washing green sticky beauty.

The appearance of fairy elves is undoubtedly a better choice.

Then the two sides sent their own second elves.

Kirby Beast!

A level 45 Bosco Tula!

This Bosco Dora was inferior to Yan Siyu’s one, regardless of his qualifications or the degree of cultivation.

However, it is also normal, after all, this elf is obviously looking for a number.

“Bosco Waila! Sacrifice your life! ”

[Sacrifice Charge: Desperately slamming your opponent into an attack. I will also suffer a lot of harm myself. 】

But this Bosco Dora is a property of a hard head, so sleepiness can be harmed.

[Hard Head: Even if you use a move that will be damaged by the reaction force, the HP will not decrease.] 】

“Kirby Beast! Be self-motivated! Then use 100,000 horsepower! ”

[100,000 horsepower: Use your full body strength to attack your opponent.] 】


The Kirby Beast roared and exerted self-motivation, and attacks and special attacks began to increase.

Boscotura’s attacks are strong, but still slow.

This gives the Kirby Beast time.

After casting his self-motivation, the Kirby Beast unleashed 100,000 horsepower.

Use all your strength and crash directly into the Bosco Tula who is performing the sacrifice charge!


A loud crashing sound sounded, and with a roar, the ground under the feet of the two elves began to collapse.

A large pit 2 meters deep appeared, and then the earth clicked, cracking several cracks.



The two elves were hurt by each other’s skills and both cried out in pain.

In particular, Bosco Dora, which was four times weaker than the ground, was attacked by 100,000 horsepower.

Then Gu Yu and the cold as frost voice sounded at the same time.

“Kirby Beast! Arm hammer! ”

[Arm Hammer: Swings a powerful and heavy fist to deal damage to opponents. Your own speed circumference is reduced. 】

“Bosco Dora! Chop tiles! ”

Hearing the trainer’s order, the two elves did not hesitate at all.

The Kirby Beast’s fist was covered with white light and punched directly at Bosco Dora.

In the same room, Bosco Dora’s chopper also hits the Kirby Beast.


The four times weaker fighting Bosco Dora, the moment he was hit by the hammer of his arm, he cried out in pain.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, with a bang, he fell directly to the ground and passed out.

【Ding! The Kirby Beast defeats Bosco Dora and gains 34,000 experience points! 】

“Bosco Dora fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

The referee had just finished announcing the results of the game, and the cheers on the scene instantly rang out!

Lin Yan, who was watching the battle, flashed a trace of appreciation in his eyes at this time.

“Nice! Although this Kirby beast is not strong yet, if you just look at this age. ”

“At that time, I was also as good as Gu Yu now!”

Then the expression on Lin Yan’s face froze slightly, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

“It’s a king-level wind speed dog!”

Race Day.

Gu Yu and Leng Ru Feng sent out their third elf.

Wind speed dog!

A giant pincer mantis of magnitude 66.

After feeling the terrible momentum of the wind speed dog body E.

Su Qingjun, Ning Qiyun and others who were watching the battle had shocked looks on their faces!

At the age of 19, he cultivated a king-level elf!


Ning Qiyun was shocked at the same time, and the corners of his mouth revealed a bitter smile.

“I thought that E next year’s crazy April would be able to defeat Gu Yu and avenge this year!”

“Now it seems that the gap between me and him has become bigger and bigger!”

The field of the arena.

The battle between the two sides has begun.

“Wind speed dog! Quickly! ”

“Giant prickly praying mantis! Move at high speed to dodge! Then cast the chopping tiles! ”

Under the gaze of everyone, the wind speed dog instantly disappeared into the same place.

When it reappeared, it was not far in front of the giant praying mantis.

The giant pincer mantis vibrated its wings and turned into a red phantom, dodging the attack of the wind speed dog.

Appear next to the wind speed dog and press the distance to cast the chopping tile.

The giant claws are covered with white light and rush towards the wind dog.

“Wind speed dog! Charge Fire Attack! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, the golden flame wind speed dog’s body surface!

In the blink of an eye, the wind speed dog turned into a golden flame and crashed directly into the giant prickly praying mantis.



After the Charge Flame Attack and the Chopper Blade each killed each other, both elves screamed!

No, the giant pincer praying mantis, which was four times weaker, was obviously the more seriously injured party.

“Giant prickly praying mantis! Back! ”

[Revived: Attack with all your might.] The less HP you have, the more powerful your moves will be. 】

“Wind speed dog! Stare! Cast the Flame Teeth! ”

The voices of the two men sounded almost at the same time.

Cold as frost heard Gu Yu’s voice, his pupils suddenly shrunk, and his face also showed a dignified color.

Because, this means that Gu Yu successfully predicted her attack!

Lin Yan, the Heavenly King at the scene, had a look of shock in his eyes and a hint of appreciation!

“The 19-year-old Wei Ji has cultivated a king-level elf.”

“And in battle, it is possible to predict the next step of the Heavenly King-level trainer.”

“Old Master Yuan Hanhai really found a terrible successor!”

The field of the arena.

The giant pincer mantis was just about to cast the dead.

The wind speed dog’s gaze narrowed, and in an instant, the giant praying mantis stopped attacking because of fear, and was stunned and trapped in place.

In the next instant, the wind speed dog disappeared directly into the same place.

When it reappeared, it had already come to the giant praying mantis.

In the mouth of the blood basin, the fire energy was trapped and gathered.

A bite is taken directly into the shoulder of the giant pry mantis.

The golden flame instantly covered half of the body of the giant prickly praying mantis.


The giant pincer mantis screamed in pain.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the giant praying mantis with a black body slammed to the ground!

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Giant Pliers Mantis and gains 1,300,000 XP! 】

“The giant pincer mantis fell to the ground!” Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“Congratulations to Gu Yu! Victory! ”

“Below there is a cold hall owner, for Gu Yu players to issue the Golden Hui badge in!”

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