Chapter 174 The Great Turmoil! The second king-level elf! Menas!!

Just then a purple light appeared.

Chen Hong subconsciously looked up, and suddenly his pupils shrank, and his face was bloodless in an instant.

The leader of the desert dragonfly, at this time the dragon energy in his mouth gathered.

The Dragon Wave had already aimed at the position of the two men.

Cold sweat emerged from Chen Hong’s forehead, his throat knot stirred, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

Chen Hong yelled, “Gu Yu! Hurry up! I’ve been targeted! It’s too late to go any further! ”

Gu Yu’s calm voice sounded.

“The regiment must panic!”

Then, in Chen Hong’s surprised gaze, Gu Yu took an elf ball from his waist and released the Kirby Beast.


The leader of the Desert Dragonfly came straight to Gu Yu and Chen Hong with a cry, a purple shock wave.


Looking at the purple shock wave coming, Chen Hong only felt like five thunderbolts roaring at the top, and his mind was blank.

“Wind speed dog! Kirby Beast! Hold on! ”

Gu Yu’s voice sounded again.



In the next instant, in Chen Hong’s believable gaze, two huge white shields appeared out of thin air.


Dragon Ball Fluctuations are blocked by the Hold skill.

Looking at the Kirby Beast in front of him, Chen Hong felt an unprecedented peace of mind at this moment.

While wiping the sweat from his forehead, the corners of his mouth also showed a smile.

The battle continued with sleepiness.


Pokékis shouted.

Countless goblin energies emerged from Pokkis’s body and in the blink of an eye, Pokkis turned into a small pink sun and crashed into the desert dragonfly leader in the sky.

Magic shines!

[Magic Shine: Shoots a strong light at the opponent and takes damage.] 】


Along with the screams of the leader of the desert dragonfly, he was shot down directly by Pokékis from the mid-air field.

With a thud, the desert dragonfly leader smashed into the rogue crocodile herd.

Directly passed out and could no longer continue fighting.

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Desert Dragonfly Leader and gains 30,000 XP! 】

The Desert Dragonfly Clan, although not weak, was captured by Pokkistianke.

Pockies can fly, and ground system skills are largely ineffective against Pockies.

Goblins are immune to damage from dragon skills.

In addition to the Dragon Clan skills and ground system skills, the Desert Dragonfly Clan, as a wild elf, does have many other system skills.

“Menas! The Sound of Enchantment! ”

“Pokkis! Aim at the rogue crocodile on the ground and cast the wind of the goblin! ”

Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded again.


An incomparably seductive voice came out of Menas’s mouth, but when the rogue crocodile heard it, they all looked pained.

Rogue crocodile twice weak water, but also twice as weak goblin system.

Pokkis came to the rogue crocodile family, and his body was covered with countless pink goblin energy.

Then the wings suddenly flapped, and the pink goblin wind blew directly into the rogue crocodile family underground.


The Goblin Tuanfeng was like a death scythe that had fallen from the sky.

Along with the roar of the explosion, the screams of countless rogue crocodiles were heard.

The dense system prompt sounded in Gu Yu’s ear at the same time.

【Ding! Pokkis defeats the Rogue Crocodile and gains 3000 XP! 】

【Ding! Pokkis defeats the Rogue Crocodile and gains 2000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menas defeats the Rogue Crocodile and gains 1500 XP! 】

【Ding! Menas defeats rogue crocodiles and gains 1500 experience points! 】


Moments later, with the last rogue crocodile falling, the battle for speed is over!

The Rain Quest skill has not yet dissipated, and the rain continues to fall.

Looking at the desert in front of you, there are already desert dragonflies and rogue crocodiles that have fallen to the ground.

Chen Hong’s face was full of surprise, and his eyes were full of national disbelief!

Then Chen Hong squeezed himself hard.

The intense pain made Chen Hong make sure that he was not dreaming, and instantly inhaled a cold breath!

Two elven groups wiped out two races!

Such strength………

At this time, Gu Yu’s voice sounded again.

“Chen Hong, Taklamakan secretly besieged the outside world, and are there similar desert dragonfly tribes and rogue crocodile tribes?”

Chen Hong hurriedly replied, “Yes! According to Northwestern University, there are currently twenty-five desert dragonfly and rogue crocodile populations on the outskirts. ”

“If it were just one ethnic group, it would be impossible to turn a secret enclosure into a nightmare for countless trainers!”

Gu Yu nodded and glanced at it.

Finding that it was already 4 p.m., he decided to go back to Korla City to rest.

“Let’s go back!”

Hearing Gu Yu say that he was leaving, Chen Hong showed a surprised look.

“Gu Yu, have you defeated so many elves, don’t you accept one or two?”

“Wild elves lack potential, and to this extent, strength is the limit.”

“And these elves are a little too weak for me.”

Gu Yu explained.

Then he noticed that Chen Hong had been staring at the elves who had fallen to the ground.

Gu Yu spoke again, “Chen Hong, if you want to subdue the elves, then go and subdue them!” However, wild elves are not easy to tame, so be careful. ”

Hearing Gu Yu’s words, Chen Hong was instantly ecstatic, and his face was full of smiles.

“I know! Although I am a researcher, I also have experience in training elves! ”

As he spoke, Chen Hong ignored the heavy rain that was still raining and rushed towards the rogue crocodiles and desert elves that had fallen to the ground.

Gu Yu didn’t say much when he saw it, the talents of these elves were basically at the Daoist level.

This is most likely the case in this life, unless you feed the secret treasure or some other adventure.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Hong is a researcher, the difference between one or two levels or the personality gap is not big for Chen Hong.

Gu Yu did not follow him and help Chen Hong subdue the elves.

In the end, Chen Hong subdued a level 33 rogue crocodile and a level 35 desert dragonfly solid.

The two men got into a dilapidated pickup truck and headed for the city of Korla.

Along the way, Chen Hong, unable to hide his excitement, chattered endlessly to Gu Yutuan.

“Gu Yu! I really didn’t expect that I would have a day to take over the desert dragonflies! ”

“I have long been envious that my senior can fly in the air with a desert dragonfly!”

“Say nothing! I’ll take you to taste the specialties of the new province! ”


The two drove all the way to the cafeteria at Northwestern University.

According to Chen Hong, the canteen master of Northwest University made a new provincial specialty, which is called a delicious one.

The two men came to the cafeteria, just in time for the students to leave class.

After the two found a place to sit down, Chen Hong went to order food, and Gu Yu stayed standing.

Chen Hong just left, Gu Yu just took out his mobile phone, ready to see if no one was looking for him, a sweet female voice sounded.

“May I ask, are you Gu Yu?”

Gu Yu looked up, and a sweet-looking girl wearing a white shirt and a short black skirt appeared in front of him.


The corners of Gu Yu’s mouth twitched slightly, and he could already imagine the trouble that would happen next!

Then I heard the girl’s voice ring out again.

“You must be Gu Yu!” Hello Gu Yu! My name is Qin Nono is your fan! ”

“My favorite is your Menas!” I want to take a picture with you and Menas, can I? ”

Qin Nononuo’s voice was not loud, but there were too many people in the canteen at this time!

In an instant, it was like a thunderclap, making the whole canteen riot!

“Gu Yu! Is it the Gu Yu who owns the Divine Beast?! ”

“The successor of the Heavenly King has actually come to our Northwestern University!”

“Oh my God! It was really Gu Yu! Gu Yu I am a big fan of yours! ”


Looking at the water around him, Gu Yu’s face flashed with helplessness.

He now finally understands why celebrities have to take bodyguards with them when they go out.

The situation that he couldn’t even eat food really made Gu Yu feel helpless.

Chen Hong, who had just finished ordering a meal, looked at Gu Yu, who was already surrounded by clusters.

Stunned for a moment, he said to himself with a confused face: “Do Gu Yu also have so many fans in the new province?!” ”

Fortunately, Northwestern teachers also eat in the cafeteria.

With the help of the teachers, Gu Yu barely escaped from the canteen.

Together with Chen Hong, I tasted the special dishes of the new province such as large plate of chicken, peppery sheep’s trotters and pulled strips of Tianhou.

The two quickly left the cafeteria.

Chen Hong drove Gu Yu to the only five-star hotel, the Han Hein Hotel, near Northwest University, and drove back to the dormitory.

Gu Yu appeared at Northwest University!

In an instant, it became a news that spread in the forum of Northwestern University, triggering a heated discussion around the mathematical circle!

As for the hot discussion of the outside world, Gu Yu did not pay attention to it.

September 4.

Gu Yu took Chen Hong with him and continued to start the Taklamakan Secret Realm Level.

The reason why Chen Hong followed was that Gu Yu was worried that Chen Hong had a problem taming the rogue crocodile and the desert dragonfly.

Let the Kirby Beast ‘assist’ Chen Hong.

【Ding! Menus defeats the Desert Dragonfly and gains 5,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menas defeats the Rogue Crocodile and gains 4000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Desert Dragonfly and gains 4000 experience points! 】


【Ding! Pokékis upgraded to level 51! 】

【Ding! Menas upgraded to level 49! 】

【Ding! Menas upgraded to level 50! 】


【Ding! Pokékis upgraded to level 57! 】

【Ding! Menas upgraded to level 56! 】

September 25th.

Pokékis upgraded to level 56.

Menas has been upgraded to level 55.

Chen Hong had also initially subdued the rogue crocodile and the desert dragonfly, and at least there was no problem in simply commanding the battle.

At night, return to Hanhai Grand Hotel.

After Gu Yu released Menas, he took out the glass bottle containing the mysterious water droplets from his backpack.

Pour out the mysterious droplets of water from the glass bottle field.

A magical scene happens, with mysterious water droplets floating in mid-air.

“Swallow the mysterious droplets and make yourself stronger!”


Menas shouted, and under Gu Yu’s gaze, he swallowed the mysterious water droplets in mid-air!

【Ding! Menas swallows the mysterious droplets and gains a lot of experience! 】

【Ding! Menas upgrades level 56! 】

【Ding! Menas upgraded to level 57! 】


【Ding! Menas upgrades level 61! 】

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