Chapter 179: The Attack That Destroys Heaven and Earth! Huge bonus!!

Looking at Gu Yu who was blocking the exit of the cave.

Lei Tianfang’s face flashed with surprise, followed by an anxious roar!

“Get out of the way!”

“Do you want to live?!”

“You have no idea how terrible the Divine Beast is!”

Hearing Lei Tianfang’s words, Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded.

“You seem to have made a mistake about the surrounding matter!”

“Reggie Locke was my helper, now solve the Thunder Sky Fang!” Reggie Lock! ”


Reggie Locke is Gu Yu’s helper?!

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and Lei Tianfang’s face turned blue in an instant.

“How can it be?!”

“How can you command the Divine Beast?”

“Reggie Locke is a true mythical beast, not as good as the juvenile Terraora.”

“Cosmogo! Teleport! ”

Gu Yu did not explain to Lei Tianfang and directly asked Kosmogu to perform instantaneous movement.

Gu Yu had just left, and Reggie Locke’s voice sounded.


The Power of the Earth!

[Earth Force: Unleashes Earth Force at the feet of your opponent.] will reduce the opponent’s special defense. 】


The face under his feet cracked instantly.

Lei Tianfang’s face was bloodless in an instant, and cold sweat was on his forehead.

But Lei Tianfang was also worthy of the fact that the high priest of the God Organization began to command a counterattack in an instant.

“Blazing Horse! Hold on! ”

“Come out of the house!”

As soon as the words fell, a huge force gushed out from the ground, drowning the thunder sky.


With the sound of the explosion of the giant cause, the earth began to shake violently.

Cosmogu performed ten consecutive teleportations and successfully led Gu Yu to the outside of the cave.

In the next instant, under Gu Yu’s gaze, the entire cave collapsed.

The mountain began to tilt, and countless rocks slid down.

Gu Yu released Pokkis, flew over Pokkis and began to observe the situation.

When Gu Yu flew into the air, a trace of emotion flashed in his eyes.

“Is this the horror of the Divine Beast?!”

Below Gu Yu, the originally towering mountain had already torn apart.

The present trap can only be regarded as a dirt ball at most.

Grass and trees, rocks, soil…

Slipped from the original peak and scattered around the mountain.


Just then a purple shock wave flew out from the ground, and a hole appeared.

In the next instant, a figure riding a fiery horse flew out of the cave entrance.

It was Thunder Sky Fang!

Although Lei Tianfang survived, his state was extremely poor.

One arm had disappeared, and blood kept spilling from the wound.

The Blazing Horse was even more seriously injured, and after coming out, he almost lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.


The Tanabata Blue Bird in the back was just about to fly out of the mouth of the cave.

In the next instant, a dazzling white light emerged from under the hoard.

It was like a white holy sword, splitting towards the Tanabata Blue Bird.

Tanabata Blue Bird is simply unavoidable!


Surrounded by the terrified sound of the Tanabata Blue Bird, the white sacred sword directly split the Tanabata Blue Bird in half.

The elf though is a peculiar creature.

But it doesn’t die, as evidenced by the corpse of the Dragon’s Tomb.

Although the Dragon Kingdom Elf Law stipulates that elves are not allowed to be killed unless there are special circumstances.

However, Reggie Locke apparently complied with the Dragon Kingdom Elf Law.

The white holy sword remained unabated after splitting the Tanabata Blue Bird.


The earth was split, and the earth was cut as if it were tofu.

A gully stretching for tens of kilometers and three meters wide was formed in an instant.

Then Reggielock’s huge body came out of the ground.

Looking at Reggie Locke, who exuded a terrifying and incomparable momentum, Gu Yu sighed, “Is this a divine beast?” Can even just one move chop tile do it? ”

The attack that seemed to destroy everything just now was caused by the Fighting Skill Splitting Brick!

Looking at Reggie Locke coming out of the ground, Lei Tianfang’s face was difficult to see that the pole teeth were constantly trembling, the throat knot was shaking, and he swallowed hard.

Look at the blazing horse that has been injured underneath.

His heart was full of depression!

“My five King-level elves helped me escape from the underground, but that’s where I go!”

“I couldn’t imagine that I was going to die here today!”

While talking to himself, Lei Tianfang smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, two voices sounded.

“Giant prickly praying mantis! Bullet Punch! ”

“Steel armored crow! Steel wings! ”

“For the priesthood! Hurry up and escape! ”

The person who came was another group of pursuing soldiers against Gu Yu.

Lei Tianfang’s face flashed a trace of joy, and he was just about to speak.

Reggie Locke’s voice sounded again.


The ultimate shock!

A dazzling white light was emerging from Reggie Locke’s body.

Reggie Locke seemed to become a small white sun.

“Not good!!!”

When Lei Tianfang saw a scene, the joy on his original face instantly disappeared, and his eyes were full of despair!

The two people who came to support seemed to be five thunderbolts, and in an instant, the elves who had just been released by the two of them in a cold sweat also shouted in horror at this time.

In the next instant, Reggie Locke turned into a meteor and directly engulfed the figures of the three people and elves!


The explosion of the giant cause sounded, and the incomparably dazzling white light rushed up, enveloping everything!

The air waves generated by the explosion blew Gu Yu’s clothes into a hunting sound!

At this moment, the trainers in the secret realm of Taklamakan all watched this scene that they would never forget!

“How is this possible?! I am still at least a thousand kilometers away from the central area, and the earth is actually shaking?! ”

“White light rushing into the sky! What an elf attack this is! It’s like destroying the world! ”

Such a future must be a quasi-god! It must be a mythical beast! No, I will leave here immediately, once the aftermath of the battle of the Divine Beast affects me, there is no doubt that I will die at that time! ”

When the white light dissipated, Gu Yu stood on Pokkis and looked down.

It was as if a meteor had fallen from the sky and landed on the area.

The original towering peaks have disappeared.

It became a huge basin of a country.

The figures of Lei Tianfang and the other two had disappeared.

Only less than a third of the body of the Blazing Horse remained at the edge of the basin.

While sighing, Gu Yu ordered Pokkis to go down.

“Divine beasts! It’s outrageous! ”

“It should be said that only the second-level gods have already faced such strength.”

“What would happen if it was replaced by a first-level god Regichkas, the Phoenix King, and other divine beasts struck?”

“Fly down Pokéky!”


Pokkith let out a cry, then flapped his wings, and took Gu Yu with Gu Yu after he slowly landed on the ground, came to Reggie Locke’s body, and once again took out the Stone of the Pillar King.

“Reggie Locke! Regiccas, let me come here to check on Gurado. ”

“Next you keep me safe!”

In the game setting, Reggie Locke, Reggie Ace, Reggie Chiru, Reggie Eledge, and Reggiedo Lago were all created by Reggigicas.

So even if he had been subdued by the trainers, Regiccas could control them.

Therefore, they naturally would not disobey the orders of Regichkas.


Reggie Locke agreed, and Gu Yu did not leave immediately, but prepared to clean up the battlefield.

Releasing the Wind Speed Dog ordered, “Wind Speed Dog go down and see if there is any booty.” ”


The wind shook the dog’s head a little, and then jumped into the ravine where Reggiello had chopped the tiles.

Gu Yu came, and in front of the flaming horse, which only had a third of his body left, he crouched down and began to look for trouble.

A moment later, a piece of charred wood was taken by Gu Yu.

It is the fire secret treasure charcoal!

[Charcoal: When carried, the power of fire attribute moves will increase.] 】

Gu Yu had also obtained charcoal before, but it had been absorbed by the wind speed dog.

Now a second piece of charcoal has been obtained.

“These Heavenly King-level trainers are really more than one money, carrying secret treasures!”

Gu Yu’s voice had just fallen, and the wind speed dog had already screamed and rushed out of the ground.

Coming to Gu Yu’s body, a blue incense burner fell from the mouth of the wind speed dog.

It is the secret treasure of the water system!

Sea tide incense!

【Sea tide incense: The incense of the miraculous fragrance of the face, after carrying, the power of the water attribute will be increased. 】

Seeing that it was the sea tide incense, Gu Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

“Lei Tianfang is really a good person and gave me two secret treasures.”

“It just so happens that the elves I am carrying, only the Wind Speed Dog and Menas are not carrying the Secret Treasure.”

Speaking of fraud, Gu Yu released Menas.

Perfume the sea tide to Menas.


After the sea tide was perfumed, Menas cried out happily, and then rubbed Gu Yu’s cheek with his forehead.

After the wind dog took the charcoal, he also shouted happily.

The Tala Aura Face Magnet, the Kirby Beast has a silk scarf sent by Yuan Hanhai, Sticky Mei’er has the Dragon’s Tooth that Gu Yu obtained when he joined the Dragon Temple, and Pokkis has the Goblin Gem.

After the Wind Speed Dog and Menas had secret treasures, the elves in Gu Yu’s team and the items they carried became secret treasures.

As for Kosmogou…

Kosmogu really has no fighting power now, and there is no difference between belt and no belt.

After obtaining two secret treasures, Gu Yu’s trip to the secret realm this time can be said to be full of harvests.

Ride the day wind speed dog, with Reggie Lock.

So he prepared to go to Furnace Mountain.

While passing through the Banjara ethnic territory.

Looking at the empty elf’s collar, Gu Yu began to think.

“The Banjira clan is gone, and I don’t know if it is a quasi-god clan whose strength is inferior to that of the Three Dragon Mountains.”

“Or is it because you still want to have a conflict with Reggie Lock?”

“In the middle of Sanlong Mountain, I harvested three precious props.”

“There is no reason why Bangira, who is also a quasi-god race, does not have precious props in his hands.”

Thinking of the smoke, Gu Yu made a decision.

“Reggie Locke! You wait for me here a little bit, and I’ll go in and have a look. ”

Although Reggie Locke did not understand what Gu Yu was going to do, he still agreed to come down.


Gu Yu rode the Sun Wind Speed Dog and entered the territory of the Bangira ethnic group.

The territory of the Bangira ethnic group is very different from that of Sanlong Mountain.

Since Bangira likes to eat precious minerals and various rocks.

Therefore, the place where Bangira lives looks like a huge cave from the outside.

However, it was affected by the battle just now.

The huge cave, which had collapsed in half, was covered with rolling rocks.

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