Chapter 189 Shocked Bishop! Beauty?!!

This photo was taken when Gu Yu won the freshman championship!

Then Candice looked at the one-meter-high Doronbaruto Trophy.

There are two photos next to the Doronbaruto Trophy.

One photo is of the members of the champion in front of you.

One photo shows Gu Yu wearing a championship T-shirt, wearing a championship baseball cap, holding a small multi-dragon trophy, and a group photo of his elves.

“Terra Ola…”

Candice looked at the picture field of Terra Aura, and her eyes flashed a glint of essence.

Xia Pengyu saw Candice staring at Gu Yu’s photo, and there was no surprise on his face.

“Sure enough, just as I thought, Tuci’s exchange student plan is to get the information of the Divine Beast!”

“It’s a good idea, but Gu Yu is not a fool!”

“Moreover, Zhejiang is my territory, and a group of foreigners also want to stir up the wind and rain!”

No way! ”

While thinking, Xia Pengyu took the initiative to speak.

“Teacher Candice, have been staring at Gu Yu’s photo, what is your idea?”

Although Xia Pengyu’s tone is very ordinary, the subtext translated from this remark is.

I’ve been staring at you, and it’s best not to have any thoughts about Gu Yu.

Candice didn’t seem to hear Xia Pengyu’s subtext.

There was no change in his expression, and he stretched out his white jade-like fingers and pointed to Gu Yu in the photo.

“I heard that Gu Yu is the strongest young trainer of the young generation of the Dragon Kingdom!”

“I’m just curious about how your school has developed such good trainers.”

“If you can, please ask Teacher Xia to teach you some experience!”

Cultivate Gu Yu’s experience………

“Gu Yu’s speed of becoming stronger is simply outrageously fast, and I don’t know if there will be any.”

“But looking at the past and the present, there is only one like this, where do I know how to cultivate the next one?”

Xia Pengyu thought to himself in his heart, and on the surface he was silent.

“Gu Yu is a genius of a country!” Genius is always impossible to replicate! ”

“What Teacher Xia said makes sense.”

Candice nodded, as if she agreed with Xia Pengyu’s words.

What a tough guy!

Through the simple conversation just now, Xia Pengyu quickly gave Candice a preliminary conclusion.

After visiting the showroom enclosure.

Xia Pengyu took the exchange students from the University of Melbourne and continued to visit the campus.

“This is the breeding garden of Zhejiang University, covering an area of 2,000 square kilometers!”

“There are currently 229 types of elves in the nursery.”

“Due to the large area, I will not take you to visit in detail today.”

“If you are interested in students, you can ask me or other teachers to apply for a visit.”

“It is the training ground of Zhejiang University.”

After more than half an hour of briefing the University of Melbourne, the time also came to 11 o’clock.

A group of people came to the playground of Zhejiang University.

“The playground of Zhejiang University was designed at the beginning of its establishment to be a type that both students and elves can use at the same time.”

“Now sleepy, we can see that there are a lot of elves training on the training ground.”

Everyone at the University of Melbourne looked directly at the playground.

Strange powers, electric shock monsters and other elves are training in their own way.

The most notable is a running Kirby beast.

The Kirby Beast’s apparent physical exertion was small, and the sweat on his forehead was already clearly visible.

After the last lap, the Kirby Beast came to a handsome young man.

Lying directly on the ground, he cried out weakly.


Next to the youth stood a mighty wind speed dog, and at his feet there was a blue fairy field elf.

Gu Yu!

Candice instantly recognized the identity of the youth, and there was a glimmer of surprise in her eyes.

“I didn’t expect that when I first came to Zhejiang University, I saw the goal of this mission!”

Behind Candice, the exchange students at the University of Melbourne obviously recognized Gu Yu as well.

“O God! I read that right! Blue fairy elves?! ”

“You read that right! The blue fairy elf is real, and it is said that it is the elf of Gu Yu, the strongest young trainer in the Dragon Kingdom! ”

“Gu Yu?! Is it the one that subdues the divine beast Terra Ola?! ”

“In addition to the Divine Beasts, Gu Yu actually has only one elf in the whole world!” Gu Yu must have been blessed by God! ”


Listening to the discussion behind her, Candice smiled and proposed, “Teacher Xia, my students, are very interested in Gu Yu, why don’t you take us to see Gu Yu?” ”

Xia Pengyu frowned, it was obvious that he was really sleepy and wanted Candice to contact Gu Yu.

But at this time, it is really sleepy to refuse.

In the end, reluctantly agreed.

“All right!”

Gu Yu on the playground looked at the Kirby Beast lying on the ground and said the following training plan.

“Rest for 10 minutes and then continue to run five kilometers!”


Kirby Beast’s face was full of sleepy wishes, but he agreed to come down.

However, this is also normal.

After all, for the Kirby Beast, the biggest hobby is eating and sleeping.

At this moment, Gu Yu also noticed that Xia Pengyu was walking towards him with a red-haired woman who exuded infinite charm and a group of blonde foreigners.

When they walked to Gu Yu’s body, everyone brushed together and stopped.

Xia Pengyu introduced: “Gu Yu, Su is an exchange student from the University of Melbourne, I am taking them on a tour of the campus, they said they would like to see you. ”

Exchange students.

Gu Yu nodded, indicating understanding.

Candice’s charming eyes stared at Gu Yu, and her beautiful face revealed a smile that could captivate countless men.

“Hello! Gu Yu! I am Candice, the lead teacher at the University of Melbourne this time. Vivian. ”

“Your name is a household name even abroad, so it’s a pleasure to meet you!”

As she spoke, Candice held out her right hand.

Reach out and hit the smiley face man.

Gu Yu naturally refused and also held out his right hand.

“Hello! Teacher Candice, I’m glad to know you too. ”

The two shook hands at the end, the moment when the palms were about to part.

Candice flicked her finger on Gu Yu’s palm.

Feeling the sensation coming from his palm, Gu Yu looked at Candice.

Candice’s eyes were full of charm and she winked at Gu Yu.

This woman did it on purpose!

On the surface, Gu Yu did not move, and secretly began to ponder in his heart.

“Ask a woman to start these little moves as soon as they meet.”

“Coupled with this appearance and figure, how can a normal young man stand up?”

“I don’t believe it when I say it’s a conspiracy!”

Gu Yu was a human being, and naturally would not be in this kind of beauty plan.

Candice also observed Gu Yu’s expression at this time.

“There was no change in his expression, but Gu Yu’s concentration was wrong.”

“However, I don’t believe that any man can stand up to my charm!”

At this time, Xia Pengyu’s voice sounded.

“I know my classmates are curious about Gu Yu.”

“Next, you can ask Gu Yu a question.”

Hearing Xia Pengyu’s words, the exchange students at the University of Melbourne were instantly interested.

Gu Yu asked his question.

“Gu Yu, I heard that you still have a Pokkis, can you let me see it?”

“I want to take a picture with your fairy elves, can I?”

“Gu Yu, you are the strongest young trainer in the Dragon Kingdom, can you tell us your training secrets?”


With experience dealing with reporters, Gu Yu’s handling of a group of students who have not yet left school is naturally not a problem.

“Pokkis, I didn’t bring it out.”

“My elf band likes it too much, take pictures with strangers, if you can get the fairy elves to agree with me I have no opinion.”

“I learned how to train elves from the teachers of Zhejiang University.”


Gu Yu replied and completely explained what was called a lot, but in fact it was the same as not saying.

Some exchange students who wanted to take a picture with the fairy elves had already gathered around.


The fairy elves obviously liked these exchange students, and jumped directly to the side of the wind speed dog.

“It’s so cute! This fairy elf is so cute! ”

“The fairy elves seem to want to take a picture with us!”

“Give it a try! This is a rare opportunity, and there may not be a chance next time. ”


After the exchange students were rejected by the fairy elves, they were obviously reluctant to give up.

Then he circled the wind speed dog.


The wind speed dog is not so polite, accompanied by the sound of barking, a strong momentum emanates.

In an instant, the surrounding exchange students only felt the scalp tingling, and the body involuntarily began to retreat.

Some timid exchange students were directly frightened and bloodless.

Looking at the wind speed dog also has fear in its eyes.

“Wind speed dog! Put away your momentum and be sleepy to frighten these guests who come from afar! ”

Hearing Gu Yu’s order, the wind speed dog gathered its momentum.

When Candice saw the scene, her face flashed with surprise, and her eyes were even more shocked.

“Heavenly King-class wind speed dog?!”

“I originally thought that Lei Tianfang and the other two wastes were because of the Divine Beast that they didn’t catch Gu Yu.”

“Now it seems that Gu Yu’s strength has been underestimated!”

“In addition to embracing the Divine Beasts.”

“At the age of 19, you can cultivate a king-level wind speed dog!” This talent…”

Thinking of the smoke, Candice’s eyes looking at Gu Yu were full of longing!

She couldn’t wait to take Gu Yu over!

“Wind speed dogs are really well trained!”

“I’ve seen a lot of wind dogs trained by trainers, but there are very few that can match your sleepiness.”

“Next, as a teacher of exchange students, I will also teach at Zhejiang University.”

“I’m very good at fire and electricity, so if there’s anything you can ask me about.”

Hearing Candice’s words, Gu Yu did not refuse.

“Well, if I were to ask about this, I’d definitely ask Mrs. Candice.”

“For the sake of easy contact, let’s exchange contact information!”


Playground entrance.

Ye Mengyao, who had just finished class, took Shen Yuezhu to the playground and prepared to call Gu Yu to lunch together.

Shen Yuezhu looked at the blonde foreigner in front of Gu Yu and sighed, “Gu Yu’s popularity is really high!” Even foreign exchange fields have come to Gu Yu on purpose! ”

Ye Mengyao nodded, and then walked over to Gu Yu.

Then Ye Mengyao saw Candice, who was exchanging contact information with Gu Yu

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