Chapter 191 The Barrage of Explosions! Dragon Kingdom’s fastest record!!

Sit in the lounge of the Tianfu Dojo.

While looking at his mobile phone, Gu Yu began to wait for the next dojo tournament.

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

Just then the sound of dense footsteps sounded.

There was a creak, and the moment the door was pushed open, a female voice with excitement sounded.

“Finally I see you!” Gu Yu! ”

Looking at the woman’s beautiful face, Gu Yu instantly recognized her identity.

Before Gu Yu could speak, Meng Shirui’s eager voice sounded again.

“Gu Yu, hurry up and let me see your fairy spirit!”

“My fairy elves and I have been looking forward to meeting you fairy elves one day.”

As she spoke, Meng Shirui released her own fairy spirit.

With a flash of red light, a pink fairy elf appeared in front of Gu Yu’s eyes.


The fairy elf greeted Gu Yu.

After hesitating, Gu Yu still decided to give Meng Shirui this face and released the Immortal Spirit.


The fairy spirit came to the strange environment and looked around first.

Then he quickly looked at the immortal spirit of Zhou Shirui.




The two elves communicated with each other.

Meng Shirui was also very excited to see the Flash Fairy Spirit.

“So pretty! It’s really pretty!! ”

“Tuan Yi is the only fairy spirit in the world!”

At this time, the staff also took the live broadcast equipment and rushed from outside.

The moment the audience in the live broadcast room saw the two fairy elves, the bullet screen exploded again!

“Beautiful! Shame is a fairy elf! No matter which one is so beautiful! ”

“Fairies! My fairy! ”

“How nice would it be if I could hold two fairies in my arms and have Shi Rui’s wife pinch my shoulders?”


Two fairy elves, at this time, began to chase in the lounge.



When Zhou Shirui saw this scene, her face was full of smiles, and she took out her mobile phone to stop taking pictures.

However, Zhou Shirui is the owner of the Taoist Museum.

After seeing the Flash Fairy Elves, he quickly got to the point.

“Gu Yu, I know you’re here for the Dojo Tournament, come with me!”

After speaking, Zhou Shirui took the lead and left the lounge.

Gu Yu then walked out of the lounge, and the two fairy elves followed the master one after another.

When the two walked to the arena, Zhou Shirui also chatted with Gu Yu.

“Gu Yu, you should have got more than one Daoist badge, right?”

“Now that you have eight badges and a Hachron Medal, how many are left?”

“If you get the Tianfu badge, you can get the Hakron Medal.”

Listening to Gu Yu’s answer, Zhou Shirui’s body stiffened and she took a step.

Although he had long known that Gu Yu had the strength to get eight badges.

But after hearing that Gu Yu only had the last one left, Zhou Shirui still couldn’t help but be shocked.

You know, Gu Yu is only 19 years old this year!

The bullet screen in the live broadcast room is also a direct explosion at this time!

“Sleeper! Gu Yu had already obtained seven Daoist badges?! ”

“It should be the fastest record in the Dragon Kingdom, right?!” 19 years old! It’s unimaginable! ”

“Man’s 19 years old! Conquer the Divine Beast, become the successor of the Heavenly King, win the championship, and now the Dojo badge is almost collected! ”

“Is this someone else’s 19?” I’m 19 years old and still playing games! I’m so envious! ”


The two have already come to the arena.

The arena of the Tianfu Daoist Hall was more than one step stronger than the Great Underground Hall that Gu Yu had played, and the Qingkong Daoist Hall was more than a bit stronger.

The arena, which occupies more than 1,000 square meters, is surrounded by rows of dense seats.

Probably because Gu Yu was the first challenger, less than a third of the seats on the seats at this time sat in the audience.

In the first row of the arena, there are many live broadcast equipment to the live broadcast of the arena.

Before the game starts, the referee announces the rules of the game.

“In this dojo battle, the two sides took a two-on-two approach, and the two elves on either side took the lead in falling to the ground, even if it was a failure.”

“Elves on both sides are not allowed to carry props.”

“After the elves appear, within 3 minutes, unless they fall to the ground, they cannot exchange elves.”

“The arena of this competition uses geotechnical venues, and the trap has to be replaced.”

As the referee’s voice fell, Meng Shihan’s voice sounded.

“Gu Yu, I won’t treat you like an ordinary trainer, show your full strength!”

With a flash of red light, Meng Shihan sent out his first elf.

West Lion Sea Nong!

The West Lion Sea Lion is the ultimate evolution of the Ball Sea Lion, one of the three royal families.

There is a long curly hair of sea blue, tied in three sections by pearl hair rings, and two sideburns wear pink starfish hair ornaments.

The West Lion Sea Man has blue eyes.

Slender and slender white body.

Dark blue tail, tail tip forked and white part, there is also a circle of wavy decorations around, the body is extremely beautiful and moving.

【West Lion Sea Nong (Water) (Goblin)】



【Features: Riptide (when HP decreases, the power of water attribute moves increases)]

【Character Talent: Sloppy (+ Special Attack, One Special Defense)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Epic of Bubbles, Slap, Screaming, Water Gun, Sound of Seduction, Water Jet, Round Pupil, Frozen Wind, Singing, Bubble Light, Mist Field, Moon Power, Loud Sound, Surfing, Frozen Beam, Blizzard, Destruction of Death Light, Spirit Strengthening, Light Wall, Reflection Wall, Climbing Waterfall, Instant Amnesia, Hold, Charming, Iron Tail, Asking for Rain, Tide Whirlwind, Meditation, Salt Water, Water Flow Cracking, Energy Ball, Mist Bursting]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

Gu Yu sent out his first elven monarch snake.


The monarch snake, which had not appeared for a long time, shouted excitedly as soon as it appeared.

Seeing that it was a monarch snake, Meng Shihan immediately issued an order.

“West Lion Sea Farm! Mist field! ”

[Mist Field: For a certain period of time, the elves on the ground will not fall into an abnormal state. Dragon attribute move damage four will be halved. 】


As the sound of the West Lion Sea Nong sounded, countless pink goblin energies emerged into the field.

A mist that turned pink began to spread above the geotechnical arena.

Gu Yu’s voice rang out, “Monarch Snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”


The monarch snake shouted, and the old body flew out of the sharp blade-like blade, turning into a tornado and pounced on the West Lion Sea Forest.

The West Lion Sea Ground is twice as weak grass, and if it is hit by the flying leaf storm, it will definitely be hit hard.

“West Lion Sea Farm! Field water jet dodge! ”

[Water jet: Pounce on the opponent with lightning speed.] It must be possible to preemptively attack. 】


Meng Shihan’s voice just fell, and countless splashes of water appeared on the surface of the West Lion Sea.

In the next instant, a huge column of water wrapped the West Lion Sea Nong, and the West Lion Sea Nong directly took off into the air.

Once you finish earning in mid-air, dodge the tornado formed by the flying leaf storm and go straight to the monarch snake…

“Monarch snake! Hold on! ”


A white shield of great reason appeared in front of the monarch snake.


The jet of water was blocked by a white shield.

“West Lion Sea Farm! Iron Tail! ”

“Monarch snake! Tight bundles! ”

The voices of the two men sounded almost in unison.

The large tail of the West Lion Sea Flame with a glinting metallic light directly hit the white shield formed by the defense.


It was like the sound of a sword colliding, and the shield formed by the instant was held, and cracks began to appear.

At this time, the monarch snake suddenly lifted the holding skill, and the huge snake body directly wrapped around the Rixi Lion Sea Nong.


The moment the West Lion Sea Nong was entangled in the monarch snake, a scream sounded.

“West Lion Sea Farm! The mist bursts! ”

[Mist Burst: Attack the elves around you.] But after the use, he will fall into a near death. On the mist field, the power of the move will increase. 】


The cry of the West Lion Sea Nong sounded, and countless goblin energy emerged from the West Lion Sea Nong’s body, as if it were a burning pink flame.

“Monarch snake! Dig! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, the explosion of the West Lion Sea Arena instantly sounded!

The pink mist seemed to turn into a ball of explosives!





On the whole rock and earth arena, accompanied by a dense explosion, countless smoke and dust splashes!

The spectators who were watching the game immediately began to talk.

“Miss Meng fought like this as soon as she came up!” Sleepy knows if the monarch snake can hold up? ”

“Even the mist explosion will be affected by the West Lion Sea Farm, if this move does not defeat the Monarch Snake, the West Lion Sea Ground will be dangerous!”

“Gu Yu’s Monarch Snake is not very strong, but it is too much trouble, if you fight with the Monarch Snake, once the Flying Leaf Storm is superimposed, it will be really troublesome!”


When the smoke from the explosion cleared, the scene above the arena was also revealed.

Explosion craters of all sizes are already densely packed over the geotechnical arena.

Inside the largest of these potholes, the West Lion Hairen is lying at the bottom of the crater.

The original white body of the West Lion Hairen had become pitch black at this time.

It was clear that the West Lion Sea Nong was not lightly injured in the explosion.

However, at this time, above the arena, there was no figure of the monarch snake.

Apparently, relying on the last-minute digging skill, the monarch snake dodged the mist and exploded.

“Monarch snake! Rattan whip! ”

Gu Yu’s voice just fell, and with a touch, the monarch snake passed through the soil and appeared in front of everyone’s eyes again.

Two cyan rattan whips, protruding from the sides of the monarch snake’s body, whipped towards the West Lion Hainong.

The speed of the West Lion Sea Nong was already fast, and now it was under serious injury.

There is no way to avoid it.



The rattan whip directly flew the West Lion Sea Nong.

With a thud, the West Lion Sea Man fell to the ground and passed out.

【Ding! The Monarch Snake defeats the West Lion Sea Ridge and gains 45,000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Monarch Snake upgraded to Vice Level 47! 】

“The West Lion Sea Man fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the scene was again in a commotion, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded again!

“One of the main forces of Shi Han’s wife actually lost!”

“Shi Han’s wife come on!”

“Gu Yu is awesome!”


After recovering the West Lion Hairen, Meng Shihan sent Tian Tian to his trump card.

Called the elf of the wife by the majority of netizens!

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