Chapter 195 Yan Emperor! Lightning clouds! Plan for Bishop Akatsuki!!

After the first gift box was opened, a glass bottle the size of a fist appeared in front of Gu Yu’s eyes.

The glass bottle contains an unknown red liquid.

The liquid is as brilliant as a red jewel.

Gu Yu’s eyes also appeared in the red liquid information.

[Yanyang Potion: Extracted from the blood of the Yan Emperor with various rare items, it can permanently increase the fire energy in the elven’s body. 】

Yandi Tuan Blood!

Permanently increases the fire energy in the elves’ bodies!

Gu Yu did not expect that the first item was so precious!

Emperor Yan and Lei Gong, and Water King E Anime are all elves who are resurrected by the Phoenix King and become second-level gods.

In appearance, Yandi is a huge, lion-like four-legged spirit with mastiff characteristics.

Surrounded by orange-red hair, the strong limbs wear iron rings.

Behind it is a mane flowing like a white smoke cloud, and under the smoke cloud is a sharp blade of brown hair.

The cheeks are long in the shape of red six-pointed stars, and the forehead is embedded with a clover-like blonde hairshell.

Introduce Yandi in the game “Crystal”.

Blowing out flames hotter than the lava of the volcano while the mighty elves running on the four great earths.

The blood of such a divine beast was naturally incomparably precious!

Permanently increase the fire energy in the elf’s body, and the figure is equivalent to a secret treasure!

And if you consider the degree of preciousness, its value is far more than the secret treasure!

Xia Pengyu also introduced: “Where the alliance was established, it obtained the body of a dead Yan Emperor, but it has not found a way to use it. ”

“Until 30 years ago, after unremitting efforts, the flesh and blood of Yandi were used to combine various rare items to refine Tian Yanyang’s potion.”

“The effect is similar to the Dragon’s Blood Fruit you’ve gotten and the mysterious droplets you got.”

The body of the dead Yan Emperor………

For this matter, Gu Yu was also troubled.

Even he could get a lot of shards or props related to the Divine Beast.

The Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance as a hundred years old, the strongest force in the Dragon Kingdom.

If there are no items related to the Divine Beast, that is the problem.

“Because the processing of the Divine Beast blood is too difficult, the number of products produced each year is very limited, and this year there are only three bottles.”

“No. 1 also spent a huge amount of effort to get the Tu Bottle Yanyang Potion in his hand.”

After speaking, Xia Pengyu opened the second gift box.

This time, in the gift box, it is not a prop or a special item, but a mobile phone.

Xia Pengyu explained, “This mobile phone contains the phones of twelve Heavenly King-level trainers. ”

“The information of these twelve Heavenly King-level trainers is surrounded by the mobile phone, and they all once owed the favor of the number one.”

“You take this phone and call them, and they can help you train twelve Heavenly King-level trainers!”

Gu Yu also had to say that Yuan Hanhai was worthy of being the oldest Heavenly King in the Alliance.

The accumulated connections are truly terrifying!

“Of course, if you feel troubled, you can also stay in Zhejiang University, and I will help you train together.”

“I’ll choose it according to the situation.”

Gu Yu replied.

Xia Pengyu nodded, and then opened the third gift box.

The third box is the largest of all the boxes.

Half a meter high, after opening, a thick and long purple chain meteor hammer-like thing appeared in front of Bu Guyu’s eyes.

“This is the tail of the Thunder Cloud, one of the Divine Beast items found in the Dragon Temple.”

“It contains powerful electrical energy, and it has been used many times.”

“This is for Terra Ola!”

Lightning clouds!

One of the three cloud gods of transmission.

Like Emperor Yan, they all belonged to the second-level gods.

Thunderbolt Cloud is an all-blue, muscular and human-like elf that resembles the gods and monsters of the Arabic mythological story field.

White hair, pointy beard, blue pointed ears on both sides of the head, long, pointed purple unicorns on the head, and yellow eyes.

The blue undercolored half of the body is randomly distributed with purple spots, and the thorax is purple.

The arms are muscular, and the hands have five fingers.

The lower part of the body is completely wrapped in white clouds, and the thick and long purple chain meteor hammer-like tail.

And the thunder cloud also has a second form, the spirit beast form.

The thunder cloud in the form of a spirit beast became a bit like a dragon, the cloud under his feet shifted to his hands, his beard was more elongated, and there was a blue jewel at the purple pattern at the navel.

The introduction to Raiden Cloud in the field of games is.

It will fly around above the congregation to create lightning and cause wildfires.

The temperament is as cloudy and uncertain as the weather, and likes to move around, flying at high speed; Causing thunderstorms and wildfires is actually a prank of its intentions.

Causing thunderstorms and wildfires…

It is not difficult to see from the introduction that the lightning cloud is powerful and terrifying!

[Broken tail of the lightning cloud: The energy of the flying system has been absorbed, and only part of the energy of the electric system remains, which can be absorbed by the power supply system. 】

“The secret treasure that I was given before, the Evolution Stone, and the horror are nothing to the big forces in Tu Dynasty.”

“I’m afraid that the real essence of these great forces is the items related to the Divine Beast.”

“A rainbow-colored feather can create a champion-level elf in the country, and the foundation of these great forces is really not to be underestimated!”

After having a preliminary understanding of the horror of the big forces, Gu Yu looked at the last picture of the gift box.

Xia Pengyu also opened the last gift box.

A USB stick lies quietly in it.

“The qualifying tournaments are the same as all the competitions you’ve played before.”

“A lot of your opponents are king-level trainers, and you have to know your opponents.”

“The information in this is obtained by No. 1 in the alliance database by using his own authority.”

“It is the information of the current registered and likely to register for the qualification tournament of the King of Heaven level trainers.”

“If you use it well, the map is a weapon for you to advance!”

Hearing Xia Pengyu’s words, Gu Yu actually wanted to change it into a secret treasure.

For ordinary trainers, the information in the U disk is naturally very precious, and the victory or defeat of the elf game is often in a flash.

It can be seen from Gu Yu’s fight with Meng Shihan.

The match between the two sides was actually caused by a mistake by Shanado.

Knowing the opponent’s information in advance can naturally make effective predictions for the opponent’s tactics.

For example, if the opponent’s ace is a fire elf, save a powerful water elf for the last target.

Although it is not 100% winning, it can at least increase the probability of winning.

But for Gu Yu.

This stuff really doesn’t work.

After all, the information of the opponent elf was completely hidden from his eyes.

However, Gu Yu couldn’t say it either, so he pretended to be surprised on the surface.

“With the information around the U disk, I have a greater probability of advancing to the quarterfinals!”

“Train yourself during this time, by the way, one more thing.”

Xia Pengyu suddenly remembered something, and a dignified color appeared on his face.

“During the time you challenged the dojo, I made a special observation of Candice as a woman.”

“Although this woman is very well disguised, there is one thing that caught my attention.”

“As an exchange student’s teacher, when she was teaching, her Nine Tails once behaved a little sleepily when teaching elven skills.”

“Logically, a trainer, even if he is only a Daoguan-level trainer, will not be unable to restrain the elves.”

“As a teacher sent by the University of Melbourne, it should be elite, and this situation should not happen.”

“I don’t deny that there is such a probability, after all, it is normal for elves to have occasional tempers.”

“But combined with the performance of a smoker woman, when she first came, I suspect she hid her true strength.”

“These elves are just temporary ones she has found to cover people’s ears!”

Xia Pengyu’s voice carried a warning meaning, although it was not explicitly said, but the subtext was to let Gu Yu be careful of Candice!

Gu Yu was naturally aware of this woman’s problem.

“I have already guessed the identity of this woman, and I suspect that she should have been sent by the God Organization.”

Xia Pengyu’s brow frowned, and a glint of essence flashed in his eyes, obviously thinking about Candice’s identity.

Gu Yu was being targeted by the Divine Organization, and he also knew about it.

He had previously speculated that Candice had some plots, but hadn’t thought about it toward the Order of God.

“If Candice is really a member of the Divine Organization, then the forces outside the Divine Organization are a little terrifying!”

Xia Pengyu’s voice was full of jealousy and surprise.

Melbourne is a world-renowned elven university.

The God Organization can use the University of Melbourne for an exchange student program.

This is enough to show that the power of the God Organization is terrible!

“If Candice is really a member of the Divine Organization, her strength should be at least the level of the High Priest!”

“With such strength, in the absence of the principal, only I can stabilize her head.”

“But we don’t have any evidence right now, so we can do it directly to Candice.”

“After all, her foreign identity, the slightest carelessness will evolve into a diplomatic event!”

After Xia Pengyu finished speaking, he glanced at Gu Yu and saw the meaning in each other’s eyes.


Only surround a thousand days to be a thief, where there are a thousand days to prevent thieves!

Moreover, as long as Wan Qianfeng was not there, Zhejiang University was basically the territory of Xia Pengyu and Gu Yu.

Surround yourself with undercover agents of hostile forces.

In this case, it is not normal for the two to have no reaction!

After thinking for a moment, Xia Pengyu hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth again.

“Without evidence, it’s hard for us to do!”

“My opinion is that it can be done in both directions.”

“How about a two-pronged approach?”

Gu Yu asked.

Xia Pengyu took a look at Gu Yu, and Gu Yu instantly had a good premonition in his heart, and then he heard Xia Pengyu’s voice.

“The first way is to find someone to get in close contact with Candice.”

“See if you can gather evidence that Candice is a member of the Order of God.”

“Since the target of the Divine Order is you, it is most appropriate for you to make contact with Candice!”

The corners of Gu Yu’s mouth twitched slightly: “Are you sure that this is not sending sheep into the tiger’s mouth?” ”

“Your current strength is not weak, there are a few king-level elves, even if Candice is the high priest of the Divine Organization, he will not be able to defeat you in a short time.”

“And I’ll pay attention to your situation too.”

“Once you find Candice doing something to you, leave and move over and take you away.”

“Your method is too dangerous for me, I have to think about it.”

“What is the second method?”

Gu Yu asked Bu.

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