Chapter 201: The God of Knowledge! Cosmogo Evolution! Bishop’s gift!!

Listening to Ye Mengyao’s words, Candice, who was hesitating, instantly rose up in a nameless rage!

“I am Tuan Ru Ye Hongyi, and also the bishop of the Divine Organization, can I still be inferior to a little girl?”

Candice also made up her mind.

On the surface, Candice still had a smile on her face.

“The gift I prepared for Gu Yu was put in the gymnasium lounge when I changed my clothes just now.”

“I wanted to wait for the dinner party to end and then give it to Gu Yu, since Ye Classmate wanted to see the teacher take it now!”

After speaking, under the gaze of the sleepy people, Candice stepped forward to the contestant passage.

After Candice left, the crowd began to talk.

“What is the gift of Teacher Candice?”

“It shouldn’t be more precious than the secret treasure!”

“I’m starting to get curious, do you know what gifts Teacher Candice will prepare?”


Xia Pengyu looked at Candice’s back and secretly thought, “Candice is sure of Gu Yu’s plot. ”

“But the difference between which force is Candice is big.”

“In the end, the University of Melbourne is still an elf school, and it will not pose a threat to Gu Yu’s life.”

“But if Candice is a member of the Order of God.”

“The most likely move is that Candice will definitely use a heavy gift to gain Gu Yu’s trust.”

“As long as Gu Yu believes in Candice and leaves the Dragon Kingdom’s sphere of influence, then it will only be left to be slaughtered!”

Just then, Candice walked back through the contestant aisle with a pink gift box.

Under the gaze of everyone at the dinner party, Candice handed the gift box to Gu Yu.

“Gu Yu! Open it up and see! ”

“It’s my Christmas present for you!”

Gu Yu was also not polite and took the gift box.

Under the gaze of everyone, the gift box was opened directly.

Then a red gem the size of a thumb appeared in the eyes of everyone.

At this time, the discussion also sounded.

“Am I not mistaken?” Is Candice’s gift a red gemstone? ”

“You read that right, what I saw was also a red gem. I remember that one of the elf props was a red gem! ”

“How do you look at something, that is, an ordinary red gem!”


At this moment, Candice’s voice sounded and began to introduce the origin of the gem.

“Gu Yu, I know that you have subdued the Divine Beast Terra Ola.”

“I guess you should be very interested in the Divine Beast, and the rubies are related to the ‘God of Knowledge’ Yukshi.”

“The gem noodles contain the energy of Kashi. Hope you can enjoy it! ”

The banquet scene fell with Candice’s voice, and the whole scene was instantly silent, and everyone was momentarily stunned and trapped in place.

His face was full of disbelief, and he looked at Gu Yu’s eyes with even more shock!

In a moment, the sound of discussion sounded like a volcanic eruption!

“I heard you right! Something to do with the Divine Beast?! ”

“You heard it right, I also heard about the Divine Beast, and I know if it’s true or not.”

“Surely it’s true, didn’t Teacher Candice say that there was energy in the gem by Kashi?” This kind of thing can be determined by casually finding someone to identify, and you can’t do it if you want to cheat! ”

“Is the University of Melbourne so rich?!” Although it is not a divine beast, the things related to the divine beast are also very valuable, and they are sent away? ”


Xia Pengyu on the side, seeing a scene, there was surprise in his eyes at the same time, but also with a hint of shock.

“I can come up with something!”

“Even if the University of Melbourne has this kind of thing, it will most likely not be used to win Gu Yu over.”

“So Candice’s identity is…”

Looking at the red gem in the gift box, a message appeared in front of Gu Yu’s eyes.

[Yuki’s Ruby: Because of the red gem that was dropped from Yuki’s body during the Great War, the gem containing super-energy energy has been partially absorbed.] 】

Knowledge Reunion God!

By Keshi!

By Keshi’s body is partly gray.

There are two gray tails, each with a ruby at the end.

Yuki’s face is partly yellow, with a ruby on his forehead and the decoration on the top of his head like a helmet.

From the race to the garden, by Kashi is only a second-level god.

But Yukishi has a backstage!

By Keshi, Emly, Aknom and called the Three Sacred Mushroom.

Backstage of the Three Sacred Mushroom is the ‘Creator God’ Alzeus!

As the loyal younger brother of Arzeus, the Three Sacred Mushrooms were, to some extent, a transcendent position among the Yang Divine Beasts.

“The picture icing that Candice has prepared for me is really big enough!”

“With this ruby, plus the crystals of Diochsius.”

“Cosmogu is only afraid that after evolution, he can evolve again without leaving!”

“However, even Yukshi was swept away by the flames of war.”

“What the hell was going on at that time? Why did the Divine Beasts engage in such a large-scale and fierce battle with each other? ”

Gu Yu secretly thought in his heart, and the sound of sound on the surface was sleepy.

“I love this gift from Teacher Candice!”

Hearing Gu Yu’s words, Candice’s smile was even brighter.

“Gu Yu, as long as you like!”

After saying that, Candice turned her head to look at Ye Mengyao beside Gu Yu.

Two women and four eyes facing each other.

Candice’s eyes are full of pride!

At this moment, Gu Yu’s voice sounded.

“Mengyao, Teacher Candice, I have also prepared a gift for you.”

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yu handed the gift to the second daughter.

Candice smiled and took the gift and then took it apart.

I saw that there were five brushes of different sizes and lengths inside.

The tip of the brush is a dazzling gold.

“It’s a brush made from the hair that fell from Terraora’s body.”

“Although it is not as good as the secret treasure, it is also the only item in the world, I don’t know if Teacher Candice likes it?”

Knowing that Candice had a problem, Gu Yu naturally wouldn’t send Candice anything valuable.

It’s nice to be the only one in the world to say it.

But it can’t change that, that’s the reality of a brush.

Looking at the brush in her hand, Candice’s face flashed with longing.

“Terra Ola and Gu Yu are mine!”

Candice smiled and replied, “Gu Yu, I like your gift very much!” ”

Ye Mengyao also opened the gift box that Gu Yu handed her.

Inside the box was a glass bottle the size of a fist.

A drop of dark blue, crystal clear water is enclosed in the glass bottle.

It was the mysterious water droplet that Gu Yu obtained at the Sea God Festival!

[Mysterious Water Droplets: Absorbing the water attribute energy in the body of the Nursery Spirit will be permanently increased.] 】

Gu Yu’s water elf only faces Menas.

The mysterious water droplet can only be used once again.

This mysterious drop of water, Gu Yu left in his hand was useless, simply as a gift to Ye Mengyao.

“This is the mysterious water droplet I got from the Sea God Festival, I hope Mengyao you like it!”

Listening to Gu Yu’s voice, the originally calm dinner scene was fried again!

“Sleeper! It’s a mysterious droplet! Although it is not a prop, if it is absorbed by the elves, the effect is the same as that of the secret treasure! ”

“Mysterious water droplets are too rare! Although the sleepy can carry it, it is not as effective as the secret treasure, but it is precious enough! ”

“Looking at the gifts that Yu Yu prepared for Teacher Candice and Ye Mengyao, I kind of understand that some people succeed for a reason!”

“That’s right! The gift prepared by Gu Yu is indeed heartfelt! ”


Ye Mengyao looked at the mysterious water droplets in his hand, and his face was full of joy…

“I love your gift!” Thank you! Gu Yu! ”

After speaking, Ye Mengyao immediately looked at Candice.

Two women and four eyes facing each other.

Ye Mengyao shook the mysterious water droplet in his hand again, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Little girl! Don’t be careful! ”

Candice had a twinkle of anger in her eyes.

Although the gift to Gu Yu was old, Candice pressed Ye Mengyao’s head.

But Gu Yu returned the gift, Ye Mengyao won more than one Candice.

The brush is also a brush no matter how precious, and the most it is to write and write.

But mysterious droplets are not the same!

This is a real item that can be compared to a secret treasure!

“As long as I find the opportunity, Gu Yu and even the Divine Beast are mine!”

“When the time comes, I will let you know what pain is!”

As she thought about it, Candice also began to think about the next plan.

After Gu Yumian gave the gifts to Ye Mengyao and Candice, he gave the prepared gifts to Shen Yuezhu, Xia Pengyu and others.

Then, after simply eating something, he left with the gift he received with his second daughter.

After returning to the villa, as soon as he opened the door, Gu Yu saw Li Oulu and Ghost Si.



The two elves saw Gu Yu come back and shouted hello.

Gu Yu then released his elves.

Kosmogu, Wind Speed Dog, Sticky Dragon, Menas, Terra Ola and other elves were all released by Gu Yu.

Although Gu Yu had previously guessed that Candice did not dare to move, just in case, he still brought the main elves he was encircling.

Looking at the ruby of Yukeshi in the gift box, Gu Yu said to himself, “The God Organization really shot because of the party!” ”

“I really want to see how many good treasures there are in the treasure house of the God Organization or other great forces!”


Just then, Cosmogu floated over.

Looking at the rubies in the gift box and feeling the power in them, Kosmogu’s eyes flashed a trace of longing.

Then he looked at Gu Yu and shouted, “Mogu! ”

Gu Yu instantly understood, “Do you want to absorb the energy trapped inside?” ”


Kosmogu shouted.

“Then you absorb it!”

Gu Yu agreed.

After all, sooner or later it was for Cosmogou.

If Cosmogo, absorption is best if it can evolve.

“Mogu! (×1)”

Cosmogu cried out in pleasure, and then his body floated to the ruby square in the gift box.

In the next instant, a dazzling red glow emanated from the ruby and was then absorbed by Cosmogo.

【Ding! Kosmogu absorbs rubies by Kashi to gain a lot of experience! 】

【Ding! Cosmogu upgraded to level 38! 】

【Ding! Cosmogo upgraded to Vice Level 39! 】


【Ding! Cosmogu upgraded to Vice Level 49! 】

【Ding! Cosmogu evolved into Cosmoum! 】

【Ding! Cosmos understands the skill Cosmic Power! 】

[Cosmic Power: Absorb the mysterious power of the Cosmic Field to improve your own defense and special defense. 】

With the sound of the circle system’s prompt, Cosmogo’s body was instantly enveloped in a dazzling white light!

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