Chapter 208 The cheers of the whole audience at the scene! To the amazement of the crowd!!

“Gu Yu! This time I hope to be able to fight with you once! ”

Gu Yu smelled the prestige of a man with dark skin and two sideburns that were already white, and then he came into view.

It is the main garden of the Great Tunnel Museum Goofy!

“I’m also looking forward to playing against the Stone Hall Lord!”

Gu Yu replied.

The main owner of the Taoist Museum is actually divided into three, six, and nine.

The strongest nature is Su Tianhe.

If Su Tianhe had become the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom long ago because the main force was mainly grass.

The worse ones were the Cold as Frost Chart Heavenly King-level Trainers.

The bottom is naturally the kind of Shigu Lan, there are two three Heavenly King Elves, but most of the elves are quasi-Heavenly King Daoist masters.

Before the start of the game, Gu Yu had learned about Gao Fei’s information.

When the peak of the high flying can be pressed cold as frost.

However, due to an accident, he fought with the king of the border neighbors.

Resulting in the death of two King-level main forces.

Although new elves have been re-cultivated over the years, they are worse than their peaks.

Overall, it’s a little bit worse than the cold as frost today.

As the two were talking, an old voice sounded from behind Gu Yu.

“What a hero out of a teenager! I didn’t expect to compete with a 20-year-old one day! ”

Seeing the face of the fallen man, Shi Gaofei was first stunned, and then his voice was surprised.

“I didn’t expect the seniors to come to the qualifiers!”

“That old guy in Yuan Hanhai can’t come down from the position of the Heavenly King, so what about me coming to participate in the qualification tournament?”

Gu Yu also saw the appearance of the person who came at this time.

The man had white hair, a slightly emaciated figure, and his old face was full of wrinkles, but his eyes were shining!

Shi Gaofei also began to introduce the identity of the old man.

“Gu Yu, this old ancestor is Principal Dong Yushu of Jida!”

Gein’s headmaster…

Gu Yu thought of Kong Xingyu for the first time.

Dong Yushu’s eyes stared at Gu Yu, and the old man’s face appeared with emotion.

“I watched the battle between you and my disciple Xingyu, but I really didn’t expect to be able to compete with you one day!”

“I’m looking forward to playing against my seniors!”

Gu Yu replied.

Dong Yushu nodded, “Your Terra Aura is very strong, but as long as it doesn’t break through the hundred levels, Bangira will be weaker than any elf.” ”

“Xingyu lost to you only because his Bangila cultivation is not in place, if there is a chance to fight, I will let you and Terra Ola experience the horror of Bangila!”

After speaking, Dong Yushu shook his head again.

“It is too early for the present ancestor to say that all this is too early, let’s go to the draw!”

The three men came to the scene where the numbers were drawn.

This time, a total of 527 people registered for the King Challenge Qualifiers.

In the first round of competition, the King of Heaven Challenge adopts a points elimination system.

The 527ers took turns to start the matinee game.

Each person starts with 2 points, and 1 point is deducted for a loss, and the winner will receive 1 point.

If the points are cleared, you will lose your eligibility.

In the end, 128 players with the highest points were selected to advance to the next round.

But the number of 128 people is still a little more.

Taking the Fast Dragon Medal as a reference, there are only fifty-one trainers who have won the Fast Dragon Medal in the figure of the players who participated in the competition once.

At least one of the elves was a Heavenly King-level trainer, only fifty-one.

In order to eliminate these relatively weak trainers as soon as possible.

In the second round of matches, the country is taken six against six, but three against three.

Consider that there may also be some trainers who are lucky and not eliminated.

The third round of the game is also taken three against three.

It started in the round of thirty-two that we really started to get to six against six.

At this time, the worst trainers were all Shi Gulan trapped at a level!

This is also the fundamental reason why netizens feel that Gu Yu can play the top sixteen at most!

Number 188!

This was the number that Gu Yu had drawn once.

At 9:30 the game officially began.

Before the start of the competition, the opening ceremony is 9:00 sharp.

8:40 is the time of entry.

After drawing the numbers, Gu Yu waited in the runners’ passage with all the players.

At the runner’s passage, Gu Yu also saw a lot of familiar faces, Shi Gulan, the owner of the Canghai Daoist Museum, and Meng Shihan, the owner of the Tianfu Daoist Museum…

At 8:40 a.m., everyone walked out of the runners’ aisle together.

In an instant, hundreds of cameras were on the scene and aimed at the players who walked out of the passage.

The figures of Gu Yu and others instantly appeared on the big screen at the scene.

The on-site commentary yelled, “Ladies! Gentlemen! Let us welcome this year’s contestants with the warmest applause! ”


The applause of the Poseidon Gymnasium is like a tidal wave, a wave of high reason!

And the participant Tian, the most popular Gu Yu, received the most cheers!

“Gu Yu! Come on! ”

“Gu Yu, you are the best!”

“Come on Gu Yu! Reach the quarterfinals! ”


For the sound of smoke and cheering, Gu Yu also waved.

After the entrance ceremony.

On the opening day, it was the turn of various guests to speak.

As the Heavenly King of the Dragon Kingdom, Ye Hongyi was naturally the first to take the stage to give a speech.

Jiepu is the governor of Hai Province, Shi Wenbin, the former owner of Canghai Daoguan, and Tong Zhen, president of Hainan Elf University…


The guest speech ended and the King of Heaven Challenge Qualifier officially began!


The steel floor of the site cracked, and the geotechnical field of thousands of square meters in the three maps slowly rose!

The broadcast then begins to play the rules of the match.

“In the first round of points elimination, the two sides took a two-on-two match, and the two elves on either side fell to the ground first, even if it was a failure.”

“Each elf on both sides can only carry one item.”

“If you find that the noodles are carrying more than the number of props specified in the competition, you will be disqualified from the competition immediately.”

“After the elves appear, within 3 minutes, unless they fall to the ground and get trapped, they cannot exchange elves.”

“After more than 3 minutes, you can get a chance to exchange elves.”

The sound of the broadcast had just fallen, and the playing field was ready.

“If there is no doubt, the Qualifiers of the King of Heaven Challenge have officially begun!”

“In the first arena, the No. 188 Gu Yu player against the No. 97 Du Liang player.”

“Arena No. 2, No. 431 Wang Peng vs. No. 201 player Shi Gulan.”

“In the third arena, No. 355 player Fang Leng vs. No. 112 player Zhou Kun.”

“Players, please be on the field immediately, if you do not play within ten minutes, you will be automatically disqualified!”

Hearing the sound of the overturned radio, Gu Yu immediately walked to the arena.

Along with Gu Yu was Shi Gulan.

The two walked side by side, and Shi Gulan took the initiative to speak.

“Gu Yu, don’t lose here, I’m still looking forward to playing with you again!”

“Losing to a freshman made me depressed for a long time, and this time I want to find sleepy!”

Recalling his victory over Shi Gulan, Gu Yu’s eyes showed a hint of war.

“Rest assured! My group will lose! ”

“I’m looking forward to another duel with you!”

After speaking, Gu Yu came to the first arena.

Dozens of cameras at the scene were also aimed at Gu Yu, and Gu Yu’s figure immediately appeared on the big screen.

The referee saw that both players were in place and immediately announced the start of the match.

“The race has officially begun! Here’s a show for both players to send elves! ”

Du Liang, who was wearing black-rimmed glasses, looked at Gu Yu on the other side and said a wonderful word.

After taking a deep breath, he sent out his own elves.

A 39-level rumbling rock.

Gu Yupaitian’s was a wind speed dog.

Seeing the level of the rumbling rock, Gu Yu instantly understood that Du Liang had only come to make up the number this time.

Immediately issued an order: “Wind speed dog! Quickly! Then cast the Iron Tail! ”

“Rumble Rock! Shake! ”

Du Liang’s reaction was fast, but the wind speed of the dog was faster.

In the next instant, the wind speed dog appeared directly in front of Rumble Rock’s body.

A large tail with a shimmering metallic sheen draws directly towards the rumbling rock.

Rumble Rock was directly pumped away, slammed to the ground, directly unconscious Rumble Rock was already twice as weak steel, plus the positive level gap, the wind speed dog directly killed Rumble Rock!

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats Rumble Rock and gains 7000 XP! 】

“Rumble Rock fell to the ground! Please change the elves! ”

Du Liang listened to the referee’s voice, the corners of his mouth showed a bitter smile, and his eyes were full of helplessness.

After recovering the Rumble Rock, Paitan himself was his second elf.

Level 45 Tyrannosaurus Rex!

“Tyrannosaurus! Water cannon! ”

“Wind speed dog! Lightning teeth! ”


The wind dog barked and then disappeared into place.

When it reappeared, it had already come to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the blood basin opened widely, and the yellow lightning in its mouth was dense.

Then bite the Tyrannosaurus rex directly.


With the crackling sound of watching the lightning, the tyrannosaurus dragon let out a scream of pain!

With a thud, the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex fell violently, smashing the geotechnical field out of a pit.

Tyrannosaurus rex with four times weaker electricity, directly killed by the wind speed dog!

【Ding! Wind Speed Dogs defeat Tyrannosaurus Rex and gain 20,000 experience points! 】

“Tyrannosaurus rex fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the scene was instantly filled with applause and cheers!

“Kill two elves in a second!” Gu Yu is awesome! ”

“It feels like Gu Yu’s strength is underestimated!” This strength feels more than just the top sixteen! ”

“In the face of an opponent who is longer than myself, killing two elves in a row in a row, I really can’t think of any other words besides!”


Ye Mengyao, who was sitting in the first row, also gave Gu Yu applause when he saw this scene.

Ye Hongyi in the guest seat, at this time, the corners of his mouth also showed a smile.

The former owner of the Canghai Daoist Hall and Shi Gulan’s father, Shi Wenbin, did not skimp on his praise.

Looking at Gu Yu walking down the field, he applauded and praised at the same time.

“It is truly worthy of being the successor recognized by the Yuan Heavenly King!”

“If you see it with your own eyes, it is difficult to imagine that a young man has such strength at the age of twenty!”

Tong Zhen, president of Hainan Elf University, also nodded when he heard Vice Shi Wenbin’s words.

“Gu Yu’s future is unlimited, but unfortunately he is still younger.”

“If you give Gu Yu a few more years, it will be difficult to win the qualifying tournament, but now he is still younger!”

Shi Wenbin nodded and approved of Tong Zhen’s words.

The game on the field continues.

When the first day of the points elimination tournament is over, it will be similar to Du Liangzhong just to make up the number of players who are basically eliminated.

After the game, Gu Yu’s record of total victory once again became the focus of discussion on the whole network!

Direct airborne the top five hot search of the whole network!

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