The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Wan Lu, who is he?"

In a corner near the window of the cafe, Li Yu calmly opened the photo album on his phone, turned the phone upside down, and put it in front of the girl who seemed to have delicate makeup, but he didn't know how much foundation she had applied on her flawless face.

There were two people in the photo, a man and a woman.

The girl was full of smiles, holding the man's arm, and snuggled into the colorfully decorated couple hotel.

Although it was only a side profile, both Li Yu and Wan Lu, who was sitting opposite, were very familiar with her.

"As the person involved, aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

"What does this prove?"

Wan Lu leaned back on the chair behind her and said nonchalantly:

"It's just a meal with classmates, do you have to do this? And taking secret photos, Li Yu, is it interesting!"

"I'm so untrustworthy!"

Li Yu looked up at her. It has come to this point of confrontation. She wouldn't really think that there is only this little evidence, right?

"Trust? Maybe there was in the past, but now you, are you worthy?"


Wan Lu was still talking, but Li Yu had no intention of continuing to listen.

"That's it..."

After looking at her for the last time, Li Yu stood up and left without looking back.

In the coffee shop, watching Li Yu's back as he left, Wan Lu frowned, then turned on his phone and made a call.

"Hello, Brother Wang, I have broken up with that poor guy. Are you free now? I miss you."

. . .

The sky darkened unknowingly.

Li Yu walked down the street, feeling a bad temper in his heart. He and Wan Lu met in college. Now two years after graduation, the woman he had been thinking of saving money to marry for life suddenly cheated on him.

Forget it, I will never believe in love again!

The dark clouds above my head are constantly pressing down, and it is about to rain.

At this time, the phone rang, and the caller ID showed Boss Zhang, and he picked up the phone subconsciously.

"Xiao Li, the company has closed down. You don't have to come tomorrow. Our small company doesn't have any resignation procedures. I will deposit the last salary into your card."

Li Yu was stunned: "Why did the company close down when it was fine?"

"Well, it's a long story, so I won't talk about it for now. That's it, I'll hang up first." The other party sighed and hung up the phone.

It's really unlucky to break up and lose your job, but he is alone now. As long as he is still alive, he can withstand any big blow.


Thunder broke through the sky, followed by muffled thunder and thousands of raindrops, pouring down on the world.

Li Yu was awakened by the cold rain hitting his forehead, and there was no time for him to be depressed.

Along the way, he ran and jumped to avoid puddles on the gravel road. Finally, because the rain was too heavy, he found a place under the eaves to hide from the rain.

There was a cardboard box piled up in a corner under the eaves.

Snap, snap...

A series of rapid and tiny footsteps in the water came into Li Yu's ears. Unlike the tapping sound of rain, this series of footsteps sounded like an animal.

Looking at the source of the sound, a black puppy not much taller than Li Yu's ankle, holding a piece of meat half the size of its face, ran towards the eaves.

When it noticed the presence of humans, it braked suddenly, and its short four legs almost couldn't support its body.

Li Yu looked at it and saw the alertness in its eyes, so he moved two steps to the right side of the eaves.

After hesitating for a while and confirming that Li Yu would not hurt him, the little black dog slowly ran over.

Almost turning back every three steps, it bit the pork belly under the eaves with its wet little head, and squeezed open the cardboard box under the eaves and put the meat in.

Then, it squeezed in, and did not forget to bite the wet paper that it had squeezed back to its original shape.

However, it was not clear whether it was not strong enough or the angle problem. The little black dog tried four or five times, but failed to completely restore the box.


Looking at this clumsy little guy, Li Yu somehow thought of himself after his parents had a car accident seven years ago. No matter how broken the box was, it was still its home.

Touched by the scene, Li Yu squatted down and stretched out his hand to help it restore the wet cardboard that was rotten beyond recognition.

It was because of squatting that I realized that there was not only this little guy in the box, but also a big dog lying on the ground, with black hair all over his body, just like the little dog.

The little guy didn't eat the meat he brought back, but put it in front of the big dog. After finding that he couldn't pull up the wet paper shell, he directly blocked the gap with his body.

, to protect the big dog from the wind and rain!


Looking at the little guy, licking the lifeless big dog's fur with his tongue, and pushing the meat he brought back to the big dog's mouth with his furry little head, Li Yu couldn't help but sigh that the pure emotions between animals were so moving.

Perhaps sensing his breath, the little black dog instantly turned his head and showed his small canine teeth like a hedgehog with its hair standing on end, and showed his claws to Li Yu!

Feeling its hostility, Li Yu didn't care too much, and took out the bread he had bought before from his pocket, which was originally prepared to be eaten as a midnight snack.

Tear open the packaging bag and put the bread in front of the little black dog.

The little black dog smelled the milky aroma of the bread, hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't resist the hungry stomach, and went forward to eat.


[Salvation of Living Beings: Merit +10! ]

When the mechanical electronic sound sounded, Li Yu suddenly froze for a moment.

Is this an auditory hallucination?

[The Enlightenment System for All Things is at your service! 】

After the system was fully loaded, all the relevant information about the system was stuffed into Li Yu's mind!

The enlightenment system, as long as the merit points are consumed, can enlighten any tangible object other than humans, give it spirituality and wisdom, and can strengthen and upgrade it.

As for how to obtain merit, the scope is wide. Saving a good person is good, killing an evil person is also good, rewarding good and punishing evil, this is the only task of the system!

[Enlightenment System for All Things]

Host: Li Yu

Merit: 10

Opened functions: awakening the spirit, evolution

[Awakening the spirit: Enlighten tangible objects to gain the wisdom of wise men. The larger the object, the greater the merit consumption! ]

[Evolution: Strengthen the life form of the enlightened! ]

Looking at the system interface that suddenly appeared, Li Yu was extremely excited, and his frustrated life was instantly filled with light.

What's a breakup and unemployment? I have a system!

As a senior online literature enthusiast, he understands!

At this time, heavy rain poured down.

This little guy can't be left alone.

After all, it is his lucky star and the hero who triggered the system. Li Yu feels that he should do something.

Turn on the phone screen, the time is 19:39.

The rain is getting heavier. It is the end of spring and the weather is still a bit cold. If this little guy stays here, he may not survive for more than a few days.

Facing the rain, Li Yu picked up the discarded cardboard box and decided to bury the big dog in a nearby open space.

[Dust to dust, earth to earth, merit +10! ]

After doing all this, the system sounded again, which made him happy. It seems that not only saving animals, but also burying animals can also gain merit.

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