The new game was a big success.

[Target search: Level 5 tentacle monster (one synthesis evolution)]

[Evolve to level 6, 8,000 merit points are required, do you want to evolve? ]


Li Yu found a secluded place and started to upgrade the tentacle monster.

Level 5 → Level 6

Level 6 → Level 7

. . .

Upgraded to level 10!

A total of 82,000 merit points were spent.

After upgrading 5 levels in a row, the originally small tentacle monster now looks like an elephant, with a feeling of a small mountain.

Its many tentacles stretched out, and they were as long as 30 meters, like the largest octopus monster in the ocean, and looked extremely terrifying.

After evolving to level 10, the flesh of the tentacle monster, including the tentacles, became extremely tight and tough, and the outer skin was like soft armor, and even a knife could not cut it.

Roughly estimated, its defense is probably one point stronger than that of the metal life King Kong!

This is simply a monster!

"Master! Thank you for upgrading me!" A muffled voice of thanks came from the round body of the tentacle monster.

Li Yu looked at the tentacle monster in front of him and found that there was an additional talent [Toughness] in the talent column on its attribute panel.

This is probably the reason why its body is so strong.

This talent can be integrated into his own body.

Li Yu was surprised.

After the spiritual creature evolves to a certain level, it seems that there is a probability that some other talents will be born.

These talents may be the ancient power hidden deep in its genes.

Similar to the black lines on Xiaoqing's body, but Xiaoqing has not yet shown an alternative talent.

It seems that as the level of the awakening creatures continues to rise, they may evolve more and more towards the direction of reversion.

In this process, if some other awakening creatures are synthesized, these talents may also undergo some unexpected fusion, thus giving birth to some more terrifying talents.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Li Yu pondered slightly.

However, the tentacle monster that was upgraded to level 10 at once has become too big!

It is not easy to hide on land. Although this is a rural area with many mountains and forests nearby and no surveillance, there is still a risk of being seen by others.

Or can you find a chameleon to synthesize the tentacle monster so that it has the ability to be invisible?

However, Li Yu does not want to use the rare synthesis opportunity for the invisibility ability for the time being.

After all, he already has Dark Night and Xiaoqing, the awakening creatures that can be invisible. If there is another tentacle monster, it seems a bit monotonous in terms of ability.

A giant like the tentacle monster is not suitable for assassination. Li Yu plans to send it to the south, where it can show its skills.

"Let the tentacle monster stay in the lake beside the lake city for the time being. This guy has the genes of a salamander and can be regarded as an amphibian. It won't have any effect if he stays in the lake for a short time. At most, he will pop up from time to time to breathe." Li Yu thought secretly.

As for the opportunity of synthesis, Li Yu has not yet decided what other awakening objects to use for synthesis.

Next, there are less than 40,000 points of merit left.

Li Yu originally wanted to upgrade other awakening objects, but because the tentacle monster is too large, it is not convenient to show off in the market, and it must be transferred through the internal space of the infinite bag.

The current capacity of the infinite bag is 10 cubic meters. It is still difficult to fit the tentacle monster, so he decided to upgrade the infinite bag to another level.

It just so happened that the Infinite Bag had been brought to the Golden Eagle in the morning, and there were still a lot of seafood inside.

[Search: Level 5 Infinite Bag]

[Level 5→Level 6, 10,000 Merits are required! ]


The next moment, the Infinite Bag was successfully upgraded to Level 6, and its volume increased from 10 cubic meters to 50 cubic meters.

It can almost hold the tentacle monster.

After upgrading the Infinite Bag, Li Yu came to King Kong.

He patted the body of King Kong and said with a little emotion: "Old friend, it's time to upgrade you!"

King Kong is the lowest level among the awakened creatures, only Level 2, but it is very special. It becomes a metal life at the first awakening, and it can have the ability to transform and eat food to evolve itself at Level 2.

Moreover, King Kong's defense and combat power are quite good.

In order to fight in the south, Li Yu thinks that King Kong should be well equipped.

It is crucial to upgrade it.

So, he started to upgrade King Kong.

King Kong was originally very large. It needed a lot of merit points when it was just awakened. It would cost a lot of merit points to upgrade it.

However, Li Yu still tried his best to upgrade it.

It took a total of 25,000 merit points to upgrade it to level 5.

King Kong also had a new talent at level 5.

[Particle Extension]: It can control the distance between its own metal molecules, allowing its own body shape and form to change further.

In other words, King Kong with the [Particle Extension] talent can freely control its own body size, and in terms of changes, it can also further change into more forms and functions.

For example, the original King Kong can only change between the body and the metal giant body, and at most, it can eat different metal weapons and incorporate them into its own body to change into corresponding weapons.

Now, King Kong can not only change between the body and the giant body, but also change into any weapon freely, and control its own size, from the smallest to the size of a palm to the largest to become the pillar of the sky. As long as it eats enough metal, its size can theoretically increase infinitely.

These merit points are worth spending!

Li Yu checked King Kong's attribute panel and studied its information, and felt that he had another monster under his hand.

[Ding! Found a talent that can be fused, toughness]

[2000 merit points are required to fuse toughness! ]

At this time, the new talent of the tentacle monster that had just been upgraded to level 10 could be fused after being judged by the system.

It happened that the remaining merit points were enough, and Li Yu merged the [Toughness] talent into himself without saying a word.

After a burst of white light, Li Yu felt that his body was stronger than before.

Previously, his physical fitness was raised by the increase of huge strength, but the whole person was still flesh and blood, and it was easy to be injured by firepower weapons.

After integrating toughness, he found that his physique seemed to have undergone a fundamental change. His cells became tougher and different from those of ordinary people.

Although he still looked like an ordinary person, his cells, bones, fascia, skin, etc. were all different from those of ordinary people.

His defense ability was greatly enhanced!

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