After killing Bai Yingxiong, Li Yu asked the golden eagle to come closer, and he jumped on the back of the golden eagle and roared back to his country.

The tentacle monsters left behind, as well as King Kong, Dark Night and Xiaoqing, were responsible for cleaning up.

Anyway, Li Yu didn't need to worry about the follow-up.

In this area, the military headquarters had no power to resist, and there would be no resistance in other places around.

So next, we just need to deal with some aftermath.

Kill all the soldiers who should be killed, get a wave of merit, and then let Liu Junya clean up the funds provided by Bai Yingxiong, and kill some other remaining evil forces outside the military headquarters.

These things were left to An Ye and Xiao Qing, and there was no difficulty at all.

As for whether the tentacle monster would be discovered by the satellite in the sky tomorrow, he didn't have to worry at all, because as soon as the sun rose, the tentacle monster would find a big river to hide in, so there was no need to worry about being discovered.

And King Kong could be big or small, so he was not afraid of being seen.

In the night, Li Yu sat on the back of the golden eagle and quickly returned to the Qingshan Village Farm in China.

With the cover of the night, no one found out, and even the satellite in the sky couldn't see the figure of the golden eagle.

After all, there was not enough light at night, and with the obstruction of the clouds, it was extremely difficult to lock onto a free-flying golden eagle.

However, Li Yu still kept a watchful eye. He asked Xiao Ji to activate his super hacker ability and invade all satellite systems, directly allowing the satellite system to block the search to the south.

This caused technicians from various countries to be on high alert, and it took a long time to regain control of the satellite system.

After everything returned to normal, the high-level officials of various countries had no way to investigate the whereabouts of the golden eagle.

Li Yu had already returned to his room and fell asleep happily.

Early the next morning.

After washing up, Li Yu couldn't wait to open the system and check the gains on it.

He looked at the column of merit points.

[Merit points: 712368 points]

There are more than 700,000!

This is really scary!

Li Yu was very excited.

So many merit points, but only destroyed the headquarters of a 2,000-man army.

You know, although the Gan area is more famous, it is not the strongest among all the warlord forces in the south. There are at least Wa Army, Ke Army, Southern Shan Army, Northern Shan Army, etc. stronger than Gan. . . .

There are many warlords in the entire southern region, and Gan is just one of them.

None of these warlords are good, all of them are the targets that Li Yu will harvest next.

Even the entire small country in the south may not be impossible to conquer.

Anyway, with Li Yu's current ability surpassing the conventional spiritual creatures, whether it is a direct airborne sneak attack or a secret assassination, it is a dimensionality reduction attack.

Even if these troops have more people and stronger firepower, it is not so easy to fight against the spiritual creatures.

After all, Li Yu can be invisible, and there are infinite bags to be airdropped. Who can stop him when he directly opens the invincible in the crowd?

No matter how fiercely the firepower is deployed, it can only be a decoration.

Unless they have more powerful high-tech weapons, such as nuclear bombs, and they are released without regard for the consequences, it is possible to kill Li Yu's spiritual creatures.

But obviously they don't have it.

Li Yu looked at the large amount of merit points on the system interface happily.

So many merit points, if they don't improve them well and turn them into stronger strength, it would be a real waste!

Therefore, Li Yu did not have time to communicate with the spiritual creatures far to the south through telepathy, and he started to improve himself directly.

First, he upgraded his spider sense talent and self-healing talent, as well as the toughness talent that had just been fused, to level 2.

These two talents had actually met the conditions for upgrading when the tentacle monster was upgraded to level 10 before, but they were delayed because of insufficient merit points.

Now that there are enough merit points, it is naturally time to upgrade.

[Spider sense upgraded to lv2, 3000 merit points are required, do you want to upgrade? ]

[Self-healing upgraded to lv2, 15000 merit points are required, do you want to upgrade? ]

[Toughness upgraded to lv2. 8000 merit points are required, do you want to upgrade? ]

In total, it only takes more than 20,000 merit points, just a little bit.


Yu upgraded without hesitation.

Instantly, a strange warm current flowed through his body.

Li Yu found that his perception of the outside world became clearer, and the range was several times larger than before. The spider sense could sense a distance of hundreds of meters.

Although he could not feel anything about the improvement of self-healing ability, he believed that it was definitely better than before when it was level 1.

As for the improvement of toughness talent, Li Yu felt that his defense, physique, etc. had undergone a further qualitative change.

This time, he could feel his powerful defense without testing. Ordinary guns would probably not break his skin when they hit him!

This improvement made Li Yu extremely comfortable and full of security.

There were still a lot of merit points left. His own talents that could be improved had already been improved once, so naturally he could only improve the level of the awakening object.

At present, he already has a level 10 tentacle monster and a level 10 dark night. If these two spiritual creatures want to continue to upgrade their levels, they need to consume a lot of merit points. Although there are hundreds of thousands of merit points this time, I am afraid that they will only be enough to upgrade them a few levels, which is not cost-effective.

So he decided to give priority to upgrading other things that should be upgraded.

For example, the level 5 golden eagle can be upgraded to level 10.

For example, the level 5 Xiaoqing can also be upgraded to level 10.

For example, the level 5 electric eel in the sea must also be upgraded to level 10.

By the way, upgrade the lighthouse jellyfish and water bear to level 10. After all, the talents they provide are very useful, and at level 10, they can also become tools for synthetic evolution. At that time, you can selectively synthesize and evolve with other spiritual creatures.

In addition, there are some other special spiritual creatures with lower levels, such as Tao, who is still level 2, Xiaoji, and Xiaohei, who can also be selectively upgraded.

After calculating this way, these hundreds of thousands of merit points may not be enough!

Li Yu pondered for a moment, and then he didn't waste any more time and started to upgrade directly.

Let's start with the less expensive Turritopsis and Tardigrades.

It only took less than 10,000 merit points to upgrade these two to level 10.

After all, their original size was very small, at the millimeter level. Even at level 10, they only looked about the same size as the level 3 Little Black.

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