After leaving the rental house, Li Yu went directly to a nearby river to wash off the blood on his body.

Although he still regretted the missed merit points, he was more concerned about the information that the letter B leaked to Xiao Jiu at this time.

The information contained records about the letter organization's actions against him.

Although there was no specific and detailed process content, judging from the results, both operations ended in failure.

Although the letter organization did not know the specific reasons for the failure, this information would definitely arouse suspicion in the eyes of those who were interested.

After seeing this information, Xiao Jiu was afraid that she would be severely investigated by her.

Of course, with Li Yu's current ability, he was no longer afraid of investigation.

With hundreds of thousands of merit points, which can be converted into strength immediately, he already has the capital to be a native.

He looked at the time and it was still early, less than nine o'clock in the evening.

At this point, he could go to the beach to upgrade the electric eel, and then go to the south to upgrade Xiaoqing and the others.

After finding an uninhabited open area, Li Yu summoned the golden eagle, sat on its back, and flew towards the beach.

It took only more than ten minutes for him to reach the beach of the Magic City, which was near the sea area where he notified the electric eel to wait.

He found an uninhabited small island nearby, and after landing, the electric eel was already waiting for him in the water on the shore.

"Master!" The electric eel hadn't seen Li Yu for several days. When it saw Li Yu appear in front of it, it knew that Li Yu was going to upgrade it, so it was very excited.

"Well, you have worked hard these days. To praise you, I will upgrade you." Li Yu touched its head and smiled.

Then, Li Yu directly opened the system and started to upgrade the electric eel.

The electric eel was originally level 5, and Li Yu planned to upgrade it to level 10 in one go.

The upgrade process was very fast, and he spent a total of almost 180,000 merit points, and the electric eel successfully upgraded to level 10.

The level 10 electric eel was many times larger than before, and its entire body looked like a small mountain range.

The length was more than 200 meters!

The waist was more than 10 to 20 meters wide!

Such a huge electric eel could not fit in the shallows near the island!

The electric eel could only go to deeper waters.

Li Yu stood on the head of the electric eel and let the electric eel carry him and wandered in the ocean.

Feeling the huge body of the electric eel like a mountain under his feet, he had a huge ambition.

Such a huge electric eel is almost as big as those aircraft carriers! And the voltage it discharges is even more huge, exceeding one million volts!

It is conceivable that if this electric eel encounters an aircraft carrier, it will discharge electricity, and the aircraft carrier may not be able to withstand it!

Even if the aircraft carrier can withstand it, the people on the aircraft carrier will not be able to survive under this huge voltage, right?

Doesn't this mean that he is invincible in the sea?

Li Yu couldn't help laughing up to the sky, cursing: "Invincible! I'm going to be invincible!"

At this moment, he was extremely inflated!

After a happy self-YY, Li Yu patted the head of the electric eel under his feet and said: "You just need to continue catching seafood in the future. Remember not to cause trouble. I will contact you if there is anything."

"Yes, master!" The electric eel's voice was like thunder.

In this ocean, the largest creature, the blue whale, is just a younger brother in front of such a huge electric eel!

But Li Yu still has to remind it that it can't cause damage without reason, otherwise it will be deducted from merit.

Of course, catching seafood is a normal and legal business and will not affect merit.

Unless it affects the degree of ecological balance, it is possible to deduct merit.

After upgrading the electric eel, Li Yu jumped on the back of the golden eagle again and let it fly to the south.

During the flight, Li Yu also upgraded the envied golden eagle to level 10.

Originally, the level 5 golden eagle was as big as a small private plane. When it was upgraded to level 10, it spent a total of 200,000 merit points, and its body grew to a size larger than the electric eel.

The body length is also close to 200 meters! And the wingspan is more than 500 meters!

What is the concept?

The largest airplane in the world is 84 meters long!

The body length of the golden eagle is at least twice that of the largest airplane!

Its wingspan is much larger than that of an airplane. Its entire body stretches across the sky, just like the mythical Dapeng, giving people an incomparable shock.

In other words, the golden eagle at this moment is already a real giant in the sky.


Level 10 electric eels dominate the ocean, and level 10 golden eagles dominate the sky!

King Kong on land.

There are also amphibious tentacle monsters.

This strength is absolutely all-round!

Li Yu sat on the extremely broad back of the golden eagle, touched the tough feathers of the golden eagle under his feet, and felt its toughness. It was roughly estimated that the defense of a feather alone was enough to resist ordinary bullet attacks.

And with so many thick layers of feathers, the level 10 golden eagle can be imagined How strong the defense is!

I'm afraid that it can only be effective by nuclear power.

"However, the golden eagle is so big that it is not as easy to hide as the electric eel in the sea. At this level, the satellites in the sky can easily distinguish it. I'm afraid it can no longer escape the detection of various countries." Li Yu thought to himself.

However, the tentacle monster and King Kong were exposed in the south yesterday. Countries around the world should have noticed the awakened creatures long ago. What can happen if there is one more golden eagle now?

Anyway, even if countries think that the world's spiritual energy has revived, they will not think of themselves.

I have been behind the scenes and can rest assured.

At this moment, the huge golden eagle was flying all the way. The increase in size did not slow down its speed. On the contrary, due to the improvement of its all-round quality, its flying speed was also improved. In less than an hour, it carried Li Yu to the south.

At this moment, in a certain area in the south.

Liu Junya was in the hall of a park.

In front of her, there was a group of piglets who were deceived.

The piglets were all squatting on the ground, shivering.

In front of the piglets, there were several leaders and armed personnel with their heads and bodies separated.

These leaders were suddenly killed by an invisible force when they tried to stop Liu Junya just now.

They died quickly, with only time to let out a scream before their heads fell off.

"I'll give you two choices now, take your passport and return home, or join my team and serve me!" Liu Junya said coldly.

The piglets looked at each other, used to being beaten and abused, and seemed to have lost their ability to think at this time. There was some numbness and hesitation in their eyes, as if they couldn't believe what was happening before their eyes.

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