After the battle, the two were forced to retreat.

Next, Li Yu took Xiaoqing to an open area nearby and began to evolve it.

Xiaoqing is now level 5.

And it has undergone a synthetic evolution.

It has two talents, poison and invisible camouflage. Once Xiaoqing is upgraded to level 10, the two talents fused in Li Yu can also be upgraded to level 2.

The total merit points required are about 150,000 points.

After the upgrade, Xiaoqing's body has become very large.

Originally, it was almost as long as a python.

After the upgrade, the body size soared to nearly 200 meters!

This length looks like a train, which is scary.

However, such a huge body also restricts Xiaoqing's movements.

If it rolls randomly, it may be like a ground dragon turning over, and the surrounding buildings cannot bear it.

Too strong, too strong!

This body is much larger than the tentacle monster of level 10!

In terms of combat power, Xiaoqing surpasses the tentacle monster and King Kong, and is almost invincible on land.

It can swallow a tank with one mouth, and it can knock down a building with a tail swing.

This reminds Li Yu of the various monsters in a childhood cartoon.

Now these spiritual objects in his hand have become monsters, haven't they?

But there is no Ultraman in this world, who can punish him?

Li Yu couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If it weren't for the existence of merit points, even if he wanted to destroy the world now, who could stop him?

However, Li Yu is still a good citizen after all, and he will not impulsively do things that are harmonized.

After Xiaoqing was upgraded to level 10, Li Yu now had less than 100,000 merit points.

And these less than 100,000 merit points were just used to upgrade his own talents that needed to be upgraded.

Toxic LV1 upgraded to LV2

Invisible camouflage LV1 upgraded to LV2

Eagle eye LV1 upgraded to LV2

Discharge LV1 upgraded to 1v2

After this upgrade, the merit points finally reached the bottom.

And Li Yu also felt that he had become stronger.

The poison became stronger and released toxins at will.

Invisibility became smoother and flawless.

The eyes could see farther and more carefully than before.

The released current was also strengthened a lot. Although it had not reached 10,000 volts, it was not far away. It could even condense and change into some shapes, such as condensing into a needle shape and throwing it out.

However, this merit was earned quickly and spent quickly.

At this moment, Li Yu opened the system panel and checked all his current spiritual objects.

[Enlightenment System]

[Host: Li Yu]

[Spiritual Creatures: Level 10 Dark Night (Secondary Synthesis Evolution), Level 10 Tentacle Monster (First Synthesis Evolution), Level 10 Electric Eel, Level 10 Golden Eagle, Level 10 Xiaoqing, Level 10 Lighthouse Jellyfish, Level 10 Water Bear, Level 6 Wuliang Dragon Ring (First Synthesis Evolution), Level 5 King Kong, Level 3 Xiaoji, Level 3 Xiaohei, Level 3 Ajian, Level 2 Atao]

[Number of remaining spiritual creatures: 7]

[Fusion Talents: Giant Strength LV2, Spider Sense LV2, Self-Healing LV2, Hawkeye LV2, Poison LV2, Invisibility Camouflage LV2, Discharge LV2, Toughness LV2, Extreme Adaptability LV2, Rejuvenation LV2]

[Merit Points: 32459 Points]

There are already 7 level 10 spiritual creatures.

And the fused talents have reached 10, and all of them have been upgraded to LV2.

This panel is much more comfortable to look at.

"It's a pity that there are not enough merit points. Otherwise, if I upgrade King Kong to level 10, it will probably evolve to an unimaginable level!" Li Yu couldn't help but mutter.

However, it may cost more merit points to upgrade King Kong.

I'm afraid it will cost nearly one million.

With so many merit points, Li Yu is still very distressed.

Fortunately, King Kong has the ability to swallow metal to become stronger. In this place, Li Yu has let it eat metal freely.

All the metal weapons such as guns and cannons at the military headquarters, even armored vehicles and tanks, have all entered King Kong's stomach.

So although King Kong has not upgraded its level now, its strength is not weak at all.

As for now, if we want to rank the combat power of these spiritual creatures under Li Yu, the strongest ones are the level 10 electric eel, Xiaoqing and golden eagle.

Going further

The next level should be considered the strongest King Kong at level 5.

Level 10 Dark Night, Level 10 Tentacle Monster, although they are all Level 10 Spirit Creatures, their original size is too small. Even at Level 10, their combat power is still not as good as King Kong.

After putting away the system panel, Li Yu looked at the time. It was about 11 o'clock in the evening.

Let Xiao Qing stay in a nearby forest invisibly and wait for orders.

And he didn't plan to go back to Qingshan Village tonight.

Anyway, Xiao Jiu is probably already investigating him. If he goes back now, he's afraid he'll be caught by her.

So he might as well solve some things in the south first and then go back.

The most important thing is to get some merit points first.

After all, there are still many merit points to be earned in the south.

It is true that eliminating the group of high-level officials and soldiers before can get a lot of merit points, but in addition to punishing evil, helping those countrymen who were deceived here and rescuing them back is also a great merit.

To accomplish this, it is necessary to cooperate with local officials and gang forces, so Li Yu asked Liu Junya to notify those people to hold a meeting.

Let's find a place to rest here tonight.

Li Yu thought so.

At this time

In Hucheng, more than 2,000 kilometers away.

In Jiang Qingxue's villa.

Xiao Jiu was in the room, checking the information in the USB flash drive on the computer.

She narrowed her eyes slightly as she looked at the information, and the look on her face became more and more suspicious.

After reading all the information, Xiao Jiu couldn't help but fall into silence.

Now she finally understood that the seemingly ordinary Li Yu was probably the real behind-the-scenes pusher.

The demise of the Qin family, the death of the Qin father and son, the accident of Chen Hao, and the recent mysterious cases were probably all related to him.

Even the forces sent by the Alphabet Organization were unable to do anything to him, and they didn't even know why they failed. It was as if there was a magical force in the dark that came down from the sky and took them away.

It was really illogical and even a little weird.

The more Xiao Jiu thought about it, the more uneasy he felt.

What kind of ability does this Li Yu have?

"Li Yu, Li Yu, you are hiding too deeply, let me see how I can pull you out!" Xiao Jiu muttered to himself.

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