City Favorability System

Chapter 314 - Talking About Business in the Bathroom? (Fourth more!) Please! )\r

For Lin Fan and Lu Danying, except for which kiss at the beginning, the two are now closer.


Lin Fan almost buried his head so close to Lu Danying Snow Peak.

However... For Wu Qiying, who is farther away, the situation between the two is more complicated.

In the view of the beauty sales director, Lin Fan and Lu Danying are under the public ~ affectionate.

And... Or that - equal level of affection.

Lin Fan is about to bury his head on Lu Danying Snow Peak, almost to the top, you tell me Lin Fan is actually _smelling?

These words... Do you believe it?

"Sorry for the interruption!"

Wu Qiying reacted, stepped on high heels, and hurriedly headed towards the back warehouse.

She... It's already a bit of a mess.

"What is she?"

Lin Fan let go of Lu Danying, looked at Li Yinfei who was standing on the side, and asked curiously.

"I don't know~"

"Perhaps, you want to be crooked?"

Li Yinfei boldly guessed.

In fact, if she hadn't been closer, she would have wanted to be crooked.

The distance and behavior of you Lin Fan just now and Lu Danying, it's hard not to make people think crooked!


Hearing Li Yinfei's words, Lu Danying screamed softly and opened the distance between herself and Lin Fan.

As for Lin Fan's words, he was quite speechless.

Can you think crookedly about this?

Sure enough, women are imaginative beings!


"Mr. Lin, this is our Gulfstream Greater China G650 testing machine."

"The difference between a testing machine and a physical machine is only in space."

"The cabin space of the physical aircraft is a little larger than that of the test machine."

Wait until Lin Fan, Li Yinfei, and Lu Danying find Wu Qiying.

This well-known female sales director of Gulfstream Greater China has returned to normal.


Looking at the huge testing machine in front of them, Lu Danying and Li Yinfei couldn't help but open their mouths and exclaim.

Even in the brochure, I have seen the data of the Gulfstream G650 many times.

But when I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn't help but exclaim.

It is thirty meters long, with a wingspan of nearly thirty meters, and a height nearly three stories high.

Such behemoths appear in front of them, and it is really a little difficult not to be surprised.

Even Lin Fan's eyes flashed a different color.

Although he came to Gulfstream to buy a private jet, the bigger reason was because of Wu Qiying.

But now that the Gulfstream G650 test machine appears in front of him, he thinks it's not bad~

Seeing Lin Fan, Lu Danying, and Li Yinfei all looking at the testing machine intently, Wu Qiying showed a smug look on her face.

You know, a private jet that costs as much as 400 million Chinese dollars is placed here as a template.

This is not a company that can do it casually!

This test machine represents the heritage of Gulfstream Aerospace.


"Can we go up and visit?"

Soon, Lu Danying and Li Yinfei eased their composure from their surprise and said to Wu Qiying.

They wanted to see the private jet up close right now.

Civil aviation planes sit more, private jets This is the first time!

"Of course, please follow me."

Wu Qiying nodded, and walked in front to lead the way for Lin Fan and the three.

This time, she learned well, and did not look back to urge, lest she see some restrictive content again.

Chapter 314 - Talking About Business in the Bathroom? (Fourth more!) Please! )

This time, she learned well, and did not look back to urge, lest she see some restrictive content again.

What she didn't know, however, was that she herself had now become some kind of restrictive content.

She was wearing a silver-gray hip skirt that only reached above her knees and walked in the front, while Lin Fan stood in place without moving!

This section of boarding gave Lin Fan an unobstructed view of her skirt.

"Blue? Lace? ”

"It's kind of interesting~"

It wasn't until Wu Qiying stepped into the cabin of the test machine that Lin Fan walked away while talking to herself.

Lin Fan also thought that the mature and strong Wu Qiying would wear bright red!

Who would have thought that it was actually blue lace~

This... It was really beyond his expectations.

"Unexpectedly, she still has a girlish heart!"


"The cabin is fourteen meters long, two meters five meters wide, and the height is only one meter ninety-five."

"Hmm~ this height is quite suitable!"

Wu Qiying still doesn't know that she has been labeled as a girl's heart by Lin Fan, and she is still introducing some parameters of the testing machine to Lu Danying and Li Yinfei.

The height of one meter ninety-five is a bit short for foreigners and northeasterners.

·· ····· Ask for flowers... ······

Even for Lin Fan, who is one meter eight, it is actually a little short.

But it's not unacceptable~

"The Gulfstream G650 can fly at Mach 0.925, and Mach 1 is the speed of sound."

"Of course, this flight speed does not last long, and the cruising speed under normal conditions is Mach 0.85."

"This aircraft can fly at 50,000 feet in the air, avoiding many busy routes and bad air."

"You know, sometimes, apply for a route: It's really a lot of trouble. ”

After getting on the plane, it began to come to Wu Qiying's personal show time.

She can easily understand the data and parameters of the Gulfstream G650, Gulfstream Aerospace's main private jet.

... ....... ...

Even the small questions that Li Yinfei and Lu Danying asked casually, she could answer.

This ability almost made the girlfriends kneel.

Although Li Yinfei is a first-class flight attendant, she can't answer some questions about the first-class cabin!

At this moment, the two women finally knew why the other party was the most famous sales in Gulfstream Greater China.

Beautiful and capable!

She is not famous, who is famous?



Seeing that Wu Qiying seemed to have turned on a switch, constantly introducing aircraft parameters and data, Lin Fan quickly interrupted:

"If I order in full now, how long will it take for the plane to arrive?"

"Full amount?"

"Hmm... At least a year and a half! ”

Although she was a little surprised by Lin Fan's full payment, Wu Qiying quickly calculated the approximate time of the handover.

The Gulfstream G650 is one of the most popular private jets available.

The one-and-a-half-year construction period is already the most favorable time that Wu Qiying can give under the premise of the Centurion Black Gold Card and full payment.

"A year and a half?"

"Let's go over there and talk about cutting the queue?"

Lin Fan casually pointed to the bathroom not far away, and said to Wu Qiying.

Hearing his words, the expressions of the three daughters of Lu Danying, Li Yinfei, and Wu Qiying became quite wonderful.

Go... Talking about business in the toilet?

Ahem – this is really special.

They didn't know that it was some special idea in Lin Fan's mind.

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