At this time, President Ren said again: "Yes, our country can no longer fight infighting, we must twist all the forces into one. Unite to develop technology, and deal with powerful foreign competitors.

Only by uniting together.,. can there be a greater battle.

As for whether internal competition will break out in the future.That is the future. , Let's first defeat the enemy outside.Close the door and say anything. "

A man in his fifties, whose hairline has moved to the back of his head, said at this time, "I also agree to cooperate, but what does Qin Yan think about the key?

This young man is showing his vigour. Is he willing to cooperate?_"

The audience fell into silence for a while, and Mr. Ren said with a smile, "If you ask, you will know. He is now in Tianhai, and it is not too far from us, Xiao Xu. You can go with me specially. Come to Tianhai and visit Mr. Qin Yanqin."

Mr. Ren's words were finalized, and naturally there was no objection from anyone, so it was settled directly.

Tianhai, Qin He didn't know that the strategic meeting within Huawei was talking about him, and he didn't know that President Ren and Xu Wenwei were already on their way to Tianhai.

The matter of seeing Qin Yan is necessary for Yuhuawei

As soon as possible, because everyone's business has overlapped.Hongmeng smartphone is about to go on sale.And Huawei is also making efforts in the direction of mobile terminals.

Qin Yan just came out of his personal physics laboratory, and after sorting out the stolen materials, star fruit walked in with a folder.

"Boss, there is only 15 billion Tang Yuan left in Chaos Lab's account, and it can last for 20 days at most. We won't be able to last until the next day and on the 10th. If there is no money to be added, within 10 days, it will be _ Many R&D projects will be temporarily suspended.”

Star Tao handed a financial statement to Qin Yan and said in a serious tone.

"What" but money again?" Qin Yan raised his head, blinked his eyes, and looked puzzled_"Have you not received the technical authorization fee for Qiyue from Hongmeng Criminal Entertainment?"

Yang Yi rolled his eyes, the Chaos Lab is getting bigger and bigger, and the people are getting bigger and bigger.

One hundred and thirty laboratories have been established, and a project has been established.Every day of light is more than the normal cost of -- billion Tang yuan.This does not include the ordering fees for experimental equipment and experimental materials.

She is also very helpless! Gao Fu-li.High treatment, so that every researcher showed [-] points of enthusiasm.Desperately doing research, can't wait to live

In the laboratory:.

Such high-intensity research and development work also makes the laboratory's capital pool. .It was like water, dripping out.

The construction of Chaos Lab headquarters in Baoshan District requires money.

It also costs money to build apartments and villas for researchers.

Recently, a large number of high-precision research equipment and experimental materials have been ordered.

Just relying on the profit generated by the licensing fees of laboratory technology is simply not enough to make ends meet.

Today, all the experts and researchers are doing research in full swing.If the capital chain breaks at this juncture, a major event will happen


Because the laboratory and the previous technology authorization are only a few companies of Hongmeng, and Pingguo Company_ and the authorization fee of Pingguo Company has not been paid, it is necessary to ensure that the development of Chaos Laboratory will not stagnate.It is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of funds.

In the event of insufficient experimental materials, or arrears of wages. .It will be a major blow to the laboratory.

Qin Yan frowned. He understood the harm caused by the broken capital chain, but isn't the heartbeat of the investment laboratory doing research and development?

For a project, no one knows the details of the front back before research and development, and the investment is huge.Possibly even


Of course, the patents that Chaos Labs now have are far too advanced.Many of them are obtained by pushing back the 'Xiaomi 12' smartphone, and now the era of mobile Internet has not yet arrived, so it is not profitable.

After Hongmeng smartphone rewrites the definition of smartphone, the world will enter the era of mobile Internet.By the time.Many technical patents mastered by Chaos Lab are really valuable. Smartphone manufacturers all over the world must pay taxes to Chaos Lab.

"Let's use my personal assets. I saw that there are still more than 40 billion yuan to take out two days ago, and let the laboratory support it. : Well. You didn't use it for investment.

Financial management?" Tai Yan asked.

Yang escaped, _ "No. , but the money was used to buy a private air curtain company and now put it into the laboratory...

Qin Yan waved his hand, "It's slow to buy an airline. Anyway, the company hasn't been listed yet, and the company's top management doesn't have such frequent business contacts, so it's not too late to buy it before it goes public.

"Okay. But the money will last for more than two months at most. What should I do after that?" Yang Yu said angrily, looking at Qin Yan leaning on the chair lazily.

She says she's his girlfriend, but the workload is getting bigger and bigger, and she's about to become his housekeeper


The laboratory's funding chain is about to break.It stands to reason that Qin Yan should be the most anxious, but the guy in front of him is not anxious at all, as if the laboratory is not his.

Yang Yu looked at star fruit and pulled her over to hug her.Touched her forehead.Just about to mess up the phone on the desk suddenly rang Ee

Qin Yan had to put away his mind and pick up the phone on the desk to answer it.

"Huawei Ren and Xu are here?" Qin Yan was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I see. You invite people to the VIP room, I'll go right now."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Yan focused on Yang again

on the peach. _

583 Going Home With Carambola (4/5)

Qin Yan looked at the star fruit and said with a smile, "Chaos Lab will never introduce external capital. After waiting for more than 40 billion to be spent, you can go to a bank and use 10% of Chaos Lab's equity as collateral to get a valuation. If it’s $50 million. It’s $[-] billion _L, and then loan it according to that number.”

Star Tao looked at Qin Yan and rolled her eyes.Feeling helpless.

My boyfriend is very good at making money.It can be regarded as one of the most profitable men in the world, but the speed of spending money is equally terrifying.

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