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I hope you don't get deceived by those scammers

More than 20 core executives who participated in the conference. Most of them have never seen such black technology.They all exclaimed, especially the group of foreign senior executives, all of them ate into their wide-eyed eyes.

And the real core executives of Hongmeng Pan-entertainment.But it is not surprising. Because Qin Yan has long been in front of

Their face was used.

This is the experimental product produced by Chaos Lab. In addition to internal testing, a small amount is circulated between Hongmeng nuclear small high-rises, which is considered a trial_

Chapter 598 Boss!We're going to follow you (7/7)

After the episode, Zheng An continued to say that the advertisements were classified before January.There are 1 types of L, each with a profit point...:."

Zheng An talked for 20 minutes, basically explaining the profit points of Hongmeng Pan-entertainment's two core businesses."

It holds big data of 20 billion users, including their hobbies, home addresses, travel habits, occupational diet, etc. - all information, and these information are closely related to personal consumption tendencies. According to the Thousand People Thousand Faces System, It is completely possible to accurately push advertisements.

Compared with the buckle of the non-real-name system, I don't know how many times stronger.

Buckle is the core product of Tenda.There were 8 million registered users before the failure, but less than 3 million of them were actually users.At the same time, the peak period of online users is only about 0, and it is common for a person to have multiple deduction accounts.

This also led to. Although Kukuo has accumulated a huge user scale.But it is very difficult to generate positive profits.

Over time,.Tenda still found its own profit point, that is, the Koukou Show. Through this profit point, Tenda directly made too much profit in that year. Then various membership services of Koukou were also added, and then the Koukou game was also added. , developed, Tenda

Relying on these three profit points, it was able to stand firm in the Internet age until Qin Yan's birth.

At present, the advantages of Weibo and eChat are self-evident.By collecting data and conducting big data analysis, advertising services can be accurately delivered to each user, so that the advertising effect is naturally more powerful

On the other hand, companies can justifiably ask advertisers for advertising fees, because their advertising effects will be better on Hongmeng's platform.It can also attract advertisers who have changed their names to advertise on the platform, so that the company can gain more profits.

On the other hand, users because of accurate large numbers

According to calculation.They can also see the advertisements they want to see.. so as to buy the products they are interested in or like.

The big data: advertising thinking of Hongmeng Pan-entertainment was unique in the world a month ago, leading the world.

The precise placement of advertisements undoubtedly has a large technical threshold. It needs to be matched with accurate algorithms, but fortunately, all of this has Chang'e as an assistant, and all problems are not problems.

The meeting went on for more than an hour, and Qin Yan said immediately, "-Qia seems to be developing well. After 5 days, the realization and profit stage will be officially implemented for a month. The first report card will be placed in our hands.

in front of everyone.

Next is the company's super important, super important Series C round of financing.If the grades are good.Then the net worth of all of us will be reported again.

Come on, let's work together. . "

Everyone looked at Qin Yan excitedly, the C round of financing is coming, the company will go public next year, and all the people here will become real billionaires, not the valuation lying on the books

Qin Yan smiled and said, "I've booked a hotel for everyone, and there will be a reception in the evening. You are welcome to come and hold this meeting from thousands of miles away. Before this year's annual meeting, we probably won't be there.

met in reality.

Also I want to remind everyone, as a leader.Second, you must take good care of your employees and give them wages and bonuses that exceed expectations.Don't be stingy with people who promise to keep them.Just keep them small.

Let's go.See you tonight. "


Nowadays, Hongmeng Pan-entertainment.. and Qin Yan's other two groups and a laboratory are very popular in the industry.

Countless job seekers want to join the Hongmeng Sequence, and every job fair is like a national exam. Thousands of troops cross a single-plank bridge. They want to come in!

Hongmeng's equity incentive policy, everyone is jealous!

Every employee who receives an allotment.They all have several hundreds of pages of rights issue contracts, on-the-job responsibilities and obligations, and post-employment responsibilities and obligations, all of which are very complicated. Capable, steadfast and hardworking. Just-will be able to get corresponding rewards

Moreover, the company advocates young people who have the ability and ambition in the culture of freedom and food culture.You can do what you want to do. Shuangwaiwai.

At the same time, the company also implements the last-ranked Taoda system, which is abnormally disabled.

Cool, the research is on the capable ones and the mediocre ones down.There is no one who is sorry for the other. The same rules are followed during the tenure of the company. You must pay as much as you get, and if you want to get more, you must pay more. .

In addition, Qin Yan is a very humane boss in everyone's eyes.Young people all over the world regard him as an idol and spiritual mentor in life. Each of his products is wildly sought after around the world, even the most inconspicuous Hongll eng-Zera player has been sold around the world ,0 Taiwan. Muffled made a fortune.

Many practitioners want to follow Qin Yan to do such cool products

Moreover, the three major groups he founded are all companies with the greatest potential in the industry, and the high treatment is only one aspect.

Also, for company employees.When every new employee joins the company, the person in charge of the company will tell the employee,

"It [starts from your entry. Regardless of whether you are an intern or a full-time employee, the company has purchased personal accident insurance for you at ten times your salary. If there is an accident, the insurance beneficiary will receive the amount of compensation agreed on the insurance policy. Plus your five-year salary. If you have a child, the company will support him until the age of 18. If a county employee is unable to work due to a major illness or disability, the company will give you 60% of the work.

Funding lasts until death. "

Such a welfare-benefit mechanism, only Qin Yan's company has such a generous setting in the whole country. Even if it is global.Only Google, a tech giant, has followed suit.

The general system between the two is almost the same.However, Google's life accident insurance for employees is 5 times the salary, while Qin Yan's companies are 10 times the salary.The only one in the world.

Such a humane, competitive company with a lively corporate culture. Who doesn't want to join the company?

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