Especially the investment shareholders within Hongmeng Pan-entertainment.I really want to know the exact number.

Over the past year, Qin Yan has been the Heifer Drilling Steamer - Yizhen (Steamed) Niubi.

But specifically how to 3. Steamed to know

As early as five days ago, major investment shareholders could not wait to urge the company's financial department to release financial information quickly. Even if it is not disclosed, it must be reported internally.

But Tai Yan is completely in no hurry.

The capital market loves and hates Qin Yan.A variety of complex emotions are intertwined.

And just under the spotlight, at 8 p.m. that night.Yangma's "Face to Face" festival will be broadcast, and at the same time, Hongmeng Pan Entertainment finally announced the company's first and profitable financial report.

After the numbers came out, all the people in the industry were shocked and pale, and read the numbers over and over again.

Because Hongmeng Pan-entertainment focuses on the global market, the business revenue and financial report is based on US dollars, otherwise it will be even more shocking if it is replaced by Tang Yuan.

As of October 9, 10, Hongmeng Pan-entertainment's first and performance revenue report showed a

The pan-entertainment group's total revenue for the month was $23 million.Among them, the revenue of the advertising business is 76 million yuan, accounting for 5% of the total revenue. The other parts are the value-added services of the core business, digital music, game business, and income from virtual gift tips.

In this performance revenue report, the total overseas revenue accounted for 87%, totaling [-] million US dollars. _

Revenue from Hongmeng Weibo was $54 billion. , accounting for 3% of total revenue, Wechat through advertising business and value-added services, accounting for 4% of total revenue.Among them, the game business has a monthly revenue of 1 million US dollars.

% of the medium!

Digital music and virtual gifts are rarely profitable.But in the eyes of peers, 1 is also a remarkable achievement.

in major business sectors.The results achieved by Hongmeng Weibo and Yeechat, which use real-name social networking, are simply blinding the eyes of most people. The company has truly achieved a financial turnaround.this transcript.Exceeded expectations of Wall Street data analysis firm

And Sanshitian, where Hongmeng Pan-entertainment realized profits, consumed a total of 51 billion US dollars in costs and expenses. This also includes the establishment of branches in 34 major countries around the world and the purchase of office buildings.


Profit, .92 billion, USD.

Profit margin, 0. %/___

Net profit, $94 billion_

free cash flow. $9 million i.Among them, there are 30 overseas employees.Accounted for _ than 4%.

Chapter 603 The world is boiling!God of War! (5/5)

This detailed financial audit statement.Countless VC leaders have repeatedly watched the fifth grade.

Almost everyone fell into a state of shock, and the revenue figures were simply incredible.

Everyone never imagined that Hongmeng Pan-Entertainment would turn losses into profits overnight. With such a large investment, it still achieved a major financial turnaround, and it could not operate at a loss.And after normal financial expenses, free cash flow was again as high as $94 billion. _

Hongmeng Pan-entertainment has easily achieved a financial turnaround simply by relying on advertising investment in two real-name social core business segments, with a net profit of ¥9 million. (94

. One hundred million U.S. dollars).

This financial report is a miracle among miracles that blinds everyone.

Without this financial statement of performance and revenue, Hongmeng Pan-entertainment’s valuation would only be around US$0 billion. _,

But what about now?

According to the price-earnings ratio, the value of Hongmeng Pan-entertainment is at least US$0 billion, and this valuation may not be able to stop it.

要知道,谷歌9年第三季度财报显示,03季度营收_72亿美元。净利润31. 95_亿美元,而当前谷歌总市值0亿美元。

Hongmeng Fan

Entertainment expects quarterly earnings to be around $8 million, a full 6 times more than Google.Then the total market value should also be a multiple of this, which is about $[-] million. _

Of course, the valuation cannot reach such a high level, and the specific situation has to be discussed with the capital side.

But this - next, everyone's eyes are red. .

In particular, it is worth mentioning that Hongmeng Pan-entertainment's first and performance revenue is terrible, but it is not reported quarterly.Because in the next few months, the number and enthusiasm of advertisers who cooperate with Hongmeng Pan-entertainment will drop sharply, and it will definitely not reach such a high level of US$[-] million.

But even so, a billion dollars

There is"

This means that 1 Hongmeng Pan-entertainment will become the company with the highest profit margin among the companies in the technology and Internet sectors.The most profitable company, e, does this company still need Series C financing?

This is a deeply worrying question for all VC leaders.

North America, it's morning.Wei Ruan Bill Geci looked at the fax of the Hongmeng financial report sent by his subordinates.Xiaozhong was shocked for a long time and could not be calmed down.

"Is this the terrifying revenue generated by the real-name and white system through the comparison of big data and accurate advertising? Billion US dollars _ almost surpassed Microsoft's peak-quarter revenue _⊥⊥"

It is impossible to say that Wei Ruan is not envious, jealous or hateful.

Everyone is an instant messaging software_You WeChat beat my msN, and then showed such a terrifying monetization ability 11: I'm so annoying!

Originally, Weisoft's ISN division had 17 billion users worldwide. _However, it was unable to bring huge profits to Weisoft. The advertising business revenue in a quarter was less than 3 million US dollars, which is almost the same as the advertising business revenue of [-] million US dollars.

But even so, Bill Getz took a terrifying factor from Hongmeng Entertainment.

, saw the infinite potential of cloud computing too data.

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