The couples at the two tables looked at Qin Yantoulai with contempt.


Qin Yan felt guilty and resisted the urge to touch his nose.

"What did you do just now? Why is everyone looking at you like that?"

Han Shanshan looked at Qin Yan suspiciously.

"What else? I'm holding the hand of the most beautiful girl in the world. Women are jealous, men are even more jealous. Let them say what they want, a group of mortals." Qin Yan said disdainfully, holding Yun Shukuai Step out of the door.

On the way back to the courtyard, Qin Yan was driving a Mercedes-Benz Maybach, listening to the two young men in the back seat.

The female chattered, thinking back to the scene in the coffee shop before.

At that time, Xu Li only made a slight resistance, and then announced that she gave up the defense and gave in completely. From the initial shock, to the initiative to embrace Qin Yan...

In the soothing piano music, in the spacious booth, the two of you fought back and forth for three to five minutes.

It wasn't until Xu Li reacted and pushed him away suddenly. She was so embarrassed that she splashed Qin Yan with the ice water in front of her. Then she grabbed the bag and rushed out in a panic.

He also seemed to cry.

Qin Yan took over the lady indifferently

He wiped his face with the towel handed over, and then looked at his hand with a look of aftertaste.

Gee, so moist!


Chapter 57 The Great Mercy and Great Compassion Gatling Bodhisattva

For the next five days, everything will follow.

Qin Yan taught Yun Shu to practice martial arts every morning, and then went to the company to check the development progress and deal with various matters.

The development of Happy Farm and Hongmeng Forest has been completed, and the final bug check is being done. The Weibo code has already given a framework. As long as the UI is completed, they can be released together.

Other times, except for occasional opportunities to feed Andy until he is full.

Qin Yan stayed in the supercomputing laboratory and continued to DIY his own mobile equipment.

In addition, he purchased a large number of chips and memory to

And a group of staff uniforms, and even asked Mo Qingfeng to buy a set of intelligent robot equipment.

With enough materials, Qin Yan easily made a smart tablet in three days, and let Chang'e copy a smart program to act as the smart tablet's operating system.

As a result, the tablet has anti-monitoring, anti-tracking, electronic reconnaissance and anti-electronic reconnaissance, anonymous Internet access, waterproof and shockproof and other functions.

The matter of firearms is not difficult to find, Chang'e is like a ghost watching every move of the city at all times——

Computer instant messaging, mobile phone, email...

Coupled with the increasingly perfect urban surveillance system, even if these black business people use code words, they can't hide it.What they didn't know was that as long as they acted on the Internet, they could not escape Chang'e's search and analysis, and finally Qin Yan found a suspected clue.

A guy named Huang Bo opened a Feihong Internet Cafe in the Fourth Ring Road.

Huang Bo often used different accounts to send messages to others, and then he secretly went out with a few younger brothers in a van to conduct transactions, and most of the time was at night.

However, because the Internet cafe did not install monitoring equipment, the monitoring equipment on the nearby street was also artificially used.

Destruction, Qin Yan did not see the actual firearms, nor did he watch the specific transaction process.

But Qin Yan saw in their chats: "big dog", "black cat", "turtledove", "how much dog food", "how much cat food" and other slang words.

I don't know, I thought they were in the pet industry.

Not only that, Qin Yan also noticed that most of the accounts that asked about the price used the new account number, and they never used it again after the chat.

However, Chang'e reversely invaded and found that the people who chatted with this Huang Bo were actually several regular guests.

Qin Yan got this clue already

After three days, he felt that it was necessary to spend a few days to confirm the news.

Now he is like a hunter who has found a wolf's den and is waiting for the moment when the wolf emerges from the cave.


And his other target of action, Guo Junhao's information, is easier to find.

Judging from the photos, Guo Junhao is a tall and burly old man in his 60s, but he is not old at all.

Guo Junhao, one of the veterans of Xingyue Energy Group, is also the second shareholder, accounting for 1% of the shares.

It owns certain shares in many listed companies around the world, and there are many real estate


He is also a world-renowned top economist, and his photos are often seen in media magazines.

A casual search on the Internet can find a lot of news about Guo Junhao.

It can be said that he is the spokesperson that Mo Wuyan pushed to the front desk!

This old guy's combat power is basically 0, and there is an elite bodyguard team of fifty people beside him, who protect his safety 24 hours a day, three shifts a day.

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