Liu Qian shook her head with difficulty, only feeling drowsy.

“Thank you, Su-san.” Liu Qian’s lips were a little dry.

“It’s okay, taking care of you is what I should do.” Su Qingyi smiled slightly.

At the same time, he turned to Su Hao and said, “Go and get a glass of water for Teacher Liu.” ”

Liu Qian was the head teacher of Su Hao’s class, and when she heard this, she quickly got up to pour water.

“Teacher Liu, you said before, you came to Jiang Han to apologize? What the hell is going on? ”

Su Qingyi asked what she wanted to know the most.

But when Liu Qian heard these words, her eyes became slightly moist.

After sighing, he said: “Jiang Han took the national championship exam, with a total score of 742, but I asked him to enroll in a second college…”

Liu Qian’s voice sounded a little hoarse.

But the voice also reached Su Qingyi’s ears with Su Hao, who came in with a water cup.

“What? What do you say? ”

“What! Brother Xiao Jiang actually got such a high score! ”

Su Qingyi and Su Hao were surprised at the same time after hearing Liu Qian’s words.

Looking at the shocked looks of the two, Liu Qian’s heart became more and more bitter.

Jiang Han was able to score 742 points, which really surprised everyone.

But this is an indisputable fact.

Su Hao muttered in his mouth: “Before Brother Xiaojiang reported to Mizuki, I didn’t believe that he could be admitted, but I didn’t expect him to actually be admitted.” ”

Su Hao knew that Jiang Han had changed the volunteer form, so he didn’t feel anything wrong.

But Su Qingyi didn’t know about this, and when she heard Liu Qian say that Jiang Han had reported to a second college under Liu Qian’s guidance, the whole person was shocked.

“You just said that Jiang Han scored 742 points, but he applied for a second college?”

Su Qingyi looked at Liu Qian and said in surprise.

Although Liu Qian didn’t want to admit it, she nodded.

That’s what happened, and she was ready to endure everything.

Seeing that Liu Qian confirmed again, Su Qingyi was finally able to understand why Liu Qian said something that came to Jiang Han to apologize.

Something so big has happened, and it can’t be solved with an apology.

Su Qingyi sighed, no longer knowing what to say.

Liu Qian was very uncomfortable, but her heart was even more uncomfortable.

“I will bear the consequences of this matter, I will go to Jiang Han to apologize and beg him to repeat it, I know that Jiang Han’s family conditions are not good, and I will pay for his re-reading.”

Liu Qian spoke up.

Su Qingyi didn’t say anything when she heard this.

But Su Hao was stunned and said, “Re-reading? Brother Xiaojiang’s family conditions are not good? Teacher Liu, what are you kidding…”

As far as the millions in Jiang Han’s hands, how many people in the country dare to say that the conditions in his family are not good?

There is also re-reading, the score is enough, the volunteer is also filled in correctly, why repeat it?

After Su Hao finished speaking, he suddenly reacted.

When Jiang Han changed the volunteer watch before, Liu Qian did not find it.

Therefore, Liu Qian still thinks that the volunteer form that Jiang Han handed in is actually the one filled in later, not the one written on Mizuki University.

Seeing that Liu Qian and Su Qingyi both looked at him, Su Hao put the water cup on the bedside table.

Then smiled and said: “Don’t worry, Brother Xiaojiang actually didn’t change his volunteers, what he handed over was the first one he filled out, that is, the volunteer form that said Mizuki University.” ”

Great tragedy to great joy is Liu Qian’s mood change in just one minute.

Jiang Han insisted on his idea?

Secretly changed the volunteer form?

Although Jiang Han had been hiding this matter from herself, Liu Qian did not have the slightest idea of wanting to blame Jiang Han.

Instead, I was extremely excited.

“What did you just say! Jiang Han changed the volunteer table himself? ”

Liu Qian looked at Su Hao tightly and hurriedly spoke up.

She was afraid that Su Hao only said this to comfort her.

Su Qingyi also looked at Su Hao.

Su Hao shrugged and said, “You still don’t know Brother Xiaojiang, how can others persuade him to move the decision he made?” ”

“Although he listened to you and filled out a new volunteer form, but… The new volunteer manifested itself in his pocket. ”

Su Hao said, secretly glanced at Liu Qian, but found that Liu Qian was not angry, but her eyes were a little dim before, and she was rejuvenated at this moment.

“What you said is true?” Liu Qian looked at Su Hao and asked aloud.

Seeing that Liu Qian didn’t mean to be angry, Su Hao directly took out the mobile phone in his pocket and handed it to Liu Qian: “There is Brother Xiaojiang’s number on it, just ask him yourself.” ”

Liu Qian took the mobile phone handed over by Su Hao, took a deep breath, and calmed her mood.

Although there was a sense of excitement from sadness to joy, Liu Qian still couldn’t believe it.

With a little trembling hands, he found Jiang Han’s number, and then dialed it.

At this moment, Jiang Han had just stood up from his grandfather’s spiritual seat.

He let everyone out after the incense was served.

A man knelt in front of his grandfather’s throne and said a lot of words from his childhood.

I didn’t stand up until my knees hurt.

Just out of the room, the cell phone in my pocket rang.

I took out a look and found that it was Su Hao who called.

“Hello? Rat, something? Jiang Han said with a smile.

“Jiang Han, did you finally apply for Mizuki University?” Liu Qian’s trembling voice sounded.

Liu Qian?

Jiang Han was slightly stunned when he heard Liu Qian’s voice, how could Liu Qian use Su Hao’s mobile phone to call him?

Then he heard Su Hao’s voice ringing on the other side of the phone.

“Brother Xiaojiang, Teacher Liu thought that you had reported two books, and ran over to apologize to you, but it was raining, and now it is at my house, she also said that she wants you to repeat it, and the money for rereading will come out of her, you quickly tell her the truth.”

Hearing Su Hao’s explanation, Jiang Han’s eyes seemed to show Liu Qian running over to him in the rain because of guilt and wanting to apologize to him.

I don’t know why, his heart trembled.

Although that kind of thing happened that day, it made the relationship between the two a little awkward.

But Liu Qian is essentially the teacher who treats her students as her own brothers and sisters.

In the case of unclear thinking, the first thing that comes to mind is not to shirk responsibility, but to assume responsibility.

Jiang Han never blamed Liu Qian for forcing him to change his volunteers, but only felt that Liu Qian was responsible, so in order to take care of Liu Qian’s thoughts, Jiang Han did not tell Liu Qian about changing his volunteers.

But he didn’t expect to make Liu Qian so guilty.

Liu Qian’s voice on the other side of the phone rang again.

“Jiang Han, you changed your volunteers, right? You must have changed your volunteers, tell me quickly.” ”

Listen to Liu Qian’s anxious voice on the phone.

Jiang Han suddenly laughed.

The mountain drizzle continued, and Jiang Han felt the cool breeze blowing, and said softly: “Miss Liu, I’m waiting for you in Mizuki.” ”

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