Liu Qian didn’t know what she thought.

Perhaps because he heard Jiang Han’s words, he knew in his heart that he had indeed changed his will.

Or maybe it’s just a little reassuring after hearing this.

At least, at the moment, she was no longer as anxious as before.

After Jiang Han finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

And Liu Qian sat on the bed and let out a long breath.

Nokia’s earpiece is very loud, even if there is no hands-free at the moment, it still allows Su Hao and Su Qingyi to clearly hear Jiang Han’s words.

“Miss Liu, I’m waiting for you in Mizuki.”

Su Hao couldn’t help but be shocked after listening to it.

Jiang Han’s goods are really too riotous.

Isn’t it good to say that I handed in the form filled in Mizuki?

It has to be all over the place.

Su Hao only felt that his goosebumps were rising.

Su Qingyi is the same.

It’s just that she is different from Su Hao that after hearing Jiang Han’s words, although she didn’t have any obvious feelings, she also felt uncomfortable in her heart.

However, he still said to Liu Qian: “Teacher Liu, Jiang Han filled in the water wood, now you should rest, right?” ”

When Liu Qian heard this, she handed the mobile phone in her hand to Su Hao and said, “Thank you so much, now that the matter has been resolved, I think I’d better go back to school, otherwise I won’t be able to enter the school gate if it’s late.” ”

Liu Qian didn’t know how long she had been in a coma, and a long time should have passed since she went out at eight o’clock.

“Teacher Liu, it’s ten o’clock now, you rush over now, the school gate has been locked, let’s stay at my house today.” Su Qingyi couldn’t help but say.

Liu Qian is a girl after all, let her leave alone in the case of illness, Su Qingyi is not at ease.

After speaking, he turned around and pushed Su Hao out of the room, and locked the door of the room with a bang.

Su Hao stood outside the door, looking at the closed door, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The school gate will be closed as soon as it is past ten thirty, so how did Jiang Han send Liu Qian into the school at twelve o’clock that night?

Wouldn’t it be…

“Lean! Brother Xiaojiang, you are too uninteresting! ”

Su Hao’s heartbroken voice sounded outside the door.

Liu Qian’s fever had already subsided the next day, and she drank some of Su Qingyi’s porridge and wore a pair of Su Qingyi’s shoes before leaving the Su family.

Jiang Han, on the other hand, received a call from Su Hao early the next morning.

For Jiang Han’s behavior of leaving him alone and enjoying the blessing, Su Hao expressed strong dissatisfaction.

Then after Jiang Han increased the investment to 500,000.

Su Hao made it clear that Liu Qian would be his sister-in-law in the future, and Jiang Han would be his eldest brother.

Of course, this is just a joke between the two brothers.

In the end, Su Hao made this call just to confirm with Jiang Han whether he really scored seven hundred and forty-two points.

For this score, which may become the national champion, Su Hao still has deep doubts.

That’s just too high.

Jiang Han didn’t say it explicitly, but just told him that he would know when the school’s list came out.

On the third day of coming to the countryside, Jiang Hui and the two returned to Sucheng.

Jiang Hui had things in his heart, and naturally he couldn’t stay for a long time.

He had to keep an eye on the garment factory to avoid any more mistakes.

As for Jiang Han, he lived comfortably in the countryside for a week.

And the news that Jiang Han scored 742 points in the college entrance examination has spread throughout the small mountain village.

And Jiang Han also experienced the feeling of being a celebrity.

People who knew Jiang Han came from time to time to see Jiang Han, the national champion.

Few rural farmers in 1999 finished high school, but that didn’t stop them from knowing how famous the title of national champion really was.

There are even a few who want to pull a red line for Jiang Han and promise their daughter to Jiang Han.

Faced with these strange demands, Jiang Han suddenly felt overwhelmed.

On the contrary, it was grandma, who blocked all of Jiang Han’s troubles while talking and laughing.

Originally, he wanted to stay longer, but Jiang Hui called him and told him that the school was going to hold a college entrance examination summary meeting, and asked him to come back quickly.

When Jiang Han heard this, he had no intention of continuing to stay.

After his grandmother was reluctant to stay, Jiang Han finally got into the car.

I just promised my grandmother that I would come to see her often in the future, and I would bring her a granddaughter-in-law the next time I came over.

Grandma Fang smiled and let Jiang Han leave.

Sure enough, for the old man, there are only three things that he wants.

The family business is prosperous, the children and grandchildren are successful in their studies, and the descendants are prosperous.

Jiang Han drove the Santana of the Su family out of the mountain along the winding and potholed roads in the countryside, Jiang Han took a cigarette in his hand and opened the lathe beside him.

Feel the wind blowing on your face.

In a week, the value of the stock in his hand should have doubled.

After smoking that cigarette, Jiang Han dialed Zhao Yu’s phone.

The phone rang for a few seconds before it was connected.

“Hello? Hello, this is Jinling Bank, I am Zhao Yu, deputy manager of Jinling Bank. ”

Zhao Yu’s voice was a little tired, as if he had not slept well in the past few days.

“Old Zhao, it’s me.” Jiang Han said with a smile.

“Are you… President Jiang? After hearing Jiang Han’s voice, the whole person became excited.

“Jiang Han, let me tell you, the stock you bought rose sharply!” Zhao Yu said excitedly.

“Oh? How much has it gone up? Jiang Han smiled and asked knowingly.

“Five consecutive limit boards, how much did you say!” Zhao Yu said excitedly.

** of shares are rounded to the opening price of the next day.

If the stock in Jiang Han’s hand is regarded as 1, then after the end of the first day’s limit board, it is 1.1, and the opening price of the second day is calculated at 1.1.

In other words, the stock in Jiang Han’s hands had a 60% return after five consecutive limit increases, and two weeks later, it had a return of nearly 1.6 times.

This is the way that Jiang Han chose under the stability of Jiang, although it is still a little risky, but in comparison, it seems a lot more conservative.

But even so, in Zhao Yu’s view, it is still a miraculous operation.

No one has the confidence to pick a stock that has been up for a week!

But Jiang Han did it.

It’s not just Jiang Han’s stock that has risen.

After seeing Jiang Han’s various miracles before, Zhao Yu also invested all the money he had saved in the past few years.

There should be 20,000 or 30,000 in total.

Although it is not much, it is enough for Zhao Yu to be excited.

It’s so easy to make money with Jiang Han!

Listening to Zhao Yu’s excited voice on the phone, Jiang Han smiled, and then said: “Don’t worry, the stock will rise.” ”

Zhao Yu was slightly stunned after hearing Jiang Han’s words.

“Still rising? Wouldn’t it be? I see that there is already a lot of bad news in the market for these stocks! ”

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