Zhao Yu can sit in this position, and the connections in his hands are naturally not comparable to Jiang Han.

At least the current Jiang Han can’t compare with it at all.

After hearing Jiang Han’s request, Zhao Yu nodded.

Leaving 10 million is about 40 million, and according to the current exchange rate, 40 million can be exchanged for about 5.6 million US dollars, a 1:7 exchange rate.

It is still possible to exchange 30 million through Jinling Bank, and then exchange the remaining 10 million through Zhao Yu’s connections.

However, Zhao Yu also heard other meanings from Jiang Han’s words.

Converted into US dollars, did Jiang Han decide to go to the international scene to stir up the scene?

As soon as he thought of this, Zhao Yu became excited.

Lotteries to stocks, and then to international financial markets.

Jiang Han: This is the rhythm of playing bigger and bigger.

“Don’t worry, this money can be exchanged for accounts in a week at most.” In this era, foreign exchange checks are very strict, various procedures, and a week is already the limit.

Jiang Han didn’t say anything when he heard this.

“In addition, you help me keep an eye on the situation of Jiuhuang Technology, and notify me as soon as there is any news.” Jiang Han said again.

Jiuhuang Technology’s current situation is definitely very bad, and it is already on the verge of crumbling.

By next week at the latest, it is expected that a bankruptcy petition will be filed.

It’s time for Jiang Han to make a move.

It is worth mentioning that Jiuhuang Technology, also located in Pengcheng, is equivalent to Jiang Han’s one-time and can acquire both enterprises.

Previously, Jiang Han estimated that it would take 10 million to acquire Jiuhuang Technology, but looking at the situation in the past few days, it is estimated that five or six million will do.

Jiuhuang Technology’s debt is too high, and it belongs to an obvious insolvent enterprise.

Zhao Yu nodded again when he heard this.

I wanted to persuade something, but looking at Jiang Han’s attitude, it was obviously impossible to listen to his opinion.

There was no persistence.

After the two talked a few words, the time also came to one o’clock in the afternoon.

The stock market is officially open.

In the case of Zhao Yu’s step-by-step sell-off, the prices of the three stocks of Yian Technology, although occasionally fluctuating, are also within an acceptable range.

Investors’ enthusiasm for these three stocks is simply too high.

Now they can digest no matter how many stocks come.

More than 50 million worth of shares were sold off.

After deducting the handling fee, the balance in Jiang Han’s stock account also managed to reach more than 51 million.

“Okay, let’s cash out.” Jiang Han stood up and said, “The rest is up to you, I will fly to Peng City tomorrow morning.” ”

Zhao Yu nodded and said, “The foreign account is opened in the name of that bank?” ”

Jiang Han thought for a while and said, “JPMorgan Chase.” ”

JPMorgan Chase’s overall strength in 1999 was still OK, ranking among the top three in the world, if Jiang Han wanted to speculate in futures, JPMorgan Chase was a good choice.

Although the four major banks are equally strong, their current status in the world is still inferior to that of JPMorgan.

Zhao Yu replied: “The funds of the domestic bank will arrive next Monday, and the bank card of JPMorgan Chase will be handed over to you when I contact my friends over there in Pengcheng.” ”

Jiang Han nodded without saying anything, tapped a few times on the keyboard, and then clicked send.

Zhang Zhidong’s OICQ has always been online, and he also received news from Jiang Han at this moment.

“I will fly to Peng City tomorrow morning, if it is convenient to tell me the address of your company, I will go directly after getting off the plane.”

Two weeks later, the Internet café management system in Zhang Zhidong’s hands has long been ready, and Jiang Han can only come over to check and accept, and then he should ask Jiang Han for the final payment.

The penguin’s situation has become even worse these days.

The 10,000 advance payment he got before has been used to settle labor wages.

That’s right, Penguin now has more than a dozen employees in addition to its original five founders.

After all, it is impossible for them to do everything themselves, and they can’t be busy at all.

Penguin, which adds up to more than a dozen employees, has the appearance of a successful enterprise at this moment.

But you know your own business.

More than a dozen people huddled together on this dilapidated second floor to work, and there was no private space at all.

Even founders like Zhang Zhidong sit with ordinary employees to work.

There are only three separate rooms in the entire company, one is Marco’s office, one is a conference room, and the last is a toilet.

The unisex kind…

When he saw the news sent by Jiang Han, Zhang Zhidong’s whole person was excited.

Then he quickly knocked: “Pengcheng Jingcheng Road…”

Zhang Zhidong did not dare to snub, Jiang Han is now the gold owner of the penguin, and the penguin is also waiting for Jiang Han’s money to continue his life.

“Okay, see you tomorrow morning.” After Jiang Han finished speaking, he went down to OICQ.

Su Qingyi had already recorded this address on the side.

“Let’s go first, you get busy first.” Jiang Han said.

Zhao Yu waved his hand and agreed.

After Zhang Zhidong saw Jiang Han’s reply, the whole person walked towards Xiao Ma Ge’s office with some excitement.

“Little Brother Pony…” After pushing the door in, he found that Little Brother Pony was on the phone, and quickly silenced him.

“You’re coming over tomorrow morning?” Do you need me to send someone to pick you up? Okay, see you tomorrow then. ”

Pony said a few words to the man on the phone and hung up.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhidong asked in a loud voice, “Who is going to investigate?” ”

Brother Ma took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose before saying: “Li Zekai, in fact, he is not an investigation, but he travels all over the world and has arrived in Pengcheng, so come and take a look.” ”

Obviously, for Li Zekai’s investment, Xiao Ma Ge also has no confidence to win.

Although Li Zekai has the name of a small stock god, he will not make any investment.

Penguin has not found a clear profit direction, and whether it can convince Li Zekai to invest is still unknown.

“By the way, I see you were so anxious just now, is there something wrong? It can’t be that the server crashes again, right? Little Pony asked aloud.

The traffic growth in the past two days is too fast, the only server Penguin has almost been unable to support, and there are often too many traffic and crashes.

Zhang Zhidong shook his head and said, “The previous customer replied to the message, he will also come to Pengcheng tomorrow morning, and then he will come here?” ”

“Really?” Brother Pony said with joy on his face when he heard this.

Perhaps he can borrow this customer to let Li Zekai see the hope of penguins.

An idea popped up in Xiao Mago’s heart…

But neither Jiang Han nor Li Zekai knew what Brother Ma was thinking at the moment.

After taking Su Qingyi to open two rooms in the hotel opposite Jinling Bank, after resting for one night, the two left for the airport early the next morning.

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