Su Qingyi hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Why would you help my family? Although [-] is nothing to you, but to other people, it may be impossible to earn in a lifetime. ."

  Jiang Han was silent for a while.

  Indeed, 1999 in [-] is definitely not a small sum of money for anyone.

  At this time, Jiang Han's house was only about [-] yuan.

  In other words, the money Jiang Han gave the Su family bought three houses casually.

  It's an incredible thing to anyone.

  Jiang Han has a system, and it is easy to make money. He earned more than [-] million in less than a month, which is enough to prove it.

  But Su Qingyi didn't know, even Su Hao and Jiang Han's parents didn't know about it.

  Jiang Han helped the Su family just because he didn't want to see the Su family repeat the same mistakes.

  In the last life, Su Hongsheng and Wang Mei divorced, Su Hao was arrested, and Su Qingyi chose to enter the National People's Congress in order to help Su Hao rectify his name. He studied law and never married.

  A loving family was destroyed in this way.

  Especially for Jiang Han, the Su family is basically his second family.

  When you have the ability, you will naturally want to help.

  In fact, this matter has already been spread, and Jiang Han doesn't need to think about it, there must be many people who are calling him an SB behind his back!

  He said that he didn't take money as money, and his own brothers still clearly settled the accounts, but Jiang Han actually gave [-] yuan to the Su family directly.

  But sometimes people are like this, money is hard to buy, I like it.

  Jiang Han didn't think that he should stand by and watch after he had the ability. Others didn't understand his relationship with the Su family, so he naturally couldn't explain anything, and there was no need to explain.

  "Why do you think it is?" Jiang Han smiled.

  "I don't know, I can't figure out any reason for you to spend so much money to help my family." Su Qingyi said again.

  After a pause, Su Qingyi said again, "Jiang Han, do you like me?"

  Su Qingyi asked the last question firmly, without any hesitation.

  Jiang Han was shocked.

  Are girls of this age so straightforward?

  In the last life, Jiang Han and Su Qingyi didn't have so many things. Since graduating from high school, they seldom saw each other, and it could even be said that they never met.

  But in this life, it seems that under the influence of Jiang Han, the butterfly effect has already occurred.

  Everyone around me was also affected.

  If it were the previous life, Su Qingyi would definitely not ask this question.

  Jiang Han didn't know how to answer.

  like?He and Su Qingyi grew up together, even if they didn't wear a pair of open-crotch pants, they were all too familiar.

  do not like?Su Qingyi, such a beautiful girl in 890, knows the bottom line, and anyone will be tempted.

  Jiang Han is very confused now.

  He didn't even know how to answer this question himself.

  Seeing that Jiang Han was silent, Su Qingyi asked, "Is that so?"

  Jiang Han smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Don't think about it, I just treat you as my sister."

  "Is it just my sister?" Su Qingyi asked again, seemingly dissatisfied with the answer.

  This is the first time Jiang Han has experienced such a scene.

  If it was the last life, he would have agreed long ago.

  But the target was Su Qingyi, so Jiang Han could not respond directly.

  "Okay, the reason why I lent your family money is just to keep your family from falling apart. Besides, you have to pay back the money. You and Su Hao both work for me. When you pay it off, you can leave."

  Jiang Han couldn't stand it anymore, so he changed the topic.

  Su Qingyi, who was sitting in the back row, didn't speak, and didn't know what she was thinking.

  The car fell into silence again.

  After waiting for nearly half an hour, Jiang Han faintly heard the sound of the police car.

  The shirt was already dry under the warm wind.

  Jiang Han got out of the car.

  Su Qingyi, who was sitting in the back row, looked at Jiang Han who was standing outside the car, her eyes flashed, and she murmured something.

  Then he got out of the car and stood with Jiang Han, waiting for the police car to come. .

Chapter 138

  Two Rolls Royces, plus seven or eight police cars.

  The mighty opened up.

  Obviously, Jiang Han was taken away under Li Zekai's eyes, which made Li Zekai really angry.

  Otherwise, so many police officers would not be called.

  The convoy drove fast, following the huge searchlight to stop.

  Then Jiang Han saw Li Zekai and He Youlong get off the Rolls-Royce and ran towards them.

  A few bodyguards in suits followed, as well as teams of police officers.

  "Mr. Jiang, are you all right?" Li Zekai said eagerly after running over.

  He Youlong was the same, looking up and down Jiang Han and Su Qingyi, fearing that they would be injured.

  Jiang Han was kidnapped after winning money at the casino.

  If this incident spreads out, I am afraid that the reputation of the casino will be smeared because of this incident.

  It is precisely because of this that in addition to being concerned about Jiang Han's safety, He Youlong has already held a grudge against Zhao Fu in his heart.

  Jiang Han shook his head and said, "It's okay, we were in the car the whole time, and they started fighting themselves."

  "Huh?" Li Zekai and He Youlong both looked at Jiang Han.

  is it possible?

  Zhao Fu is not a fool, how could the selected person be such a brainless person?

  Su Qingyi also turned to look at Jiang Han.

  But then he turned his head.

  Echoing Jiang Han's words, he said, "Yes, they fought themselves."

  It doesn't matter what happened.

  Li Zekai and the others didn't care at all.

  Everyone has their own secrets. Seeing that Jiang Han didn't want to tell them, they didn't want to ask any more.

  All they want is the result, and it's enough for Jiang Han to be fine.

  Li Zekai nodded, then glanced at the group of people who were still lying on the ground, and turned to the group of police officers who came with him: "Take them all back!"

  Although Li Zekai was not a member of the public family, with the influence of the Li family, the police did not dare to refute anything.

  What's more, He Youlong, a local boss from the casino city, also came over.

  After Li Zekai finished speaking, the police officers took handcuffs to handcuff all the unconscious people.

  This incident has a great impact, and if it spreads out, it is estimated that the mainland will be shaken.

  But everyone deliberately wanted to keep this matter down.

  There was no turbulence.

  After receiving Jiang Han and He Youlong, Li Zekai and He Youlong took them back to the hotel. After they settled down, Li Zekai went out again.

  It should be a follow-up issue to deal with this.

  It was not until the next morning that Li Zekai came back.

  This matter has been settled.

  After knocking on the door twice, Jiang Han opened the door of the room. Seeing Li Zekai standing at the door with a tired face, Jiang Han had already guessed that Li Zekai must have been busy last night.

  "Mr. Jiang, this matter has been resolved." Li Zekai handed Jiang Han a cigarette and lit another for himself.

  I haven't slept all night and need a cigarette to refresh myself.

  "Solved?" Jiang Han also lit a cigarette.

  "Well, Zhao Fu's money in the casino yesterday is actually all the liquidity of his company."

  "After losing to you last night, there is no liquidity in his company account."

  "If the matter is exposed, the board of directors cannot let him go, so he will take the risk and shoot at you."

  Li Zekai pouted and said, "This kind of person is a typical gambler."

  Jiang Han smiled and said nothing.

  Although winning the guy's money yourself will probably cause the guy to go bankrupt.

  But Jiang Han didn't have any sympathy in his heart.

  Based on what he did last night, everything that happened deserved it.

  "But you are a bit ruthless." Li Zekai looked at Jiang Han again and said, "Including Zhao Fu, there are nine people in total, three with mild concussions, three with severe concussions, and two with straight broken legs."

  "The worst thing is Zhao Fu. The others can at least recover, but Zhao Fu has not woken up since he was sent to the police station last night."

  "After I was sent to the hospital for an examination, I found out that it was a severe concussion, and it was difficult to wake up. Even if I woke up, I would only become a fool."

  Li Zekai was a little surprised when he learned about Zhao Fu's examination results last night.

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