There was no one in front of the counter anyway, so Su Hao was left to watch the counter by himself.

  However, Jiang Han obviously overestimated the patience of these people.

  Many of them are provincial-level agents, focusing on products that cost tens of thousands of dollars.

  He was obviously not very interested in Jiang Han's gadgets that cost only [-] yuan.

  Moreover, given the amount of personal computers owned by the Celestial Dynasty, even if they acted as an agent for the sales rights of the whole country, it is estimated that it would be difficult to sell much.

  This is the difference between them and Jiang Han.

  Jiang Han is well aware of how high the penetration rate of personal computers will be in the future.

  Especially in corporate office, U disk is definitely an indispensable thing.

  After an hour of busy work, I couldn't find a strong agent, but two agents in the northwest region took a fancy to the U disk.

  Talking is better than nothing, Jiang Han took them to the counter, intending to show them how to use the USB flash drive.

  However, after approaching, he saw Su Hao showing an old man how to use the USB flash drive.

  The old man was wearing a Chinese tunic suit with silver hair. He watched Su Hao constantly playing with the computer with a smile on his face.

  For some reason, Jiang Han instinctively felt that this old man had a great background.

  After approaching, Jiang Han could also hear the conversation between the two of them.

  "Grandpa, you can see that you can transfer a file to another computer in this way. It is very convenient to operate."

  "It's very convenient. In this way, it can improve the efficiency of a lot of office work, and it is also a lot more convenient."

  After hearing Su Hao's words, the old man nodded in agreement.

  "How come no one comes to see such a useful thing?" The old man smiled again.

  Hearing this, Su Hao couldn't help but said, "We submitted the application too late, and the person who applied didn't know the product. He insisted that something so useful has no technical value, and then arranged us here."

  After speaking, Su Hao said a little indignantly: "You said, high technology means whoever has the highest technical content and who is more powerful?"

  "Shouldn't high-tech products be more convenient for people to work and study?"

  Hearing Su Hao's words, the old man nodded in agreement.

  "Yes, the essence of high technology should be to serve human beings. Although this gadget of yours is low in technology, it has great potential."

  The old man's words were very stable and gave a pertinent evaluation.

  Jiang Han walked over with Su Qingyi and the two agents.

  Then he said: "Old man, if you like it, after the exhibition is over, I can give you a USB flash drive as a collection."

  "Who is this?" The old man looked at Jiang Han with some doubts after seeing Jiang Han.

  "Oh, his name is Jiang Han, and he invented the USB flash drive." Su Hao said while pulling out the USB flash drive.

  "Jiang Han?" The old man seemed to have thought of something after hearing Jiang Han's name and seeing that Jiang Han was so young.

  "Is this the national college entrance examination champion?"

  "Have you heard his name?" Su Hao said with a smile, "Don't praise him, this guy is easy to float."

  "What nonsense are you talking about?" Jiang Han gave Su Hao a blank look, and then walked to the front of the counter. .

Chapter 165

  Jiang Han showed the two agents in the northwest how to use the USB flash drive, and the other party was also interested and tried it out himself.

  Everyone complimented it on how useful it was.

  There is nothing to say about the price of the U disk.

  It is still in the profiteering period of U disk.

  This price cannot be lowered too much until the production cost is not lowered.

  The other party is clearly aware of this.

  The price quoted by Jianghan is 512 per 1M U disk, and the agency price of [-]G U disk is [-].

  In this way, profits are left for those agents, without detracting from the benefits of the USB drive itself to Jiang Han.

  After thinking about it, the two decided to each take five thousand to two types of USB flash drives.

  In this way, these two people solved Jiang Han's 512M USB flash drive for 1 yuan and a [-]G USB flash drive for [-] yuan.

  After the two made a decision, Jiang Han asked Su Qingyi to print the purchase contract.

  Prepare several at a time to avoid running back and forth.

  Anyway, Qian Jianghan didn't care about the print.

  After receiving the two agents, Jiang Han just wanted to talk to the old man before.

  When he looked back, he found that the other party had already left.

  "What about the old man just now?" Jiang Han turned his head and asked Su Hao with some doubts.

  "Let's go." Su Hao held a bottle of Jianlibao in his hand, took a sip and said, "When we left, what did you say to let us do it well, someone will definitely discover the potential of the USB flash drive."

  Jiang Han frowned slightly when he heard this.

  Instinctively, the old man didn't seem to be simple.

  Will the average old man come here when he has nothing to do?And also wearing a Chinese tunic suit.

  Don't be afraid of the arrogance of the big boss in a suit, but be afraid that the old man in the tunic suit will call you a little comrade.

  It is not necessarily the boss who wears a suit, and it is certainly not easy for an old man to wear a Chinese tunic suit.

  Jiang Han was preconceived before and didn't pay too much attention to it. Now, after thinking about it carefully, the old man seems to be really unusual.

  Ten minutes later, Su Qingyi came back with a thick stack of contracts in his hand.

  Jiang Han also signed a contract with the two agents, and asked Su Qingyi to leave the phone.

  After the contract was signed, Jiang Han wanted to take a USB flash drive to pull a few agents over, but two men in work clothes came over.

  After seeing the three of Jiang Han, he said apologetically: "I'm sorry, it was our work mistake before, and we will now change the exhibition site for you."

  As he spoke, he packed up for Jiang Han and the others.

  The sudden change made Jiang Han and the other three did not expect it.

  Why did the staff who used to disdain U disks suddenly have such a big change now.

  Jiang Han instantly thought of the old man before.

  Not surprisingly, it should be the one who exerted his strength in the dark.

  Jiang Han did not refuse to change to another exhibition stand, after all, no one would have trouble living with money.

  Jiang Han will not feel resentment now because he was despised before, he is too petty.

  After changing the exhibition stand, the traffic on Jiang Han's side has obviously increased a lot.

  The USB flash drive that few people paid attention to at first has now become a sweet pastry in the eyes of everyone.

  As Jiang Han expected, what the U disk lacks is just an opportunity to show it.

  With the continuous application of computers in the office, the market of U disks will also be enlarged unlimitedly.

  In this regard, Japan and South Korea are much ahead of the Celestial Dynasty.

  In just two hours in the afternoon, Jiang Han had signed more than [-] agency contracts.

  And the more developed countries or regions the agents are, the more goods they want.

  The order volume in one afternoon alone reached nearly [-] million yuan!

  Basically, the 512M U disk and the 1G U disk each have one million.

  Moreover, it is also agreed to see the sales of U disks and additional purchases in the future.

  In just one afternoon, the output of Jiuhuang Technology for the next six months was swallowed up!

  According to the price decided before, when these USB flash drives are delivered, they will be able to bring nearly [-] million profits to Jiang Han!

  Su Hao didn't believe that Jiang Han could place hundreds of thousands of orders in one minute, but seeing so many orders now, and the fact that they are still increasing, made him speechless.

  Roughly calculate the amount involved in the middle.

  Su Hao was completely convinced.

  He was about to hug Jiang Han's thigh in front of everyone and call him brother.

  With the influence of high-tech exhibitions, U disk is an instant hit, and it is still an instant hit throughout Asia.

  No longer limited to the previous Xiangjiang area!

  Now, even if Li Jiacheng wants to restrict Jiuhuang Technology, it is impossible!

  Jiang Han finally released his hand.

  After the exhibition in the afternoon was over, Jiang Han deleted all the contents of the two USB flash drives used for display.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  Then he took the U disk and found the person in charge of the computer digital branch.

  Handed two U disks to him.

  Jiang Han knew very well that this person must know the identity of the old man.

  I'm not afraid that he will swallow the U disk privately.

  Jiang Han didn't mean to thank him personally. People at that level are not something he can contact now.

  Being able to take care of each other is enough.

  After the person in charge got the USB flash drive, he went straight upstairs and knocked on the door of a room.

  After more than ten seconds, the door of the room was opened.

  It was a door opened by a middle-aged man.

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