Therefore, no one was willing to speak for Zhang Yang when he was humiliated.

  Now that Jiang Han stood up and spoke fluent Chinese dialect, there were even more boos around him.

  But it is much better than Zhang Yang.

  Because Jiang Han is very handsome.

  And next to him was a very beautiful girl like Su Qingyi.

  Even if there are aesthetic differences between the two sides, it still cannot hide the temperament of Jiang Han and Su Qingyi.

  Seeing that Yang Zhiyuan agreed, Jiang Han said directly, "I hold the same attitude as Zhang Yang."

  "The future of the Internet is beyond Yahoo's control."

  "And it's not enough for any company to be around 12."

  "Any company that tries to control the direction of the Internet will end up being abandoned by the Internet."

  If Zhang Yang's words are reserved, then Jiang Han's words will be completely exposed.

  Unceremoniously, he burst the bubble promoted by Yang Zhiyuan.

  Yahoo now looks like a huge market cap, at one point approaching $[-] billion.

  But at the end of the day, Yahoo is just the Internet's biggest bubble.

  The rise of Yahoo is the result of the joint efforts of many capital parties.

  Including many listed companies, are in this state.

  At this time, the real profit model of the Internet has not yet been discovered.

  In terms of profitability, it is not as good as companies in other industries.

  But because of the hype of Internet companies, the entire Internet has been inflated without limit.

  Originally Jiang Han didn't intend to say this, but seeing Yang Zhiyuan like this, Jiang Han felt the need to remind him.

  And Yang Zhiyuan took a deep breath after hearing Jiang Han's words.

  After a sigh, he shook his head helplessly.

  "This gentleman, if you don't mind, how about coming up and chatting?" Yang Zhiyuan looked at Jiang Han and said.

  Yang Zhiyuan was planning to respond positively to Jiang Han and Zhang Yang's words.

  Then in front of everyone, let them clearly understand their mistakes.

  As the boss of a listed company, he is also a boss who is worth tens of billions and controls hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth.

  Yang Zhiyuan has his own self-confidence and pride.

  Only Jiang Han will agree?

  Everyone looked at Jiang Han who was standing there.

  Then he saw Jiang Han nodded, and then said with a smile: "Of course."

  Jiang Han agreed!

  He actually agreed.

  Everyone shouted excitedly.

  This is the characteristic of Westerners.

  They themselves are very enthusiastic about this kind of thing, even if the appearance of Jiang Han and Zhang Yang disrupted the original rhythm of the venue.

  But seeing someone continue to provoke Yang Zhiyuan is enough to make them excited.

  "Jiang Han!"

  "Jiang Han!"

  Zhang Yang and Su Qingyi saw Jiang Han agreed and couldn't help but speak anxiously.

  However, Su Qingyi just stood up after speaking, apparently planning to follow Jiang Han over.

  And Zhang Yang said anxiously: "Jiang Han, don't go, no matter what the final result of this matter is, it will never change anything."

  Jiang Han looked at him and shook his head.

  He didn't just want to argue with Yang Zhiyuan about whether or not there is.

  There is no benefit to winning Yang Zhiyuan in this argument.

  Jiang Han wanted to take this opportunity to send a signal to everyone at Stanford.

  A signal that reaches both of Google's ears.

  I am Jiang Han, rich and able to support you.

  Jiang Han took Su Qingyi to the top of the auditorium under everyone's attention.

  In fact, when Stanford's school officials saw people questioning Yang Zhiyuan one after another, they had already planned to ask the school security to stop Jiang Han and others.

  But he was stopped by Yang Zhiyuan.

  The more this is the case, the more magnanimous he has to show.

  Only in this way can we attract more talents.

  Jiang Han is using him, and he is also using Jiang Han.

  Even Yang Zhiyuan asked people to bring chairs for Jiang Han and Su Qingyi.

  "What's the name of this gentleman?" Yang Zhiyuan said only after Jiang Han and the two sat down.

  "Jiang Han, she is my secretary, Su Qingyi." After Jiang Han sat down, he didn't feel that way.

  On the contrary, he appears to be gentle and refined, even more mature and stable than Yang Zhiyuan.

  Not to mention the rest, just this bearing, anyone should pay attention to it.

  But this principle seems to be a little unworkable for Yang Zhiyuan.

  After Jiang Han finished speaking, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the leader of the Stanford school and said with a smile, "Does Stanford still have a secretary when going to school?"

  There is a sense of mocking Jiang Han in these words.

  Stanford's school leaders did not say anything.

  Jiang Han was too lazy to bother with Yang Zhiyuan over this matter.

  After making fun of Jiang Han, Yang Zhiyuan continued: "Mr. Jiang just said that any person or company that tries to control the Internet will be abandoned by the Internet."

  "Are you saying that Yahoo will be abandoned by the Internet in the future?"

  In front of so many people, Jiang Han did not hesitate.

  Nodding directly, "Yahoo is indeed the Internet company with the largest market value and the most successful Internet company in history."

  "But I don't think Yahoo now has the ability to dictate the course of the Internet."

  "Because, all Internet companies are about to be abandoned by the Internet."


  Jiang Han did not mean to restrain himself.

  Since there is going to be a riot, let's make it bigger, and spread it to the ears of the two people at Google as soon as possible, so as to complete the acquisition as soon as possible.

  Avoid long nights of dreams.

  The crowd of Stanford students sitting under the stage became more noisy after hearing Jiang Han's words.

  The Internet was born and developed in the United States. In a few decades, business miracles like Yahoo have been born.

  There are also a lot of companies that continue to create miracles like Yahoo.

  It is no exaggeration to say that it is the pride of the United States.

  But now a kid from the Chinese Dynasty actually said that a company like Yahoo would be abandoned by the Internet?

  The emotions of the crowd were naturally uncontrollable.

  But that's not all.

  Many people have a feeling of empathy after hearing Jiang Han's words.

  When Yang Zhiyuan heard Jiang Han's words, he replied unceremoniously: "Mr. Jiang, before you speak, it is best to confirm whether you are qualified to say this."

  "You don't have the right to comment on whether Yahoo will be abandoned by the Internet."

  "You are right, but I hope Mr. Yang will think carefully before saying this, whether Yahoo's current profitability and market prospects can really match the current market value."

  There was a faint smile on Jiang Han's mouth.

  Even though many Stanford students in the audience booed, the expressions on their faces did not change in the slightest. .

Chapter 202

  Jiang Han's words were very clear.

  Yahoo is indeed worth pursuing, because Yahoo itself has great value.

  But the value of Yahoo itself and the stock price given by the stock market have a serious difference.

  Makes Yahoo now like a bubble with a lot of moisture that will burst sooner or later.

  After hearing Jiang Han's words, Yang Zhiyuan frowned unceremoniously: "Yahoo, as the number one company in the Internet, should be sought after by capital, I don't think Yahoo's current market value is overvalued, or even It's so underrated!"

  Now Yahoo is indeed very powerful, as the world's first portal, sitting on more than [-] million users.

  This is where Yang Zhiyuan's confidence lies.

  No one can shake Yahoo's position at this time.

  Therefore, in his view, no matter how much Yahoo is valued, it is normal.

  Jiang Han would not deny this.

  But there was one thing Yang Zhiyuan didn't realize.

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