Originally, I just brought my two classmates here to find Jiang Han, but I didn't expect to meet my idol.

  It was a surprise.

  Zhang Yang simply sat aside with the old man and went to talk about Marvel.

  The two of Larry had already finished eating and put down their knives and forks.

  "Mr. Jiang, please forgive us for interrupting." Larry said apologetically.

  Jiang Han waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I heard Zhang Yang say, do you want to invest in your company?"

  Finally got to the point.

  The two of Larry said with a straight face when they heard the words: "Yes, we really want to get an angel investment for our company by disturbing Mr. Jiang this time."

  Google received a $[-] investment when it first started.

  But this investment is not strictly an angel investment.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  Now, they have already used up the [-] US dollars. Although Google has grown to a certain extent, it is obviously impossible to attract more investment.

  Just when they were at a loss, Jiang Han came into their sight.

  Jiang Han's remarks at Stanford that day coincided with them, and more importantly, Jiang Han had the money to invest in them.

  That's why they met Jiang Han at Zhang Yang's recommendation.

  Jiang Han nodded, thought for a while and then said, "I just have a sum of money in my hand right now. I don't know how much investment you need?"

  The two of Larry were slightly taken aback when they heard the words.

  Jiang Han's promise was too straightforward, right?

  Originally, I thought that it would take a lot of words to talk about Jiang Han.

  The two Larry, who had suffered from indifference, had a feeling of being unable to adapt at this moment.

......... 0

  But after all, it is not an ordinary person. After a brief period of daze, Larry directly quoted the price that had been decided before.

  "We plan to raise $[-]. In terms of shares, we plan to give you fifteen percent..."

  Jiang Han smiled slightly and stopped talking.

  Fifteen shares for half a million dollars.

  That is to say, Larry's valuation of Google is around $[-] million.

  With the world's leading search technology, Google will develop rapidly in the future.

  But it does not mean that the current capital's valuation of Google is so much.

  After all, it didn't take long for Yang Zhiyuan to reject Google.

  Jiang Han didn't care about the half a million dollars.

  but shares.

  Fifteen percent of the shares, too little.

  Larry and the two saw that Jiang Han just smiled and didn't speak, and thought that Jiang Han was disgusting with the high price, and they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

  Larry said eagerly: "Mr. Jiang, if you think the valuation is too high, we can lower it a little more."

  Jiang Han shook his head.

  "Half a million dollars might be a lot to you, but to me, it's nothing."

  Jiang Han tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and then said again: "The two of you can come to me for investment, you must have read my information."

  Larry nodded slightly.

  You can't hide this, and there's no need to hide it.

  "If you have read my information, you should know that the companies I have invested in all require absolute proportions. That is to say, [-]% of the shares cannot make me tempted at all."

  "You have to take out more than [-]% of the shares to impress me." Shang.

Chapter 210

  "Seventy percent!"

  Jiang Han said it was easy, but in the ears of Larry and the two, it was not so easy.

  What is the concept of [-]% or more of the shares?

  It means that although Larry and the others got the investment, they directly gave the company to Jiang Han.

  Because Jiang Han has absolute control, Google will become Jiang Han's one word!

  It is impossible for any slightly ideal founder to accept Jiang Han's proposal!

  Generally, companies need to go through three or four rounds of financing to obtain funds and continue to develop before going public.

  For each financing, shareholders basically have to give up [-]% to [-]% of their shares.

  The [-]% they just gave up is an extremely normal ratio.

  After all, Google's future value must exceed its current value.

  The money is enough to burn.

  And once they give up so many shares in the angel round, even if the value of Google soars in the future, it has little to do with them.

  The faces of Larry and the two became indifferent at this moment.

  "Mr. Jiang, we do lack investment, but that doesn't mean we can accept investment without restrictions."

  "Yes, we can only sell up to [-]% of the shares. If Mr. Jiang thinks it is expensive, we can reduce the valuation to two million US dollars. You only need to invest [-] US dollars."

  Larry's attitude changed quickly.

  The capital development of the United States is many years ahead of the Chinese dynasty.

  Entrepreneurs here are well aware that although capital can help companies get through the tough times when they start-up.

  But at the same time capital is also harmful.

  A little careless, it will be swallowed by the capital.

  This is different from many companies that develop Tianchaojia.

  Entrepreneurs in those countries only care about short-term capital investments.

  Even Zhang Yang, who was still chatting on the side, stopped talking and looked towards this side.

  And Su Qingyi has been listening quietly.

  Even if he knew that the [-]% share that Jiang Han said was not realistic at all, he did not speak out to persuade him to say anything.

  Jiang Han was not surprised by the attitude of the two.

  Without this attitude, the two of them would not have made Google that big in the future.

  "Don't worry, you two." Jiang Han said with a smile: "Business, it's a discussion in itself."

  "You can reject me now, but you can also come to me to invest in the future."

  Hearing Jiang Han's attitude slightly eased.

  The expressions of the two of them softened slightly.

  As long as Google is in their hands, that's fine.

  And Jiang Han is not like the other capitals. Once he can't achieve what he wants, he will start to die.

  Although Larry and the others are extremely confident in Google's advantages, they are not afraid that someone will come and seize the market with them.

  But still a little impatient.

  "Even if I can't invest in you in the end, I can still be friends in the end."

  "After all, we still agree on some points."

  Jiang Han smiled again.

  Although he said so, Jiang Han didn't think so in his heart.

  The fat piece of Google, he must eat it!

  "Yes, we still agree on the future development of the Internet."

  Larry finally smiled.

  In fact, a large part of the reason why they are willing to come to Jiang Han is also because of this.

  They don't want to find a capital that disagrees with them.

  Sergey also nodded and said, "Mr. Jiang can bluntly refute Yang Zhiyuan, which we admire."

  "Anyway, I'll be free for the next few days. Why don't you two take me to see your company, how?"

  "Even as a friend, if Google really has enough potential, I can still lend you money."

  "I can't accept low-share investments, but that doesn't mean I won't lend money to friends."

  Jiang Han's words were very convoluted.

  While saying that he would not invest if Google's shares were less than [-]%, he also said that he could lend money to Larry.

  But they went around, but Larry and the two instantly understood what Jiang Han meant.

  Hearing this, his eyes lit up.

  It would be better if Jiang Han could lend them some money!

  "Of course!" Sergey said without any hesitation, "If Mr. Jiang is willing, you can visit us at any time."

  "Then..." Jiang Han spread his hands, and seeing that everyone had finished eating, he continued: "Now."

  "Okay, okay." The two of Larry were even more anxious than Jiang Han.

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