But the vast majority are company stock.

  In terms of cash flow, no one can compare to Jiang Han!

  At that time, all industries in Jiang Han's plan will be able to enter!

  And Su Qingyi also agreed to Larry and the others' request to meet again.

  In the past few days, under Su Qingyi's deliberate refusal, they had already gone crazy.

  Although Google's traffic is still growing rapidly, the faster it grows, the more uncertain Larry's heart becomes.

  Google's servers can't take it anymore!

  The investment they received from start to finish was only that hundred thousand dollars.

  I bought a server, and the rest have been spent one after another.

  If they can't get new investment to upgrade their servers, then they can only watch Google's servers hit capacity, even overloaded, until they crash.

  And there is Jiang Han, the capital giant, staring at the side.

  It is possible to take action at any time.

  The day they rejected Jiang Han, they already regretted it.

  I want to recover this investment, but the result is that Jiang Han has lost interest.

  Jiang Han had no intention of answering Jiang Han's phone call.

  It is clear that it is to dry them.

  The more Jiang Han is like this, the more anxious Larry and the others are.

  Fortunately, Su Qingyi's QQ can still be contacted.

  Susan has not done anything else these days, and has been communicating with Su Qingyi on QQ.

  He wanted to ask Su Qingyi to go to Jiang Han again to beg for mercy.

  Su Qingyi has also been perfunctory.

  But over time, the relationship between Su Qingyi and Susan became very familiar.

  The two seem to have signs of developing towards their best friend.

  Although Susan is much older than Su Qingyi.

  But in the final analysis, Su Qingyi and Susan are actually the same type of people, both of which belong to the type of strong women.

  And the two people's education is not bad, they have a lot of common language.

  After Su Qingyi learned through Susan that Larry and Larry were ready to let go of Google's shares, she told Jiang Han about it.

  Jiang Han no longer made any cold gestures, and asked Su Qingyi to send a message to Susan, agreeing to let them meet at the hotel in three days.

  Three days later, when Jiang Han harvested, it would be good to let the two of Google see this scene.

  At least let them know that they are not short of funds.

  This can also cut off the idea of ​​Larry and the two wanting to turn over later.

  After receiving the news that Jiang Han agreed to meet, Larry and the two were naturally ecstatic.

  Even agreed.

  As long as Jiang Han is willing to give them a chance, then they have the qualifications to continue talking.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  They were afraid that Jiang Han would not give them a chance!

  This is what bothers them the most.

  Time passed slowly.

  until the morning of the third day.

  The crude oil futures in Jiang Han's hands have soared from $[-] a barrel to $[-] a barrel!

  For a whole month, the price tripled!

  It also means that the crude oil futures in Jiang Han's hands tripled in value!

  At this time, the bodyguards brought by Elder Zhou also knocked on the door of Jiang Han's room.

  Jiang Han glanced at Su Qingyi who was changing clothes, got up and came to the door.

  The door opened slightly a crack.

  And the bodyguard standing at the door didn't mean to come in after seeing this.

  "Old Zhou asked Mr. Jiang to prepare early and then go to the futures exchange."

  Jiang Han replied that he knew, and closed the door of the room again.

  This day has finally arrived.


  Jiang Han only felt relieved for a while, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  He walked over, hugged Su Qingyi and kissed Su Qingyi on the face.

  It made Su Qingyi give him a blank look.

  However, he also knew why Jiang Han was so excited, and was sincerely happy for Jiang Han in his heart.

  After Su Qingyi changed her clothes and took a shower, Jiang Han and the others went out.

  At this time, Larry and his party of four also arrived.

  Old Zhou did not mean to follow the past, so only the middle-aged man surnamed Wang walked with him.

  In the previous contact, Jiang Han already knew the identity and name of the other party.

  The second-in-command in charge of the national crude oil reserve department is simply not accessible to ordinary people.

  There were also two traders and two bodyguards in black suits.

  A total of eleven people in the group, driving three cars, rushed towards the futures exchange in a mighty manner.

  When doing this kind of operation, it is best to go to the futures exchange, otherwise there will inevitably be some deviations.

  Once there is a deviation, the loss is huge.

  The futures exchange in New York, although not the largest futures exchange in the world, definitely ranks among the top three.

  Whether it is reputation or strength, it is guaranteed.

  And even if the United States is really interested in this crude oil futures, it will not start this kind of transaction.

  This brand of the New York Futures Exchange is much more valuable than the crude oil futures in Jiang Han's hands.

  "Mr. Wang, are you ready for everything here?" After getting off the car, Jiang Han looked at the man named Wang who also got out of the car.

  The man surnamed Wang nodded when he heard the words, but there was no expression on his face.

  His own personality is like this, no matter what happened, the expression on his face didn't change much.

  As for what Jiang Han said, it must be a matter of transaction security and privacy.superior.

Chapter 220

  What Mr. Wang represents is not an ordinary futures speculator, but a country.

  Even if the United States does too much, it is impossible to do something to Mr. Wang, and that would be provoking the bottom line of the Chinese dynasty.

  And this is also the reason why Elder Zhou is relieved to let Jiang Han come with Mr. Wang.

  Elder Zhou doesn't like to run around, and there is no need to be stimulated by this.

  It is foreseeable that after the completion of this wave of transactions, Jiang Han's personal wealth will skyrocket dozens of times.

  Normal people really can't accept this stimulus.

  It was as if the four of Larry at the moment didn't know what they were about to witness.

  After seeing Jiang Han brought them to the New York Futures Exchange, the explanation looked blank.

  Only Susan looked thoughtful.

  She has already started working, and the content of her own work is also related to the economy.

  Naturally know about the recent surge in crude oil futures.

  There are countless people who have bought up in this crude oil wave whose net worth has skyrocketed.

  There are also countless short-sellers who invaded their homes and went bankrupt, and lost everything.

  Jiang Han was able to bring them here, it should be because he bought it, and now he has to close his position.

  I just don't know how many crude oil futures Jiang Han bought in total.

  In the past few days, Larry and the others have repeatedly studied Jiang Han's information.

  Susan also knew that Jiang Han's assets reached [-] million US dollars.

  If Jiang Han was bolder, he would take out half of his assets and put them into the crude oil futures market.

  The current income can reach [-] million!

  Assets doubled directly.

  If that is the case, Jiang Han, who is worth one billion dollars, is definitely a powerful capital!

  Susan roughly estimated Jiang Han's worth, and was slightly shocked.

  It is not easy for Jiang Han to earn a billion dollars in such a short period of time.

  The three of Larry followed carefully, wanting to ask Jiang Han about Google.

  But it is also very clear that Jiang Han has no intention to deal with their affairs at all now, so he can only endure the anxiety in his heart.

  The group entered the futures exchange.

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