"Mr Will, please."

  Both of them gave each other enough respect.

  However, he still followed Prince William into the banquet hall.

  This dinner was originally planned by Prince William hastily.

  Also in the name of charity.

  Naturally, it is necessary to take out a part of the items for auction.

  Prince William is also very generous.

  All proceeds from the auction will be used to help rebuild homes for war-affected homeless people around the world.

  This emotional speech really made many women in the banquet hall cry.

  As for how many of them were really crying and how many were acting, Jiang Han had no idea.

  He's been sitting with Will since he came in.

  Both are worth billions of dollars.

  In this case, it is natural to maintain a certain degree of high cold.

  And Jiang Han's goal is Will.

  Prince William created an opportunity for him, and Jiang Han naturally had to seize the opportunity.

  Let Will feel the purpose of Jiang Han's coming to Europe and the sufficient pressure.

  "Mr. Jiang has made a huge profit of [-] billion US dollars from the crude oil market. Have you ever thought about what industry you want to engage in?"

  With a glass of champagne in his hand, Will said to Jiang Han with a smile.

  "I have a technology in my hands, so I plan to start a company and push this technology to the world."

  "I came to Europe this time to investigate the market. As long as there is enough market, I will invest all [-] billion in my hand."

  Jiang Han said lightly, but there was a sense of confidence in his voice.

  "Huh? [-] billion dollars invested?"

  Will couldn't help being surprised when he heard Jiang Han's words.

  What kind of project can be invested [-] billion US dollars at one time?

  And why did Jiang Han dare to invest [-] billion US dollars at one time?

  Isn't he afraid of losing everything? .

Chapter 259

  I don't know if what Jiang Han said is true or false, but the truth of the matter no longer needs to be verified.

  If Jiang Han has this idea.

  Even if only [-] billion US dollars are thrown in, it proves that Jiang Han is extremely optimistic about this technology.

  This kind of opportunity, you have to ask what you say~.

  "What is Mr. Jiang planning to invest in? I don't know if I'm not qualified to play along?"

  Will had a smile on his face.

  It seems to be joking, but in the final analysis, it is actually listening to Jiang Han's falsehood.

  "Mr. Will may not be able to participate in this business of mine."

  Jiang Han couldn't help shaking his head when he heard Will's words.

  He could hear what Will was saying.

  But at this time, it is better not to be too positive.

  Will had to feel his determination.

  will take this matter more seriously.

  "What? Is Mr. Jiang afraid that I won't be able to pay?" Will frowned slightly.

  Jiang Han can use the immature technology research and development as an excuse to decline.

  It can also be rejected on the grounds that it is still investigating the market.

  This will save both faces.

  But Jiang Han said it so bluntly.

  It's obvious that you just look down on him.

  Although Will won't turn his face, the dissatisfaction on his face has already been revealed.

  Even the people around looked at it.

  I wanted to see why Jiang Han dared to reject Will.

  Will's position in the Eagle Country is, to some extent, not weaker than that of Bill Gates in the United States.

  Even in terms of the status of the Eagle Country, it is a lot better than Bill Gates.

  After all, even though Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, his influence in the Eagle Country is limited after all.

  But Will is different.

  As long as Will is willing, Ying Nation will definitely help him, not Jiang Han.

  After all, Vodafone is one of the most famous companies in Eagle Country.

  Big taxpayer.

  And no matter how rich Jiang Han is, after all, he has not made any investment in Eagle State.

  Guan Jin sat beside Jiang Han.

  I feel that the surrounding atmosphere is slightly wrong.

  Involuntarily, he reached out and pulled Jiang Han's clothes, wanting to remind Jiang Han.

  But Jiang Han pretended not to notice.

  Raised sign in hand.

  "A million dollars, I want this."

  Jiang Han looked at Prince William who was acting as the auctioneer on the stage and said with a smile.

  At this moment, there is a landscape painting on the stage.

  It is an ancient painting of the celestial dynasty.

  "A million dollars?"

  Hearing Jiang Han's words, everyone turned their attention to this side.

  Then he saw Jiang Han with a smile on his face, and Will with a slight frown.

  "Mr. Jiang offered a million dollars for this landscape painting during the Guangxu period of the Celestial Dynasty. Does anyone want to increase the price?"

  Originally it was only [-] US dollars, but now Jiang Han has directly raised it to [-] million US dollars.

  The few people who were originally competing all pouted secretly.

  The idea of ​​continuing to compete has apparently been abandoned.

  One million dollars is not much for them.

  After all, they both put the price up to half a million dollars before.

  But the $[-] is actually just to support Prince William.

  Who would have thought that Jiang Han suddenly intervened.

  Converting one million US dollars into Chinese currency is seven million.

  Taking [-] million to buy a piece of paper, the strength of this support is obviously contrary to their thoughts.

  As the initiator of all this, Jiang Han just looked at the ancient painting on the stage with a smile on his face, as if he didn't see everyone's eyes.

  "Mr. Jiang really supports Prince William."

  Will on the side said lightly: "It's just that the price is a bit too big, right? One million dollars, hehe."

  There was a hint of sarcasm in Will's words.

  Although it was not obvious, everyone heard it.

  But Jiang Han still didn't seem to hear it.

  The smile on Prince William's face deepened after he announced his third deal.

  Prince William rolled up the ancient painting and walked towards Jiang Han.

  "Mr. Jiang, thank you for your contribution."

  Prince William looked sincere and authentic.

  The housekeeper Simon next to him holds a pos machine in his hand.

  Obviously waiting for Jiang Han to swipe the card.

  Jiang Han didn't mean to shirk.

  He took out his bank card directly from his pocket and swiped it.

  A million dollars was just spent by him.

  Except for a few people around who knew Jiang Han's net worth, no one else was aware of that.

  Especially Jiang Han is so young and still has an Asian face.

  Can't help but let everyone guess what Jiang Han's identity is.

  A young man who can easily spend a million dollars is definitely not an ordinary person.

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