"That's when Orange's share price will start to fall."

  "The rest is up to you. I hope you don't disappoint me."

  Jiang Han looked at Huo Jianning with a half-smile but not a smile.

  How could Huo Jianning not understand what Jiang Han meant?

  Obviously, Jiang Han wanted to use Huo Jianning's current identity to convey news to the outside world.

  "Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I will never let you down."

  Huo Jianning agreed without any hesitation.

  Now is the critical moment to gain Jiang Han's trust.

  Can only succeed, not fail.

  And Li Jiacheng also meant the same thing.

  Gain Jiang Han's trust first, and then give Jiang Han a fatal blow at a critical moment. .

Chapter 281

  This day is destined to be a day to leave a historical mark.

  Vodafone and Mannesmann, Europe's largest and second largest mobile operators, announced at the same time.

  The Celestial Academy of Sciences has developed a new type of mobile communication technology.

  And the communication quality has been greatly improved.

  It even includes the ability to transmit ultra-high-speed data traffic.

  In other words, the technology in the hands of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the 2.0 era of mobile communication.

  Originally, according to the normal historical process, 1G only provided call services, and 2G provided simple data transmission services.

  When 3G arrives, the data transmission speed will be greatly improved, and the era of mobile Internet will not be opened until the technology is mature.

  But this time was advanced by Jiang Han by nearly ten years!

  Vodafone and Mannesmann also provided some test data to prove it.

  It was said that the hype was falling, and I was afraid that the technology in Jiang Han's hands would be lifted to the sky.

  It even sent a text message to all users telling them about the new mobile communication technology.

  In just two hours, the heat immediately went up.

  As for why the two of them would spare no effort to hype this technology.

  There is suffering too.

  Because everything they released was given to them by Jiang Han.

  Moreover, if you don't send me, I will choose another company to block all the retreats of the two 12.

  There is no way, subject to others, you can only bow your head in embarrassment.

  The poor two have completely become tool people in order to obtain technical authorization.

  Use your own resources to promote technology to Jiang Han for free.

  More importantly, after the technology has become popular, Jiang Han has a lot more choices.

  Whether it is raising prices or starting a new operating company, it is much easier.

  And there is another point that makes them feel a lot more comfortable and a little helpless at the same time.

  The two pushed together at the same time, which made them feel a little more comfortable.

  But it also means that Jiang Han doesn't have to make a choice anymore.


  They only have this feeling now.

  How arrogant they were a hundred years ago, how aggrieved they are now.

  Obviously they hold the user in their hands.

  But in Jiang Han's eyes, these users seem to be worthless at all.

  However, whether they were aggrieved or not had nothing to do with Jiang Han.

  In Jiang Han's eyes, these two companies are just tools to help him earn wealth.

  It can only be a tool forever!

  Vodafone and Mannesmann have more than [-] million users combined.

  A wave of text messages bombed.

  Everyone is clearly aware of this.

  Whether it's true or not.

  Shares in Vodafone and Mannesmann rose at the same time.

  Now is an opportunity to catch a ride.

  As long as you bet on the right treasure, you can make a lot of money.

  Of course, these things must be based on the low cost of technology licensing.

  At the same time that the heat of this matter rose in an instant.

  Orange's users suddenly found that they did not receive Orange's SMS reminders.

  More importantly, those professional speculators responded.

  They react to the market much faster than ordinary people.

  The new technology gave the other two opportunities, but did not give Orange a chance. Does it mean that Orange has been abandoned?

  An inexplicable feeling keeps growing in the hearts of many speculators who bought Orange stock.

  Then, Orange's stock price began to plummet.

  In just one hour, more than $[-] million worth of shares were sold.

  Such a high turnover directly smashed Orange's stock.

  A piece of red!

  Foreign stocks are not the same as domestic stocks.

  The Chinese dynasty is red and green, but when abroad, it is red and green.

  A red directly scared all the holders of Orange stock.

  Even if it is not clear what happened, the redness alone is enough to cause panic.

  And the faster Vodafone and Mannesmann's shares rose, the faster Orange's stock price fell.

  The market plate is such a big one, and if you eat more, I'm sure you'll eat less before a new mass of users come in.

  Jiang Han was extremely satisfied as he watched Orange's stock price plummet all the way.

  "Mr. Huo, I'll leave the rest to you."

  "I can give you $[-] billion in operating authority, but I want more than [-] percent of Orange's stock."

  "Mr. Huo should be able to do this, right?"

  Jiang Han looked at Huo Jianning and said.

  All that's left is to wait until Orange's stock price falls to a certain point and then sell and sweep.

  Originally, Jiang Han planned to operate it himself.

  But now that Huo Jianning came over, Jiang Han simply gave him the job.

  Huo Jianning was also hesitant.

  Orange no matter what, he did it all by himself.

  Although the capital market should not talk about feelings.

  But now it feels to him, as if he personally gave his 'child' to Jiang Han.

  But no matter how hesitating in his heart, Huo Jianning nodded.

  "Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I will handle this matter."

  "Okay! Mr. Huo really won't let me down."

  Jiang Han said with a smile: "If that's the case, then the rest is up to Mr. Huo's operation."

  A password is required to withdraw the account balance.

  Therefore, Jiang Han can safely hand over the account to Huo Jianning for operation.

  In order to gain his trust, Huo Jianning's acquisition will inevitably be completed beautifully this time.

  Jiang Han left very casually.

  It seemed like he really didn't care about it.

  Only Huo Jianning was left alone in the trading room.

  Guan Jin also followed.

  She had never interrupted Jiang Han before.

  But still very worried.

  At this moment, without Huo Jianning, Guan Jin simply pointed it out.

  "Jiang Han, I don't think Huo 200 Jianning really wants to take refuge with you. You'd better be careful."

  Guan Jin directly reached out and grabbed Jiang Han's arm, making him stop.

  "Huh?" Jiang Han looked back at Guan Jin, and then smiled helplessly: "You see it all?"

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