Instead, 12 greeted Mr. Ren and they sat down.

  Will did not want to reveal company secrets to Jiang Han.

  Who knows what kind of moth Jiang Han will come up with.

  Will was really scared by Jiang Han.

  Now is the critical time.

  Although all affairs are a little troublesome, they are still within the scope of control.

  But if Jiang Han stepped in.

  The result is really hard to say.

  This celestial youth is very evil.

  Inexplicably, he suffered a big loss.

  But Jiang Han is Vodafone's shareholder after all, and he is also the largest individual shareholder.

  Jiang Han really wanted to know that Will obviously couldn't hide it.

  Therefore, Will can only pick out some irrelevant information, trying to perfunctory Jiang Han.

  "The acquisition is in its final stages."

  "But on the purchase price, Mannesmann insisted on a [-] percent premium, and we only agreed to a [-] percent premium."

  Will poured Jiang Han a glass of water and said lightly.

  At the same time, he turned his attention to the people who came in with Jiang Han.

  Thor and Will do not know them.

  But look at the attitude of these people.

  Probably just bodyguards or something.

  Little people don't matter.

  But Ren Zongwei still knew him.

  As the largest mobile communication operator in Europe, Vodafone always has base station construction tasks.

  It is inevitable to deal with base station builders.

  In Vodafone's assessment.

  Huawei's current situation can only be regarded as a third-rate base station builder in the world.

  Only eat small orders that no one wants.

  Large orders have already been placed by default.

  But none of this matters.

  The important thing is that Huawei's identity is a Celestial Company.

  And Jiang Han is also from the Celestial Dynasty.

  At such a sensitive time, Jiang Han brought the CEO of a base station construction company from China to look for him.

  The meaning should already be obvious.

  "I believe that the acquisition of Mannesman can be handled properly with Mr. Will's ability."

  Jiang Han smiled.

  Will also nodded.

  "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for believing."

  "I'm here this time because I actually have other things. I want to ask Mr. Will to arrange it."

  "Trust this one, Mr. Will knows."

  Jiang Han held his right hand slightly and introduced President Ren to Will.

  "This is President Ren of Warwick Group."

  Seeing that Jiang Han went straight to the subject, Mr. Ren quickly got up and extended his hand to Will.

  Be polite.

  But Will did not shake hands with Mr. Ren.

  The size of the two sides is placed here.

  Will can give Jiang Han face, but he doesn't compare to President Ren.

  The relationship between the two parties is like that of superiors and subordinates.

  After all, Warwick depends on Vodafone's face to eat.

  This was the case before, and even more so after the annexation of Mannesmann.

  Mr. Ren's offer was rejected.

  There was a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.

  However, he had clearly anticipated this situation.

  There has been more than that in the past.

  Mr. Ren once waited for three days in Vodafone's meeting room for an order.

  Haven't seen Will.

  At least I saw Will's face now.

  And this is also a situation often encountered by Chinese merchants in the international arena.

  If you want to make money, you first have to show your face.

  With a smirk, Mr. Ren took back the outstretched hand.

  But if Mr. Ren could endure it, it did not mean that Jiang Han could endure it.

  What do you mean?

  You dare to shake the face of the people I brought?

  When is it your turn to pose in front of me?

  It doesn't matter if you are qualified or not!

  Jiang Han's face darkened.

  Looking at Will's cold voice: "Mr. Will, in fact, I came here to inform you of one thing."

  "As for the specific matters about the construction of new technology base stations, I have fully entrusted to Celestial Warwick Company."

  "You just have to buy Mannesmann in."

  "You won't have to worry about the rest."

  Jiang Han originally wanted to have a good talk with Will.

  At that time though the result will not change.

  But at least it took care of his face.

  But Jiang Han really couldn't bear this guy's attitude.

  Since you don't want a face.

  Then I had to put your face on the ground and stomped on it.

  And when Will heard Jiang Han's words, his face changed suddenly.

  The acquisition of Mannesmann is a small matter.

  It's basically a done deal.

  But the more important point is the next base station construction.

  This is a gigantic project that will involve tens of billions of dollars in infrastructure.

  If operated properly, there will be a lot of oil and water in the middle that can be dug.

  Many base station companies have already contacted him.

  Secretly promised a lot of benefits.

  The total value will not be less than five billion dollars.

  Such a big project.

  If Jiang Han really gave it to Warwick.

  Then he really lost a lot!

  "Mr. Jiang! This matter..."

  Will wanted to struggle a bit.

  But Jiang Han didn't give him any chance to struggle at all.

253 "There is no room for negotiation on this matter!"

  Jiang Han frowned and gave a cold drink.

  "As Vodafone's largest shareholder, I have the right to decide which company will take over the project."

  Jiang Han's words directly woke Will up.

  That's right, Jiang Han is now Vodafone's largest shareholder!

  More than twice the shares of the second largest shareholder, Will!

  If Jiang Han is really determined to support Huawei.

  Even if Will rips his face, Jiang Han will be able to get at least half of the project.

  "Mr. Jiang, I understand Warwick's size."

  "They are simply not qualified to undertake such a large project."

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