Jiang Han was watching the house with his parents, so he was not surprised to receive a call from Secretary Zheng.

  "If that group of people gets into trouble, tell them about the bidding in a week, and everything will follow the process."

  Jiang Han looked relaxed, and explained to Secretary Zheng in a calm voice.

  The person in charge of the embassy who got the news immediately relaxed.

  Looking at the person in charge who had a wry smile just now, he walked towards him with a smile on his face.

  Yorkney snorted coldly and thought to himself, "Hmph, it's not like we should obediently find someone."

  The person in charge of the embassy walked up to the group of foreign guests and said, "We just got news from Mr. Jiang."

  "Mr. Jiang is not in the magic capital now, but the bidding meeting held by Mr. Jiang about the technology in his hands will be held in a week."

  "Mr. Jiang means that I hope everyone can compete fairly and prepare a bidding document according to the requirements of the bidding meeting."

  After the person in charge of the embassy said this, he looked at this group of domineering people with satisfaction, with an ugly expression on his face.

  No matter how you make trouble with Mr. Jiang, won't you still follow the rules?

  You deserve to be making trouble here for a long time, and you haven't even seen Mr. Jiang's face.

  Although the staff and person in charge of the embassy thought so in their hearts, they still did not show it on their faces.

  Still a businesslike smile.

  After all, these people Jiang Han can be neglected, but ordinary workers like himself still have no way to be neglected.

  They even had to send the group of Buddhas away in a kind voice.

  Yorkney stared at the chief in charge with an ugly face.

  Marty stood up at this time and said with a smile: "Since Mr. Jiang plans to get a bid, we'd better go back and get ready."

  After saying this, Marty left the embassy first.

  Isn't it funny to waste time here?

  If you have time, you should go back quickly and discuss with the people in the group where the bottom line is.

  Who would put all this effort into here like an idiot like Yorkney.

  These people who can become bigwigs in the industry have their heads turned very fast.

  Those who reacted quickly began to leave gradually.

  ".¨Shit!" When the people around him were almost gone, Yorkney cursed in a low voice and left the embassy.

  "I really hope Mr. Jiang doesn't sell anything to this group of people!" a staff member of the embassy whispered.

  "Okay, hurry up and get busy with your work, don't stay around here!" Although the head of the embassy also felt that their faces just now made him very happy.

  But in the end did not say.

  But at this time, everyone felt that Jiang Han's actions were extremely relieved.

  No matter how powerful you are in the industry.

  Are you still looking for us Chinese people to buy technology?

  When you buy something, you have to look like you're buying something. Who will you show such arrogance?

  "Jiang Han, I said I have nothing to do today, I'll accompany my mother to see the house, and answer the phone again!" Lin Yueru smiled and patted Jiang Han's back.

  Manager Wang of the sales center was standing beside Jiang Han and the others.

  In the distance is a high-end villa area created by mountains and rivers.

  In a private villa area like this, in addition to paying attention to the layout, it also pays attention to Feng Shui.

  In short, all the things that rich people avoid and like are taken into account.

  Jiang Hui and the others were very satisfied when they saw this villa area.

  Jiang Han knew that even decades later, this residential area is still the richest area with the highest land price and the most elegant environment in Magic Capital.

  Due to the early development of the real estate here, some newly rich people a few decades later could not even buy a house here.

  In the [-]s, most of the people who could afford a house here were successful entrepreneurs or elites from various industries. .

Chapter 1


  Jiang Han's head slammed heavily on the desk.

  Let many candidates and invigilators watch over.

  "That candidate, please don't sleep in the exam room." The invigilator said with a slight frown.

  Jiang Han didn't seem to hear it.

  The whole person sat there dumbfounded.

  "What's the matter? Didn't I get hit by a car? Why am I here!" Jiang Han murmured in his heart as he watched the unfamiliar scene in front of him.

  Then, a huge flow of information poured directly into Jiang Han's mind.

  In an instant, Jiang Han had a splitting headache, lying on the desk in a cold sweat.

  "This classmate, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" The invigilator noticed Jiang Han's strangeness and came over.

  The information flow is only a momentary thing, and even after it returned to normal, Jiang Han also understood what happened to him after receiving the information flow!

  He actually crossed because of a car accident!

  From [-] to [-].

  And now, he is taking the college entrance examination in [-]!

  It is also clearly marked on the header of the test paper in front of me that this is the first exam of the 1999 South Jiangsu Provincial College Entrance Examination, and the Chinese is being tested!

  "Classmate?" The invigilator reached out and touched Jiang Han's shoulder.

  Jiang Han looked up, squeezed out a smile and said, "It's okay, teacher, I just didn't sleep well last night, and now I have a headache."

  The invigilator nodded when he heard the words. The pressure of the college entrance examination was too great, and it was normal to not be able to sleep on the eve of the exam.

  After saying a good answer, the invigilator turned around and continued to walk behind.

  Jiang Han looked at the test papers on the table, and the whole person was a little overwhelmed.

  Being reborn to the past is a very good thing in itself. It can seize all kinds of opportunities and make up for the regrets of the past.

  But now there is the most important question.

  Although his grades in the last life were not good, he managed to pass one and two exams.

  But after he came back from the rebirth, he had long forgotten all about the exam, and now asking him to do the exam paper is completely smeared, and even the two exams from the previous life may not be able to pass the exam.

  The first problem of being reborn has been placed in front of Jiang Han.

  How can we solve the problem of the college entrance examination?

  Just when Jiang Han was anxious, an electronic sound sounded in his mind.

  "Ding...traveling has been completed, it is being bound to the system..."

  "Ding... The binding of the strongest deduction system is complete..."

  "The novice tutorial is being distributed..."

  After the three electronic sounds sounded, a stream of information hit Jiang Han's mind again, but this time it was much more peaceful.

  "The strongest deduction system can deduce all things in the universe!"

  "When the host needs to deduce, just recite the target of the deduction."

  "Current system level one."

  "The deduction level is one level."

  "It can be deduced twice a day."

  "Wealth value required for the next upgrade: 500 million."

  Jiang Han sat there, and after fully accepting the information flow, a huge sense of surprise emerged in his heart.

  Is this the legend that rebirth comes with golden fingers!

  The strongest deduction system, just listening to the name, it looks like an X.

  Jiang Han tried hard to control himself to calm down, and then stared at the test paper on the table.

  He said silently in his heart, "Deduce the answer to this test paper."

  "The game is in progress..."

  "Ding... the deduction is completed, the test paper deduction result is..."

  Jiang Han originally had the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect it to actually be deduced.

  A light blue light curtain appeared in front of Jiang Han's eyes, with lines of dense characters written on it.

  Under the control of Jiang Han's mind, these characters can still be enlarged, and they have already marked the answer to which question.

  Jiang Han picked a few questions that he still knew and compared the answers, and found that they were completely correct!

  The ecstasy came again.

  Now that the standard answers are known, what exams are you afraid of!

  There is less than an hour before the end of the exam, so we must hurry up.

  Jiang Han didn't hesitate, grabbed the pen on the table and started writing.

  The slightest sense of tension that had come from being reborn had disappeared at this moment.

  There are no standard answers for Chinese tests such as reading comprehension and composition, but it is not that there are no full marks.

  Jiang Han naturally believed [-]% in the system's answer.

  Anyway, he doesn't know the answer himself, just copy it, even if it's wrong, it's better than himself.

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