"Well, what's your number?" Su Qingyi turned around and asked.

  Jiang Han was fiddling with the few functions that the penguin only had, when he heard the words: "115986."

  Su Qingyi nodded.

  A few seconds later, the sound of a pager ringing suddenly sounded in Jiang Han's earphones.

  It is the unique message sound of Penguin.

  'Qushui Yiren applied to add you as a friend'

  Qiushui Yiren, it is Su Qingyi.

  Jiang Han turned to look at Su Qingyi, Su Qingyi nodded and said, "It's me."

  After clicking through, Jiang Han turned his head and said to Su Hao, "Don't read the news, kid, don't forget the task I gave you."

  "What mission?" Su Hao took off his earphones and asked in doubt.

  "Forget it, keep playing." Jiang Han couldn't help but wonder if this guy was reliable.

  The pager sounded here.

  Jiang Han turned his head and saw that the chat box of Qiushui Yiren was opened, and Su Qingyi sent Jiang Han a hello.

  Jiang Han couldn't help but feel a little funny.

  Then tap twice on the keyboard and click Send.

  Hello there.

  The extremely simple and somewhat childish dialogue made Su Qingyi seem to have discovered a new world, with a surprise on her face.

  Then his hands clumsily continued to type on the keyboard with one finger.

  Su Qingyi seems to have never actually operated it. Jiang Han was bored anyway, so he turned his head and said, "This is how the keyboard is used, look at me."

  Speaking of which, Jiang Han put his hands on the keyboard, and the index fingers of both hands were placed on F and J respectively.

  Su Qingyi also followed suit.

  Then Jiang Han typed out a series of words blindly, looking at Su Qingyi with surprise in his eyes.

  At this time, he used Wubi typing and needed to memorize the root of the word. Although Jiang Han was used to typing with smart pinyin, he still remembered some Wubi typing.

  And this scene seemed like a miracle to Su Qingyi.

  I wanted to learn Jiang Han to type, but when it came time to type, it turned into a finger meditation.

  "You're wrong, I'll teach you." Jiang Han looked at Su Qingyi's clumsy typing method, and subconsciously reached out and grabbed Su Qingyi's hand, then forced her to stretch.

  Visible to the naked eye, Su Qingyi's face instantly turned red.

  Although Su Qingyi has been receiving love letters from boys since junior high school, in fact, this is the first time that Su Qingyi has such close contact with boys other than her relatives.

  For some reason, Su Qingyi only felt that her heart was beating so fast, and her hands seemed a little stiff.

  Jiang Han noticed Su Qingyi's strangeness, turned his head and glanced at her, and found that Su Qingyi's face was very red.

  So he said helplessly, "Don't think about it, just think of me as Su Hao."

  Su Qingyi blushed and nodded, her originally stiff hands relaxed slightly. .

Chapter 36

  Two or three hours later, Jiang Han looked up at the time on the computer, stood up and said, "It's twelve o'clock, go home for dinner."

  "Don't, Brother Jiang, let's play again." Su Hao quickly said when Jiang Han was about to get off the plane.

  "Let's go, you can play in the future." Jiang Han lifted Su Hao up and pressed the power off button on the console.

  Su Qingyi also stood up, but her face was full of excitement.

  Just now Jiang Han taught her how to type. Although she practiced typing from beginning to end, Su Qingyi was still full of novelty.

  People are like this, always full of anticipation for novel things.

  Go to the counter to find the boss to get off the plane, after refunding the money, the three walked out of the Internet cafe.

  Su Hao was so hot that he took off his suit, and even unbuttoned two shirts.

  "Brother Xiao Jiang, remember to call me next time when you have this kind of market research." Su Hao said with a smile.

  Jiang Han glanced at Su Hao, and then said, "Then tell me, what are your thoughts after this market research."

  "Ah?" Su Hao was stunned when he heard the words.

  He just came to play with the computer, so how could he have any ideas.

  Jiang Han glanced at him in disgust.

  Su Qingyi, who was next to Jiang Han, said, "Internet cafes have great potential. At least in my opinion, the market for Internet cafes is far from saturated."

  Jiang Han turned to look at Su Qingyi in surprise, then smiled and said, "Go ahead and talk."

  Su Qingyi nodded and continued: "The current Internet cafes have several drawbacks, but they can still show vigorous vitality."

  "As a new thing, Internet cafes can meet the needs of ordinary people temporarily surfing the Internet. With the development of the Internet, it will only become more and more obvious."

  "So I think it is necessary for Internet cafes to invest and make money."

  Jiang Han hummed.

  "However, the charges, hygiene and safety hazards of Internet cafes are all areas that need to be paid attention to."

  "If you want to enter the Internet cafe market, these points must be resolved."

  Su Qingyi is indeed a talent who can reach the score of Shuimu University. In just a few hours of experience, he can point out the shortcomings of these Internet cafes in the market.

  Hearing that, Su Hao was stunned for a while.

  Muttered, "I feel fine."

  Jiang Han and Su Qingyi turned to look at him at the same time.

  Su Hao suddenly stopped talking.

  "When I go back, I will write an analysis report. I must write down the drawbacks and solutions of the Internet cafe, and show it to me this afternoon." Jiang Han said while waiting for Su Hao.

  Su Hao is a typical passive personality.

  Although smart, but also lazy enough.

  If Jiang Han didn't force this guy to do things, he would probably be able to drag it on forever.

  But there is one thing in Su Hao that Jiang Han appreciates very much. He is serious in his work. As long as he recognizes one thing, he will try his best to do it.

  It's like Su Hao's grades were not good when he was in junior high school, but Su Hongsheng made a comparison with Su Qingyi and taught Su Hao a lesson.

  This guy started to get angry.

  Although the results are still not comparable to Su Qingyi, they are also beyond the vast majority of people.

  It is precisely because of this that Jiang Han entrusts him with the business of the Internet cafe.

  The hardships that the brick-and-mortar business needs to suffer is not a little bit.

  Hearing this, Su Hao nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely make it before the afternoon."

  Jiang Han sighed: "You can discuss with Qingyi, I just want the final result."

  In fact, the time required for Internet cafes to start from the application for certificates to the completion of decoration and opening is definitely not short.

  It's always good to have someone to discuss with.

  Su Hao and Su Qingyi didn't say anything.

  The three walked all the way to the house.

  On the way, Jiang Han finally remembered the system prompt sound in his mind.

  "Ding... The system upgrade is complete and can be used normally."

  "Current system level: Level [-]."

  "Number of deductions: four times."

  "Derivable target level: Level [-]."

  "Unlock the Fortune Value Mall."

  Finally the upgrade is complete.

  Jiang Han took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and ran to the phone booth on the side of the road.

  He took out Zhao Yu's business card from his pocket, put in a coin and dialed the phone on it.

  The phone was connected after a few rings.

  "Hello? Hello, this is Jinling Bank, I'm Zhao Yu." Zhao Yu's voice sounded over the phone.

  "It's me, Jiang Han."

  "Mr. Jiang, you finally called." Zhao Yu seemed a little excited.

  "Manager Zhao, how's the work I asked you to do? When will the account be opened?" Jiang Han couldn't wait to go to the stock market to kill all over the world.

  "I've been waiting for your call. Your stock trading account has been opened. If you need it, you can come over at any time."

  As the first customer, and a customer with such a large amount of money, Zhao Yu naturally attaches great importance to it.

  After Jiang Han and the others left yesterday, Zhao Yu contacted his classmates who worked at the stock exchange, and finally opened his account this morning.

  "Really? Then I'll go over this afternoon and wait for me." Jiang Han said excitedly.

  After all, the development of the real industry is still much slower, and it takes time to settle. Only the stock market is what Jiang Han is most interested in now.

  In addition, the deduction authority and the number of deductions increased after the system upgrade.

  Jiang Han set a goal in his mind.

  This time in the stock market, we must make a big profit!

  The one with a bottom of one billion! .

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