At the same time, there was good news for the stock.

  Then the stock price started to rise.

  In the morning, from the lower limit to the original price, and in the afternoon from the original price to the upper limit.

  Jiang Han made another [-]% profit in one day!

  Even if he sells this stock after the market opens tomorrow morning, the money in Jiang Han's hands can turn into more than [-] million!

  Double the capital in three days!

  Even the stock gods did not have such a high rate of return when they first came into contact with stocks!

  Two days left!

  Jiang Han just came over to perform a wave of operations every day, and he never stayed with him for more than an hour in between.

  On the fourth day, Jiang Han once again carried out a wave of leverage, and the capital in his hand changed from [-] million to [-] million.

  On the fifth day, the capital in Jiang Han's hands changed again, from [-] million to [-] million!

  On the afternoon of the fifth day, Jiang Han scattered the capital in his hands and bought Yian Technology, Nankai Gold, and Zongyi shares respectively!

  After investing all the capital according to the ratio of 7:2:1, Jiang Han finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  In the past few days, Jiang Han has been using four deduction opportunities every day to deduce the stock market market.

  The second-level deduction level can deduce the data of the entire market for one day. It is precisely because of this that after several consecutive days of deductions.

  In Jiang Han's mind, he has already controlled the stock market data for the next two weeks.

  If he keeps doing this, after two weeks, his capital will be close to [-] million!

  However, the operation of such a high rate of return in a short period of time is barely acceptable, if Jiang Han really guarantees an absolute rate of return for three consecutive weeks.

  It is estimated that it will not be long before the state will send someone to look for him.

  Looking at Zhao Yu's expression, you can see how crazy his operations have been these days!

  At first, Zhao Yu looked at him with admiration, but in the last two days, it had changed from admiration to panic.

  Therefore, Jiang Han decided to take the last one, and then stop!

  And Yi'an, Nankai, and Zongyi are the three stocks that Jiang Han deduced and will see the fastest growth in the next two weeks.

  It starts to rise next Monday, and then the limit for two consecutive weeks!

  Before his rebirth, Jiang Han had heard the names of these three stocks.

  It was only after the deduction that I remembered looking at the top three stocks.

  Yi'an Technology's annual growth rate in 99 reached 438%, and the stock value of Nankai and Zongyi also nearly tripled!

  According to the data analysis obtained by Jiang Han Institute, these three stocks are expected to bring about twice the income to Jiang Han after two weeks.

  At that time, the capital that Jiang Han can control will be able to reach [-] million!

  Even after deducting stamp duty and stock exchange fees, this figure will not deviate too much.

  Seeing that the purchase was successful on the computer screen, Jiang Han stood up.

  "Old Zhao, I will trouble you to help me keep an eye on the rest."

  After a few days of contact, Jiang Han and Zhao Yu were already familiar with each other.

  No longer like before, Mr. Jiang, Manager Zhao.

  Zhao Yu also stood up, his eyes were a little complicated: "You finally plan to stop, otherwise I'm afraid that my three views will be ruined by you."

  Jiang Han smiled.

  Normal people would have been frightened when they saw this kind of operation and rate of return.

  However, Zhao Yu is a top student at Shuimu University after all, but now he has adapted to Jiang Han's various god-level manipulations.

  "By the way, the next three stocks will continue to rise for a period of time. If you have money in your hand, you can also buy them." Jiang Han stretched his waist.

  "Really?" Zhao Yu looked at Jiang Han and asked again.

  Jiang Han nodded. Anyway, it wasn't him who paid for it now. He gave Zhao Yu a little favor from the stock market and used it to buy people's hearts. It was not a loss.

  "I'll be here in two weeks, and my family is urging me, so I'll leave first." Jiang Han picked up the plaid shirt behind the chair and said.

  "Then I'll wait for you to come over in two weeks, and then I'll resign." Zhao Yu also said with a smile.

  Now he's completely overwhelmed.

  If you follow people like Jiang Han, there is no future, what kind of job is there?

  ps: I'm late. Good morning, everyone. As usual, I will ask for a wave of data. Thank you. .

Chapter 47

  After Jiang Han came out of Jinling Bank, it was the hottest time, and now by car, it is estimated that he will be home at seven or eight o'clock.

  But Jiang Han had no idea of ​​going back now.

  I finally came to Jinling again, and the reason I used was to travel. If I didn't bring some gifts back, I couldn't explain it.

  Moreover, Jiang Han also intends to buy something for himself. Laptops and mobile phones should also be fully equipped.

  [-] million was invested in the stock market, and at this moment, Jiang Han still had nearly [-] yuan in his bank card, which Jiang Han deliberately left behind for consumption.

  In 1999, computers were still luxury goods, and the Shenzhou computer had not yet been born, so the price butcher naturally did not exist.

  Computer manufacturing and sales are still lucrative industries.

  This year, the domestic PC market still belongs to Lenovo's world.

  It's just that the Lenovo at the moment is not the "changed heart" Lenovo that came later, and it still has the title of a national enterprise.

  The price of a desktop computer is about [-] or [-] yuan, and the price is even more than [-] yuan.

  As for laptops, the price is generally more than [-].

  This is something that can't be helped, and Jiang Han doesn't want to entangle anything for the [-] yuan.

  Haggling or something is not in line with his current worth.

  No matter what, he is a multi-millionaire, and it would be a bit stingy to worry about this.

  So Jiang Han waved his hand and bought an IBM notebook and five Nokia mobile phones.

  It cost him more than fifty thousand.

  However, these investments are required.

  In addition to himself, there are also his parents, as well as Su Hao and Su Qingyi who must be matched.

  In any case, the two of them have now become his employees, and Jiang Han will not feel distressed for the necessary expenses.

  The mobile phone sales department also gave Jiang Han five phone cards for free. Each card still has [-] yuan in phone bills. He just needs to activate it after going back.

  With two bags in hand, Jiang Han returned to the hotel.

  After calling the hotel staff to help connect the network cable, Jiang Han first downloaded all the software that should be downloaded.

  Then open word.

  Type a line on it.

  'Capital investment use planning'

  With a capital of [-] million in his hand, he will be able to reach [-] million in two weeks. Jiang Han must make a detailed plan as soon as possible.

  With this [-] million yuan, Jiang Han will continue to invest in the futures market in the future. Compared with the stock market, the income of the futures market is more intuitive.

  And this time, Jiang Han did not intend to play in the domestic futures market.

  Making money from other people is not a long-term way, let alone cheating with the system.

  If he didn't make money from foreigners, Jiang Han couldn't get used to himself.

  All plans are tentatively scheduled to start in one month.

  By that time, Jiang Han will be able to solve everything at home, and then start to kill in the futures market!

  In 1999, there were still many industries that had not developed in China.

  Internet cafes count as one, computers and mobile phones count as one.

  There are also Penguin, Ah Li, and Du Niang. These are all companies that Jiang Han needs to pay attention to.

  Fortunately, these companies have grown up sequentially.

  There is a short time interval in between.

  Jiang Han still has a lot of time to earn money and then become capital.

  'Capital investment use planning'

  'Prioritize earning funds, earning methods choose the international futures market, including but not limited to gold, crude oil. '

  'Invest in Penguin as soon as possible and account for no less than 70% of the shares'

  'Invest in Internet cafes and clothing stores, borrow bank leverage, and then borrow after investing. '

  'Buy the shares of Jiuhuang Technology at the bottom, with a maximum disposable capital of [-] million. '

  Jiang Han kept drawing his thoughts, and then tapped on the document.

  As for the last one, the decision was made after studying the business structure of Jiuhuang Technology.

  Jiuhuang Technology was established in [-] and went public in [-]. When it went public, the total share capital value reached [-] million!

  However, since its listing, it has been losing money for three consecutive years, and the total share capital has dropped one after another. At the beginning of this year, it dropped to only [-] billion.

  It is precisely because of this that the chairman of Jiuhuang Technology made a desperate gamble and invested all the working capital into mobile communication.

  Want to independently develop new communication technology.

  But obviously, relying on the scientific research strength of Jiuhuang Technology, this is tantamount to fooling around.

  After investing all the money, Jiuhuang failed without a doubt.

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