The director's voice changed from joy to anger at the moment!

  "I know I'm wrong, Director, can I get my volunteer back? Can I ask Jiang Han to fill in the volunteer again?"

  At this moment, Liu Qian only felt that she was about to cry.

  She researched each student's previous three mock test scores before volunteering.

  Then she also estimated the general college entrance examination scores of all the students in her class.

  She knew very well how unrealistic it was to volunteer to fill in the report, so she asked him to revise it after seeing Jiang Han fill in the report for Shuimu University and Jingcheng University.

  Because she knew very well that with Jiang Han's grades, it was impossible to be admitted to Shuimu University, whether it was the three mock exams or her estimated scores, it was impossible!

  But now, the fact gave her a heavy 'slap in the face'.

  Jiang Han really passed the exam, and he still got a high score of 742!

  There is nothing questionable about this grade when entering Shuimu University!

  For the first time, Liu Qian felt regretful about being so responsible for herself!

  If she hadn't estimated the students' scores, if she hadn't seen Jiang Han's voluntary form, if she hadn't asked Jiang Han to refill the voluntary form...

  The director didn't speak any more, just hung up the phone.

  Listening to the disconnection on the phone, Liu Qian panicked.

  On the side, Teacher Zhao heard the whole process with his own ears.

  Looking at the flustered Liu Qian at the moment, she didn't know what to say.


  Liu Qian did something wrong, and it was a big mistake!

  Just ask yourself, if it is her, knowing that a student's previous grades are very average, and seeing that he has filled in the application for Shuimu University, it is estimated that he will be persuaded to change.

  No one will know why Jiang Han's grades have suddenly improved so much, only he knows this.

  "Oh, Mr. Liu..." Mr. Zhao said halfway through, not knowing what to say.

  There were tears in Liu Qian's eyes.

  She really regretted it. If it was really because of her actions, Jiang Han's original Shuimu University had become an ordinary second book.

  What will other students think of her?What will the teacher think of her?What will the school think of her?What will Jiang Han think of her?

  It is estimated that Jiang Han already knows his score by now.

  He must hate her now.

  Liu Qian was very flustered.

  But very helpless.

  She didn't even know what she should do at the moment, she just stood there as if stunned.

  Now I can only pray that the volunteer form can be recovered so that Jiang Han can fill in the volunteer again.

  After another ten seconds, the landline rang again.

  Liu Qian quickly connected.

  Then I heard the voice of the director rang from 860 to the phone.

  "The volunteer form can't be retrieved. The Provincial Admissions Office has already sent it to the capital this afternoon."

  The director's voice was cold.

  It seemed like a heavy hammer struck Liu Qian's heart.

  "I really can't get it back? Director, I beg you, Director, think of a way, the volunteer form must be recovered!"

  The tears in Liu Qian's eyes couldn't hold back anymore.

  His own students were admitted to Shuimu University by virtue of their strength, and even won a national champion.

  This was originally something that made everyone happy, but under her order, she was forced to change her will.

  It's so ironic.

  If this matter spreads out, Liu Qian doesn't know how big a fishing reel will be triggered.

  And this incident will accompany her for the rest of her life!

  Hearing this, the director let out a long sigh and just said: Xiao Liu, you are such a smart person who did a stupid thing!

  After speaking, the director hung up the phone.

  This matter cannot be undone.

  If the volunteer form is still in the hands of the city admissions office, the school can still recover it, but when it comes to the capital, there is no room for recovery.

  Unless Jiang Han gave up going to school and chose to retake the exam, Jiang Han could only receive one admission letter from the second one. .

Chapter 87

  The national champion was forced to revise Shuimu as the second book because of the teacher's threat?

  Almost everyone who knows about this has such a sentence in their minds.

  If this matter leaks out, there is no doubt that this sentence will make the front page headlines of all newspapers!

  At that time, whether it is the school or Liu Qian, it will be the target of public criticism.

  No student dared to come to their school, and Jiang Han would not let them go.

  If Jiang Han knew about this, he would definitely stab it out.

  Everyone will do this, and no one will suffer from this grievance!

  The grade director in the office let out a long sigh, looking at the top row of scores on the computer, his heart was full of bitterness.

  Chinese 148, Math 148, English 148, Science 298, total score 742!

  This should have been the first step in the promotion of their school to the province, but now it has become a rope around the neck.

  The director didn't know what to say at the moment.

  After sighing three times, he picked up the phone and dialed a number to go out.

  "Xiao Wang, come to my office... Yes, the college entrance examination list will be announced..."


  In Liu Qian's dormitory.

  Liu Qian absentmindedly put the receiver on the landline.

  Tears welled up.

  Seeing Liu Qian's appearance, Teacher Zhao on the side shook his head regretfully and said, "Mr. Liu, go to Jiang Han and ask for his forgiveness, otherwise your life will be ruined..."

  A teacher who made the nation's champion to enter the second college has no choice but to continue in the teaching profession in this life.

  When Liu Qian heard Teacher Zhao's words, she walked out of the door absentmindedly, even wearing only a pair of slippers on her feet.

  "Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu, change your shoes before going." Mr. Zhao could only remind Liu Qian when he saw this.

  Liu Qian was still absent-minded, as if she hadn't heard Teacher Zhao's words.

  During this time, it was still the rainy season in Jiangsu Province.

  Teacher Zhao was fine during her self-study next night, but when Liu Qian went downstairs, it started to rain.

  The drizzle and the breeze made it feel a little cooler.

  But no matter how cold the weather is, it can't match the sadness in Liu Qian's heart at the moment.

  Liu Qian was drenched in the drizzle, and she walked in the rain in despair.

  Next to him were students who had gone out of school after their evening self-study.

  Seeing that Liu Qian was wearing slippers and hadn't held an umbrella yet, many students looked over here.

  But no one came to hold an umbrella for her.

  It was as if she was about to experience it soon.

  Liu Qian had read the profiles of all the students in her class and remembered the address of Jiang Han's house.

  A man walked towards Jiang Han's house in despair.

  The sky was completely dark, and the lights of the street lamps seemed to flicker in the rain.

  Liu Qian's long hair has long been wet by the rain.

  She didn't know how she got to Jiang Han's community.

  Glancing at the gate of the community, Liu Qian's heart sank.

  Are you finally going to face this scene?

  Although she regrets it in her heart, it must be her responsibility.

  Step inside.

  It's just that when passing by Su's house, he happened to meet Su Qingyi who went downstairs to throw garbage.

  "Mr. Liu"?" Su Qingyi held an umbrella, saw Liu Qian not far away through the drizzle, and said in doubt.

  Su Qingyi has naturally seen this beautiful teacher who is new to the third year of high school.

  Liu Qian heard Su Qingyi's voice and turned to look over.

  He recognized Su Qingyi at a glance.

  Su Qingyi's academic performance is very good, and she can be admitted to Shuimu University without any accident. Naturally, all the teachers know her.

  Seeing Su Qingyi, Liu Qian felt a pain in her heart for some unknown reason.

  Originally this time, Jiang Han should have reported to Shuimu University just like Su Qingyi.

  But now, because of her, Jiang Han...

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