Jiang Han's words surprised Wang Yousheng for a moment.

  Then I remembered that although Jiang Han looked young, his background was not to be underestimated.

  Will the person who can get to know Li Zekai be a simple existence?

  If Jiang Han really exerted his strength secretly to interfere with his bribery, the consequences would obviously be unbearable for him.

  "Humph! Let's go!" Wang Yousheng snorted coldly.

  Jiang Han said another sentence: "Mr. Wang, remember to clean up the villa when you go back, and wait for me to go to you to go through the transfer procedures!"

  Wang Yousheng's figure froze, and left without saying anything.

  The entire production workshop immediately quieted down.

  Su Qingyi frowned slightly and looked at Jiang Han 877 and said, "What should I do now? I bought a shell company at such a huge price."

  "Don't worry, I won't lose the bet." Jiang Han smiled.

  Su Qingyi saw that Jiang Han was still in the mood to laugh at this time, so she couldn't help but said in a hurry: "You're still laughing! Is this a bet?"

  Jiang Han shook his head with a smile and said, "Otherwise? All right, don't worry, I have already considered these things. I will call the production team leader and the R&D personnel and ask them to come over now."

  Su Qingyi glanced at Jiang Han helplessly, and could only take out her mobile phone and make a call.

  It's just that the first person was knocked back.

  "If we don't get our previous salary, none of us will go."

  Su Qingyi's first call was to the production team leader, and then the other party replied with such a sentence.

  Seeing Su Qingyi's helpless expression, Jiang Han reached out and took the phone.

  Then he said, "Come here to get your salary, I will only give you half an hour."

  After speaking, Jiang Han hung up the phone.

  In the same way, the R&D staff of Jiuhuang were notified.

  As for the production materials, Jiang Han has not ordered yet.

  I don’t have much money in my hands, so I have to live my life prudently.

  As for all the data of the U disk, it was already recorded on paper when it was first exchanged.

  There is no need for Jiang Han to do anything. .

Chapter 118

  What Jiang Han originally said was half an hour, in fact, he wanted to urge them to come over quickly, but he didn't expect that the group of people really came over in less than half an hour.

  One by one, they rode a bicycle into the gate of Jiuhuang.

  I didn't know they thought they were fighting.

  However, this situation is extremely common in factories all over the country.

  In this era when there is no battery car, bicycles are the most commonly used means of transportation for workers to commute to and from get off work.

  Hearing the movement outside, Jiang Han and Su Qingyi came out.

  The group of people put up the bicycles, and then walked towards Jiang Han and the two under the leadership of a young man who seemed to be in his twenties.

  "Who called me and asked me to come over to collect the salary?" The young man walking at the front asked with a frown as he looked at Jiang Han.

  Jiang Han smiled and said, "I made a call."

  "You?" The young man gave Jiang Han a puzzled look, and then said, "Where's Wang Yousheng? Let him get out of here quickly, hide in his own debt, and let the two of you come out and fight?"

  Jiang Han and Su Qingyi seem to be too young, and they don't even know if they can take legal responsibility.

  The others also started to shout.

  Jiang Han smiled and said: "Jiuhuang Technology has been bought by me, and now I am the boss of Jiuhuang Technology."

  With that said, Jiang Han took over the previously signed contract from He Jing and walked to the young man to let him take a look.

  After confirming Jiang Han's identity, the young man was a little stunned.

  "What do you mean? Wang Yousheng thought we wouldn't ask him for an account if we changed someone? I don't care what shares or not, let him come out quickly, we only ask him for money."

  "Yes! Quickly let Wang Yousheng come out!"

  "We only recognize him, let him pay back the money quickly!"

  Hearing this, Jiang Han frowned slightly, took out a cigarette case from his pocket, took out two, and then looked at the young man and said, "One?"

  The young man did not refuse when he saw it.

  Originally, all electronics factories required smoking ban, but now who cares about this?

  Light it after taking the cigarette.

  Jiang Han said: "How much does Jiuhuang owe you in total?"

  The young man frowned slightly, took a deep breath, and said, "There are thirty-two of us in total, and we owe four months' wages, which adds up to a total of [-]."

  "[-]?" Jiang Han was taken aback when he heard the words.

  He thought how much money he owed in total, but Wang Yousheng actually deducted like this?

  Even the salary of [-] has to be delayed?

  At this time, labor is still relatively cheap. In Pengcheng Electronics Factory, the monthly salary is only [-] yuan per person.

  Jiang Han had seen the production line before. Logically speaking, there should be at least [-] employees in so many production lines.

  Therefore, the labor wages that need to be paid are likely to reach [-] or [-].

  If this is the case, it is really difficult, after all, you have to buy materials or something.

  But now that he heard [-], Jiang Han no longer knew what to say.

  "Okay, I've also smoked, let Wang Yousheng come out quickly, and we'll rush to the interview when we get the money."

  Most of the population of Pengcheng are migrant workers.

  Without a stable income, it is natural to find a way to find a job quickly.

  "You don't need to look for a job, just continue to work for me. The total salary in arrears is [-], right?"

  "I see you, they should believe you. You give me a card number, and I will transfer [-] to you directly. The extra [-] will be regarded as two months' salary in advance."

  Jiang Han looked at the young man.

  When Jiuhuang broke his trust with the other party before, Jiang Han naturally had to restore his credibility first.

  In this case, nothing is as real as money.

  Shang Yang established wood Jianxin, and Jiang Han poured money into Jianxin.

  Hearing Jiang Han's words, this time it was the other party's turn to be stunned.

  Not only the young man was stunned, but everyone who came with him was also stunned.

  "What did you just say? Are you really going to give us money? And it's still [-]?" the young man wondered.

  Jiang Han nodded, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said, "What's the bank card account number?"

  After seeing the mobile phone in Jiang Han's hand, the young man believed that Jiang Han had money, read out a series of card numbers, and then added that the account holder was Wang Chao.

  Jiang Han snorted, and the call happened to be connected, so he repeated the card number that Wang Chao had just read to him, and asked Zhao Yu to transfer [-].

  Since drinking the brain secondary development medicine, Jiang Han's memory has improved a lot. For such a long string of card numbers, Wang Chao just said it once, and Jiang Han can remember it.

  After speaking, Jiang Han hung up the phone.

  Looking at Wang Chao again: "The money will arrive after a while, but I have a question for you now."

  With that said, Jiang Han took the document in Su Qingyi's hand that recorded the production data of the USB flash drive, and handed it to Wang Chao: "Can you do this thing?"

  Although Jiuhuang is now so depressed that it is about to go bankrupt, it used to be a listed company after all.

  The manufacturing process can still be guaranteed.

  Moreover, the U disk is not too complicated.

  Wang Chao flipped through it twice and said, ".¨As long as the technical department can provide various data, it can be done."

  "Okay!" Jiang Han said with a smile on his face when he heard this: "Where's the people from the technical department? Why haven't they come yet? Call to remind me."

  Jiang Han turned to look at Su Qingyi.

  Su Qingyi nodded, took out her mobile phone and was about to make a call when she saw four middle-aged men riding bicycles coming in at the gate.

  Wang Chao glanced back, and then said loudly, "Old Gao, come here quickly."

  Then he turned to Jiang Han and said, "The four are the R&D personnel of the Technology Department, all of whom graduated from key universities."

  To develop new communication technologies, graduates from four key universities are obviously not enough, but there is no problem in understanding the manufacture of a USB flash drive.

  After Jiang Han showed them the things, they said they would be able to make samples tomorrow morning.

 (Qian Qian's) Jiang Han's information has already written everything clearly, and there is no need for them to study anything at all.

  Just need to modify some data according to the actual situation.

  Then Jiang Han placed an order for raw materials, and the merchant who provided the raw materials was not far from Jiuhuang. After spending half a million in advance, the other party even said that he would deliver the items immediately.

  In fact, most of Jiuhuang's bills are bank loans, and the raw materials and labor wages are not much combined.

  It was only because Wang Yousheng and the others were out of money that they had been delayed for so long.

  Now that Jiang Han took the money to open the way, everything seemed to be a matter of course.

  Jiang Han stayed from the morning until seven or eight in the afternoon, before he left Jiuhuang's factory. As for the workers, they were still working overtime to make samples.

  During this period, Li Zekai called and asked Jiang Han to have dinner together, but Jiang Han also shied away. .

Chapter 119

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