It won't be long before the government dismantles the Ministry of Petroleum, and any foreign oil businessman who wants to enter the market can only go through Sinopec.

  But that way, most of the money flows into Sinopec's pockets, and it won't give them much.

  Hearing the idioms that Suleiman said, Jiang Han just smiled.

  "The game isn't over yet, yes." Jiang Han said something inexplicable and then turned his attention to the court below.

  Bayern took the midfield ball, but it was cut off by Manchester United.

  Then a kick passed to the player on the left side of the frontcourt.

  Everyone held their breath.

  Manchester United's players got the ball again and organized a counterattack again.

  Can they still score this time?

  The players on the field have no time to think about this at the moment, they only have one goal, either to score the opponent's goal, or defend it so that the opponent can't score their own goal.

  Facing the defense of the Bayern defender, the Manchester United player who got the ball resolutely went to the bottom, but the cross was kicked off the pitch by the Bayern player.

  Manchester United got the corner again.

  Same scene as the previous goal.

  Are Manchester United going to score another goal from a corner kick?

  All the Manchester United fans chanted the name of Manchester United, trying to give a little encouragement to those who fought for honor.

  Beckham took a corner kick, and Sheringham jumped high and rubbed the football in front of the middle.

  The ball changed direction and landed in front of Solskjaer at the back of the small box line.

  Solskjaer then volleyed the ball directly into the goal.

  The Bayern defender, who was filling up at the back post, saw the ball fly overhead and was helpless.

  The football fell after hitting the top of the goal.

  And this goal officially ended the Champions League.

  Manchester United won!

  In the case of the audience behind, relying on the last three minutes of injury time, successfully tied the score and overtook!

  This scene has never happened in the history of the Champions League.

  No one thought it would be like this before the game started.

  But Manchester United really made it happen!

  They busted those illusions in one fell swoop when everyone thought Bayern had won!

  It also successfully showed a result to Jiang Han and Suleiman's bet...  

  Jiang Han let out a long breath, then turned to look at Suleiman with a smile.

  "How is it? Mr. Suleiman, can you give me an apology now?" Although Jiang Han had a smile on his face, his voice was cold.

  Jiang Han had no sympathy for this racist guy.

  Suleiman lost hundreds of millions of dollars because of this game, but Jiang Han taught him a lesson.

  At the same time, Jiang Han still needs an apology from him.

  Win, Manchester United really won!

  In the box at the moment, everyone except Jiang Han has an incredible feeling.

  However, except for Su Qingyi, Li Zekai, and Prince William, the faces of the others were not very good-looking after being shocked.

  Because they lost.

  They lost all their pocket money.

  I thought it was a good opportunity to invest and make money.

  No one thought that they would lose all their money because of this.

  Although they will still get living expenses next month.

  But the money I had saved was gone.

  Their decades of upbringing made them speechless, and they just silently returned to the sofa without saying anything more.

  But Suleiman was no royal.

  Let him apologize to Jiang Han?how is this possible!

  Compared to losing hundreds of millions of dollars, bowing to Jiang Han is what he most accepts is not 3.7.

  After a cold snort, Suleiman turned his head and walked out of the box.

  However, Jiang Han called Suleiman in a cold voice.

  "Mr. Suleiman, have you forgotten what you promised?"

  Suleiman stopped when he heard the words, turned his head and glared at Jiang Han.

  "**Boy! Don't be too arrogant, annoy me, and I'll let you know the consequences!"

  How chaotic the Middle East is, even if Jiang Han has never experienced it personally, he still hears about it.

  But this does not mean that Suleiman can not apologize after insulting **!

  "I am willing to admit defeat, does Mr. Suleiman want to be a person who does not believe in his words?"

  Jiang Han did not give in.

  Aware of the tension between the two, Li Zekai just stood quietly in front of Jiang Han.

  In this way, his position was directly made clear. .

Chapter 147

  Although Suleiman has strong financial resources, after all, he has no business relationship with the Li family.

  Li Zekai didn't know why he would stand in front of Jiang Han.

  But it stood in the way.

  Maybe it was because Jiang Han was a friend he brought, or maybe it was because he saw extraordinary potential in Jiang Han!

  Manchester United wins, and his $[-] million bet will also make him a $[-] million profit!

  And the [-] million US dollars that Jiang Han pressed will also bring him a profit of [-] million US dollars after this time!

  The funds in Jiang Han's hands have also reached [-] million US dollars!

  Li Zekai has studied Jiang Han's data.

  It took Jiang Han only a full month from beginning to end from being a high school student with nothing to being worth $[-] million now!

  It's not a question of ROI anymore.

  But a miracle!

  Before Jiang Han, no one could make $[-] million from scratch in one month!

  Even the richest man in the world has never achieved it!

  Li Zekai stood firmly in front of Jiang Han after realizing that he seemed to have inadvertently met a person who had great achievements in the future.

  The icing on the cake, after all, it is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow.

  Not only that, Prince William frowned slightly after hearing the threats from 12 to Suleiman.

  Jiang Han supported Manchester United so firmly before that he even offered $[-] million to bet with Suleiman.

  Even though Jiang Han was on the other hand to protect his country, he still gained the favor of Prince William.

  It is precisely because of this that Prince William took a step forward and looked at Suleiman.

  "Mr. Suleiman, in the betting game just now, everyone present is a witness, if you can't perform as agreed."

  "I will truthfully report this matter to China. For a businessman who cannot keep his word, I think we have reason to reconsider the cooperation between the two parties."

  Eagle Nation seems to have made a deal with Suleiman.

  Hearing Prince William's words at this moment, Suleiman's face turned completely dark.

  If the loss of [-] million US dollars is not enough to make his flesh hurt, then Prince William's words directly seized his lifeline.

  Is it really worth it to lose billions of dollars worth of orders from Eagle Country for the sake of face?

  Suleiman soon had an answer.

  After a cold snort, he looked at Jiang Han and said, "I admit that you can understand football, but **** football is still a waste."

  After speaking, Suleiman turned around and left, ignoring the people behind him at all.

  Suleiman left, and the awkward atmosphere in the box weakened a lot.

  Jiang Han felt relieved after hearing Suleiman's apology that was not an apology.

  It is enough to make Suleiman, a billionaire worth tens of billions, bow his head.

  Seeing this, he nodded slightly to Li Zekai and Prince William with a smile and said, "Thank you Prince William and Mr. Li for helping me speak."

  Li Zekai didn't speak, just smiled and patted Jiang Han's shoulder.

  And Prince William said with a big smile on his face: "Mr. Jiang, if you can support Manchester United so firmly, I will naturally support you, not to mention, you have won [-] million euros for me. "

  "But you have to be careful about Suleiman, this guy is not a good person, this matter will not be solved so easily."

  Prince William reminded Jiang Han aloud.

  Jiang Han was naturally very clear in his heart.

  How many of the rich people who grew up in that kind of place are clean?

  However, no matter how powerful Suleiman was, Jiang Han would not be afraid of him.

  Just a few billion dollars.

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