Because the number of users of the portal website adds up to six million!

  More than [-]% of the number of netizens!

  Compared with portal websites, instant messaging software is indeed not a necessary software.

  Everyone could vaguely guess what Jiang Han wanted to express.

  Jiang Han also continued: "Although Penguin is developing rapidly now, the shortcomings of instant messaging are here. Before it becomes a must-have software, the number of Penguin users will eventually be limited."

  ".¨And it is obviously difficult to capture the last part of the netizens."

  Today's instant messaging software is not like the instant messaging software of later generations.

  The fact that the other party cannot send and receive messages after being offline is enough to become a fatal injury to instant messaging software.

  "And Netease's current behavior seems to be robbing our market and our users."

  "But in fact, a large part of their current users are netizens who didn't know instant messaging software before."

  "While grabbing Penguin users, it is also expanding the instant messaging software market."

  "So I said, it's a good thing!"

  "It's impossible to build a [-]-meter-high building for many years to work alone."

  "It's better for everyone to work together to make this market bigger."

  "When the instant messaging market is big enough, we will launch the latest version and snatch back the market they made."

  "Eating the rice in your own bowl is worse than bringing it with the pot!"

  Jiang Han's voice was very soft, but in a few words, he set a (promised) nature for this matter.

  After hearing Jiang Han's explanation, everyone's eyes lit up!

  If it was said before, they were still worried about the simultaneous entry of the three websites of NetEase, Sina and Sohu into the instant messaging market.

  Now they have completely relaxed.

  Even the heart is still looking forward, these three companies can be more powerful.

  It is best to convert their portal users into instant messaging software users!

  In this way, their future income will inevitably go a step further!

  Now they look at the behavior of the three NetEase companies as if they were looking at their benefactors.

  The fiercer their momentum, the more excited the penguin crowd got.

  As for bringing wolves into the house and doves occupying magpie nests, in their opinion, it is impossible to exist!

  Because they have absolute confidence in the next version of oicq!

  Once launched, it is definitely an epoch-making product. At that time, no matter how many users the three of them have, they will be snatched by Penguin! .

Chapter 179

  Looking at the excited little Ma and the others, Jiang Han's face was also full of smiles.

  "Everything has two sides, you can't limit your thinking."

  Jiang Han seemed to reprimand.

  After hearing this, Brother Ma and the others bowed their heads in shame.

  Without Jiang Han's advice, it is estimated that they would still be stuck in that dead end.

  Then push out a new version in a hurry.

  At that time, although their number of users will stabilize, the market will still be that big after all.

  And if you listen to Jiang Han, let them rise recklessly, and then launch a new version after expanding the market.

  The size of the penguin will also become a giant because of this wave of dividends, establishing the dominance of instant messaging software!

  After figuring out the ins and outs of everything, Brother Ma and the others also admired Jiang Han from the bottom of their hearts.

  Jiang Han was able to come up with a solution so quickly, wouldn't he have been prepared a long time ago?

  Just waiting for Netease to take action?

  Seeing Jiang Han's calm face, Xiao Ma and others were taken aback.

  Can Jiang Han really go this far?

  Fortunately, they agreed at the beginning. If they did not agree, they chose to be the enemy of Jiang Han...

  Brother Ma and the others can't imagine how terrifying it is for 923 to be an opponent of such an enemy who counts as one step and five steps!

  It is estimated that Netease can't think of anything.

  They seem to have made a lot of money, but in fact they are just making wedding dresses for penguins.

  "We can ignore those three for now and let them expand the market." Jiang Han said slowly: "But we have to solve all our own problems."

  "Zhidong, what's going on with icq?"

  Jiang Han looked at Zhang Zhidong.

  When Zhang Zhidong heard the words, the excitement on his face subsided a little.

  "ICQ asked us to stop operations and compensate them for their losses."

  Zhang Zhidong shook his head helplessly.

  No way, who made icq the earliest?

  All instant messaging software will inevitably collide with the creativity of icq.

  It's just that the penguin has the strongest momentum and was noticed by icq.

  The gun hits the first bird.

  Jiang Han nodded when he heard the words.

  "Don't worry about the icq side, the name will be changed in the next version, and when the new version is launched, it will be his turn to icq to copy us!"

  After Jiang Han finished speaking, he added: "Maybe the icq will be gone before the lawsuit starts."

  Brother Xiao Ma knew exactly what Jiang Han meant.

  It is normal for business lawsuits to argue with each other for several years.

  Moreover, it is difficult to determine who is plagiarizing who, and the relevant laws are not perfect.

  Maybe after the penguins get out of the heaven and start to snatch the market of icq, they will not have any power to parry!

  The three domestic portals are just the whetstones that Jiang Han found for the penguins. The last one to be slaughtered is actually icq!

  "In addition to the continuous optimization of our own software, it is time for us to enter other markets."

  Jiang Han's mouth slightly raised.

  "Coming and not being indecent, since NetEase wants to snatch our cake, let's go and bring their cake."

  Penguin is getting bigger and bigger, and although it has not yet shown any means of making money, the traffic alone is enough to make other people excited.

  Although Jiang Han had long guessed that NetEase and the others would enter the instant messaging market, it did not mean that he would not be angry because of it.

  Dare to steal my stuff?Then I'll leave you with nothing!

  After hearing Jiang Han's words, everyone was shocked.

  Jiang Han can't stand it anymore?

  Looking at Jiang Han's deep eyes, everyone could not guess how Jiang Han would deal with those portals.

  "Brother Ma, how is the construction of the portal going?" Jiang Han asked aloud.

  "It's been done for the most part, and it will be online in a few days."

  "Take me to see." Jiang Han got up and said.

  Brother Xiao Ma nodded and took Jiang Han to his office.

  The construction of the portal website is a secret task given by Jiang Han to Brother Ma.

  Just waiting for this day to come.

  In order to avoid leaks, even Zhang Zhidong and others did not know about it.

  At this moment, I heard that Brother Ma is about to build a portal website, and everyone is interested.

  Came to the little brother's office together.

  This time Jiang Han did not stop them.

  At this time, even if the news leaks, I am not afraid of any more troubles.

  All the bigwigs in the programming world were present, except Su Qingyi.

  Therefore, although there is no web page window displayed on the computer of Xiao Ma, it is just a bunch of codes.

  Everyone can still intuitively know what the finished product looks like after it is made.

  "I asked you to add all the functions, right?" Jiang Han said.

  "It's added, and the functions of commenting and liking are not difficult." Brother Xiaoma said.

  Comments and likes?

  People other than Jiang Han couldn't understand what the two were talking about.

  Jiang Han did not mean to explain.

  Now China's domestic portal sites, NetEase, Sohu and Sina are three-legged.

  Seems extremely prosperous, but lacks innovation.

  All that can be done is to constantly update the portal content.

  It belongs to the most typical one-way information transfer portal.

  What Jiang Han has to do is to let the users of the portal website participate, and make the portal website of Penguin to be launched into a two-way communication existence.

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