But everyone's heart gave birth to a feeling that this guy is shameless.

  If you can't think of a good idea, just copy it.

  If you can't copy it, then go to the black hand?

  Are all businessmen so shameless?

  In fact, this is just the Internet, or a normal state of all industries.

  As an industry leader, if you want to stabilize your position, you must be the one that needs to constantly innovate.

  And followers don't need to do anything, just wait for plagiarism.

  Of course, if you want to become the industry leader, you must also add your own optimization on the basis of plagiarism.

  Ding Sanshi and Zhang Chaoyang didn't dare to go back to the office to continue drinking tea after the incident just now.

  For fear of drinking and drinking, the company will be drunk.

  I personally sit in the R&D department and watch nearly a hundred programmers work here.

  Ding Sanshi even took fifty programmers to start an attack on Penguin's server.

  The so-called attacking the server and crashing the server is nothing more than using data that exceeds the processing capacity of the server, flooding in together, and crashing the server.

  So that the server can no longer accept processing information.

  Although there are many ways, but in the final analysis, it still has this effect.

  But they can't think of anything.

  Jiang Han not only foresaw the traffic that would skyrocket in the future, but also foresaw that they would definitely make trouble, so he was prepared in advance.

  Ding Sanshi brought fifty people who wanted to register unlimited accounts from the QQ portal, in order to achieve the purpose of increasing Penguin's data traffic.

  But when they registered the account, they found that the login account of the QQ portal was the QQ number.

  If you want to attack the portal website, you need to continuously apply for a QQ number.

  So Ding Sanshi took everyone to register the QQ account.

  Then I found out that in order to avoid continuous repeated registration, Penguin needs to enter the verification code on the picture every time when applying for a QQ number.

  The captcha is just a small picture with four numbers on it.

  The operation process is not difficult, and a person can complete the process in two or three seconds.

  It will not stimulate the user's rebellious psychology.

  But the most important problem is that people can recognize the numbers above, but programs cannot.

  The data generation software prepared by Ding Sanshi and the others was completely useless in the face of the penguin's verification code!

  Instead, he gave Penguin fifty registered users for nothing.

  Even Ding Sanshi, who had always been calm, couldn't help but feel a little broken at this moment.

  He thought they were hooligans, but now it seems that the Penguins are hooligans.

  Take the hooligan's way and leave the hooligan with nowhere to go?

  Penguin has a verification code to block attack servers, but NetEase and the other three do not.

  While Ding Sanshi led someone to attack the Penguin Portal, Brother Xiao Ma didn't mean to stop.

  With more than [-] Penguin programmers, the five Xiao Ma started to attack the portal website of NetEase, Sina and Sohu.

  It's the same attention that he fought with Ding Sanshi, destroying the opponent's server!

  Even Jiang Han couldn't help itching after seeing Brother Ma and the others starting to counterattack, and joined the battlefield.

  ".¨I'll give you a huge garbage packet first!"

  "Give you another wave of repeatedly refreshed data streams!"

  "I'll change the server data for you again!"

  Without the verification code to help block traffic, the portal websites of the three NetEase companies are like lambs to be slaughtered.

  Especially at the moment, NetEase and Sina's (promised) portals are not yet maintained by programmers.

  Everyone was temporarily transferred to Sina.

  A huge amount of traffic smashed down, and it directly crashed the portal website servers of NetEase and Sina.

  Then all the users of NetEase and Sina portals want to open the website to browse news.

  There is only a string of English left.

  Su Qingyi has been standing behind Jiang Han, watching Jiang Han's fingers keep tapping on the keyboard.

  Mouth with a smile.

  She could feel that Jiang Han was very excited when he did this kind of thing.

  I don't know why, but seeing Jiang Han excited, she was also happy.

  Coming and not being indecent, Jiang Han regretted that he would not spend his wealth value directly in exchange for hacking skills.

  If so, it would probably be better.

  After all, to let programmers do hacker things, there are still some 'professional wrong' stalks.

  And by the time Ding Sanshi and others discovered Jiang Han's actions, the Sina and NetEase portals had collapsed for several minutes! .

Chapter 194

  The portals of NetEase and Sina collapsed.

  But no one found out.

  There are only a few Ding Sanshi left at the headquarters, just to maintain the server on a daily basis.

  It is impossible to resist the aggressive attack of the penguins.

  When the two sides first contacted, all users who used NetEase's portal clearly felt that Netease's portal began to become very stuck.

  After three minutes, there is no more content when refreshed, only a string of English numbers and three big numbers, [-], remain.

  All users were slightly taken aback when they saw this string of English.

  Then he reacted.

  Immediately yelled.

  "Damn! What is this! A company as big as NetEase can't even maintain its website?"

  "I just made a new version of Xunchat, and there is actually a promotion animation of QQ on it. I also took it. What garbage NetEase!"

  "I won't say anything about the crap of the chat software. Even the portal website has collapsed? Is it really that crap?"

  "Forget it, go to Sina's portal to read the news."

  Countless users cursed and went to other sites.

  After using Sina's portal, those users discovered that Sina's portal also collapsed after they poured into 930.

  Then their mentality completely collapsed.

  The impact of breaking two websites in a row is naturally huge.

  Especially when the little brother watched the data in the background soaring, the faster the code was typed.

  At the tenth minute, everyone turned their guns and attacked Sohu's portal.

  What I want is the feeling of knocking all opponents down with one blow.

  The sudden surge in traffic made everyone in Sohu stunned.

  Among this traffic, some came from NetEase and Sina, some from their own traffic, and of course some traffic from Jiang Han and the others.

  Then Sohu's server began to sound the alarm.

  Zhang Chaoyang's scolding sounded immediately in Sohu's office hall.

  "Hurry up and find out what's going on for me! Limit traffic first, don't let the server crash!"

  is that useful?

  It's a bit useful, but looking at the webpage that hasn't been refreshed for almost five minutes, all users' mentality collapses.

  Completely switched to the qq portal.

  Then I was completely attracted by the new design of the qq portal.

  According to the normal development law, it would take at least a week for the QQ portal to be able to generate traffic and barely reach the million level.

  But no one could have predicted such a thing.

  Netease's three death operations directly pushed the QQ portal to the point of millions of users overnight.

  That night's PV reached [-] million!

  At the same time, the number of likes on all pages has reached [-] million!

  Five million comments!

  This statistic surprised everyone.

  Including Jiang Han, the initiator of all this.

  But this kind of thing is only good for penguins, not bad.

  After the upgrade of Penguin's server, there is no possibility of crash at all.

  In particular, there is the verification code, which helps limit those fake traffic, and makes the penguin as stable as an old dog.

  After Ding Sanshi reacted, the three of them called one by one and scolded Brother Xiao Ma.

  But the little brother pretended to be ignorant.

  No matter what Ding Sanshi and the others say, I don't know, I didn't do it, I can't go too far.

  Ding Sanshi and the three of them were extremely annoyed, but they were helpless.

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