Mr. Ren still had a dream-like feeling.

  He spent so much effort.

  It took Huawei more than ten years of hard work to achieve a market value of billions of Chinese coins.

  It's still a long way from breaking the billion dollar mark.

  But Jiang Han won tens of billions of dollars in orders for Huawei so easily?

  This is not a [-] million to [-] million order.

  But tens of billions of dollars!

  Converted into Chinese currency, it is properly more than [-] billion!

  It is a hundred times the market value of Huawei!

  Was it taken down so easily by Jiang Han?

  "Mr. Jiang, I really don't know how to thank you."

  In Vodafone's lounge, Mr. Ren was no longer as confident and calm as before.

  Facing an order of [-] billion Chinese dollars.

257 Even the old and steady President Ren's voice is trembling when he speaks at this moment.

  "This is what Warwick deserves."

  Jiang Han said with a smile.

  It was just that Jiang Hanyi had something to say when he said this.

  President Ren naturally understood what Jiang Han meant.

  The reason why Jiang Han helped Huawei win such a large project.

  The purpose is to completely swallow the benefits.

  Moreover, this order was not taken for Huawei, but for Jiang Han himself.

  Because Jiang Han will inject about [-] billion US dollars into Huawei next.

  To ensure that Huawei has the strength to eat this order!

  At that time, Huawei will give up [-]% of its shares anyway.

  Warwick was basically used by Jiang Han to borrow chickens to lay eggs.

  Mr. Ren is very clear about this.

  But he was willing to be used by Jiang Han.

  Because he just wants a future for Warwick.

  The incident just now made Mr. Ren clearly realize.

  It is too difficult for Huawei to grow by its own strength.

  And not sure if it will be successful.

  After all, President Ren is not Jiang Han.

  No memory of the next twenty years.

  So Mr. Ren wanted to find a backer for Warwick.

  Find a veritable 'daddy'!

  Warwick had state support before.

  But the support of the state is only within the scope of the Celestial Dynasty.

  In the international arena, there is absolutely no way for China to help Huawei as much.

  More importantly, the diplomatic concept of the Celestial Dynasty destined the country not to intervene.

  But Jiang Han is different.

  A lot of money and technology.

  More importantly, Jiang Han is strong enough.

  It can be seen from Jiang Han's attitude towards Will just now.

  Although Jiang Han is now worth only tens of billions.

  But the group with hundreds of billions of dollars is no longer in the eyes of Jiang Han!

  This is the foundation of strength.

  President Ren had always thought that he could see through Jiang Han.

  But now I found out that what he saw through was only what Jiang Han wanted him to see through.

  No one can predict how Jiang Han will grow in the future.

  Maybe, it can really be as Jiang Han said.

  Under his leadership, China can surpass the United States in a short period of time.

  President Ren kept thinking to himself.

  At the same time, he is more convinced of Jiang Han.

  Now that he has identified the 'father', he naturally has to try his best to be a 'son'.

  Under Jiang Han's behest.

  Will convened a board meeting immediately.

  Setting aside two hours for Will to convene the board of directors was the maximum deadline given by Jiang Han.

  And after the meeting of the board of directors.

  Will also wisely signed a contract with President Ren.

  Both parties agreed that Vodafone's base station construction tasks in the next five years will be handed over to Huawei.

  At the same time Vodafone has an additional condition.

  It is required that Warwick must be completed within the time specified by each base station construction task.

  In fact, this is also to protect the interests of Vodafone.

  But it inadvertently gave Warwick a threshold.

  Huawei's current size is simply unable to complete such a large base station construction task.

  Therefore, Huawei must bow to Jiang Han.

  In exchange for the improvement of infrastructure strength.

  Although Jiang Han and Huawei have no other ideas.

  But in this way, it is an insurance for this matter.

  after signing the contract.

  Will also seemed to have made up his mind.

  The board of directors was convened again.

  Actually persuaded Vodafone's board of directors and agreed to Mannesman's offer.

  Of course, behind this incident, there is still Jiang Han's shadow.

  Jiang Han's time is very tight, and there is no way to drag it on any longer.

  You can only cut through the mess with a quick knife.

  After Jiang Han supported Will, the situation immediately turned one-sided.

  The proposal to acquire Mannesman also passed smoothly.

  of course.

  After several previous negotiations.

  Mannesman's offer is actually not that outrageous.

  The final premium merger result was [-] percent.

  Although a bit higher than Will expected.

  But it didn't go any higher.

  Time is the most valuable thing.

  Jiang Han didn't want to delay, and Will didn't want to delay either.

  Changes later.

  After Vodafone passed the proposal, Will also decided to hold the fifth merger negotiation with Mannesmann tomorrow morning.

  And the rest of the operation does not need Jiang Han to do anything.

  He walked out of the Vodafone building with Mr. Ren, who was content with the contract.

  "Mr. Ren, regarding the capital injection into Huawei, I will receive it within a month."

  "Now Warwick can start screening M&A companies."

  Jiang Han's time is precious.

  Some things are preparatory work.

  For example, there are so many base station construction companies in the world, some of which are not for sale.

  This requires Warwick to screen.

  At the same time, contact and negotiate.

  If you sell, you also need to evaluate the company and negotiate the acquisition price.

  The intermediate process is more complicated.

  However, Jiang Han also gave restrictions.

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