Seeing Will going so smoothly, Robert couldn't sit still.

  Antiques of the Chinese Dynasty are not very popular in the international market now.

  Because people from other countries are not very able to appreciate the art in it.

  Only people from the Celestial Dynasty will be like a treasure.

  The reason why the price of antiques in the later dynasties has been rising all the way.

  It's also because there are rich people in the Chinese dynasty who support it.

  but now.

  In the eyes of Robert et al.

  Those things are just a bunch of useless stuff.

  In addition to some cast with gold can also be realized.

  The rest will just take up the utility room.

  If Jiang Han needs it, he can give it all to Jiang Han.

  As long as you can get the last shares on it.

  "Mr. Jiang, when it comes to antiques from the Celestial Dynasty, I have more than Will's."

  Robert spoke hastily.

  Both sides were a little bit red-eyed.

  Now where can I take care of other things.

  Shares are the key.

  Will swears when he sees Robert say this.

  The two leaders were already fighting.

  Other people naturally couldn't sit still.

  For a while, the entire conference room was extremely cluttered.

  The little secretary who had been standing beside Will looked at the shareholders of the company who had maintained their demeanor before.

  Now the fight is red.

  His eyes widened, his lips slightly parted.

  Obviously some can't understand why they suddenly became like this.

  It is normal not to understand.

  If understandable.

  Then she should sit down and argue with each other now.

  rather than standing behind Will.



  Seeing that the situation on the field is a little out of control.

  Jiang Han couldn't help knocking on the table.

  Make everyone quiet down.

  "Regarding this matter, I can give you one day to prepare."

  "Take out the antiques from the Tian (good king's) dynasty that you can take out."

  "I'll be there on both sides then."

  "Whatever the end result is, I'll take it at market price."

  "Acquisition of Chinese antiques from the other party."

  "Now, you can prepare."

  Jiang Han said lightly.

  I just wanted to see if I could dig something out.

  Unexpectedly, there are so many stocks in the hands of both parties.

  There was no chance before.

  but now.

  With this opportunity, and the price of antiques has not risen.

  At this time, if you don't shoot all at once, when will you wait?

  Even these antiques are of no use to Jiang Han.

  But as long as they can bring these antiques back to the Celestial Dynasty, it is enough.

  At that time, even if Jiang Han opened a museum by himself, or donated these antiques to the country.

  What can be harvested is far from what the money paid at the time of acquisition can compare. .

Chapter 326

  Jiang Han gave an order.

  Will, Robert and the others all moved.

  No one knew how big Jiang Han's appetite was.

  Therefore, within the scope of our ability, we must prepare enough antiques from the Celestial Dynasty.

  This is where they overwhelm each other.

  Don't even hesitate to buy it from your friends.

  Anyway, when the time comes, Jiang Han will buy it at the bottom.

  With Jiang Han's worth, he wouldn't do anything against his identity for these antiques.

  And as the most prestigious or powerful class in the whole of Europe.

  Will and Robert started at the same time.

  Almost made most of Europe boil.

  Although there is no turmoil on the bright side.

  But the tide is surging.

  The two began to collect celestial antiques crazily through their personal connections.

  Plus their own inventory.

  As well as the inventory of their gang at home.

  This time, Jiang Han was only afraid that he would have to rent a few more planes to bring all these antiques back.

  Although only for one day.

  But enough.

  Will and Robert are trying to hurry up.

  Don't even dare to rest.

  After the meeting was over at noon, they started making calls one after another.

  And then drove the car to constantly travel between countries.

  Then various European countries began to send trucks full of Chinese antiques to Will and Robert's Zhuang 363 Garden.

  At this moment, Jiang Han was sitting in the restaurant with Su Qingyi eating.

  After the hotel was bought by myself.

  Everyone looked at them with reverence in their eyes.

  After all, Jiang Han is now their real boss.

  There were even many young and beautiful waiters who knew Jiang Han's true identity.

  He tried his best to meet Jiang Han.

  Although there is no danger to Jiang Han.

  But it was still completely blocked by Thor.

  What Jiang Han did when he returned to China had nothing to do with him.

  But abroad, Jiang Han's safety is the top priority.

  Jiang Han naturally noticed these little actions of Thor.

  But nothing was said.

  Just called Thor into his room.

  Of course, Jiang Han called Thor not because Thor obstructed those waitresses with ulterior motives.

  But because it was in the airport toilet before.

  What Thor did.

  Jiang Han always thought that there were no ancient martial arts in this world.

  But that day in the airport toilet.

  He watched Thor's arms use force, and then the handcuffs made of steel were broken!

  It's different from those smashing bricks with bare hands that Jiang Han saw later.

  Those are still clever to use.

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