Now that he was very satisfied with the acceptance of the vehicle, Jiang Han settled all the three vehicle models on the spot.

  Su Hao was full of envy when he saw these three cars.

  But when I saw the bill of $[-] million per car.

  Immediately dismissed the idea of ​​getting one for myself.

  This car is really not a car that ordinary people can own!

  However, the three-car package cost [-] million US dollars, which is indeed worth the money.

  After all, not every top bulletproof car can be handcrafted by top German craftsmen!

  After handing the check to Charette, a mysterious smile appeared on Jiang Han's face.

  "I don't know if Mr. Charliet has time, I have a cooperation and want to talk to Mr. Charlett!"

  Hearing Jiang Han's words, Charliet was stunned for a moment, and immediately said enthusiastically: "Of course there is time, why don't Mr. Jiang Han go to my office and let's talk in detail?"

  The fact that Jiang Han invested at the Yingguo Gala had already spread all over Ouzhou.

  Such a god of wealth, a fool would push him out.

  Charité's office is not as simple and industrial as the mansion outside.

  On the contrary, it is like a painter, with rich and splendid color matching.

  Jiang Han admired the original Van Gogh work hanging on the wall with great interest.

  It seems that this Charliet is indeed a big enthusiastic fat man.

  "I don't know what kind of cooperation Mr. Jiang wants to talk about?" Charette asked Jiang Han as soon as he sat down.

  Jiang Han took a sip of Pu'er from the teacup, the tea is good tea.

  "I wonder if Benz Group has plans to expand the Chinese market?"

  Jiang Han is also direct. After all, everyone is a smart person talking nonsense, which is really boring.

  Charlie was stunned for a moment, and a flash of fiery flashed in his eyes: "What does Mr. Jiang's cooperation mean?"

  "Benchi's agency in the Chinese market, I want this."

  Jiang Han did not miss Charliet's gaze.

  "To be honest, there is indeed a plan to expand the Chinese market within the group recently. Mr. Jiang's cooperation is a coincidence." Charette said with a smile.

  From a profit point of view, the two simply coincide.

  In fact, during this period, Mercedes-Benz vehicles did not have great popularity and many consumers in China.

  It doesn't have as much influence as later generations.

  No one thinks that there is too much money in their hands. Entering a new market means that they will reap more benefits.

  "I don't know at what price Mr. Jiang wants to win the agency of the Celestial Dynasty?"

  At this moment, there was still a smile on Charette's face, but the slightly narrowed eyes looked like a fox.

  After all, it is an old fox who has been in the shopping mall for so many years, and interests are still very important.

  Jiang Han did not speak, but thought in his heart:

  "Deduce the lowest price to win [-]% of Benz's shares."

  "Deduce Charliet's Minimum Bottom Line.".

Chapter 332

  The system deduced the result after two seconds.

  Ten billion dollars.

  After Jiang Han knew the result, he became more and more calm.

  This price is even lower than the psychological price.

  It seems that the current Benz is far less in good condition than the Benz of later generations.

  "If Mr. Jiang wants to win the agency of the Celestial Dynasty..." Before Charlie could finish speaking, Jiang Han interrupted him.

  "Not only the proxies of the Celestial Dynasty, but I also want [-]% of your company's shares." Jiang Han's face was normal.

  It was as if he had no idea that he had said something amazing.

  Charliet frowned, shocked.

  [-]% of the shares!

  If it was another person, I'm afraid that Charliet will ask the security to invite the ranting man out.

  But the person who said this was Jiang Han, and no one would think that he was babbling wildly.

  "Thirty percent of the shares... This matter is not something I can do alone." Charette spread her hands and showed a wry smile.

  Jiang Han naturally understood. After all, Charité was only a vice president, at most a major shareholder of the group.

  "It's okay, find someone who can be the master."

  Jiang Han put down the tea cup, still smiling.

  Charette's assistant dialed the internal line.

  Originally, the entire group attached great importance to Jiang Han.

  When Han first came to Ouzhou, the top executives of Benz Group wanted to get Jiang Han's investment.

  Within ten minutes, Jiang Han was invited to another top-level conference room.

  There was only one person sitting in the huge conference room.

  At the head of the table was an old man with an old face.

  Charette quickly introduced each other: "This is Mr. Jorgen, the chairman of our group."

  "Mr. Jorgen, this is the Mr. Jiang Han I mentioned earlier."

  Jiang Han smiled slightly and shook hands with the old man.

  The old man's eyes were bright and piercing, looking up and down Jiang Han.

  As early as after Jiang Han came to Ouzhou, Jorgen had asked his assistant to investigate Jiang Han.

  I have seen Jiang Han's investment full of adventurous spirit and high returns from high risks again and again.

  Jorgen originally thought that this would be an extreme figure with a slanted sword.

  But he didn't expect to see Jiang Han today and find that he was completely opposite to his speculation.

  At least in the more than 70 years of Jurgen's past, he has never seen someone with so much wealth at a young age.

  Jurgen was amazed at the fact that Jiang Han was only eighteen years old, and he had gathered the momentum of a superior.

  Moreover, Jiang Han's eyes are clear and his body is straight.

  Jorgen only felt that Jiang Han seemed to be filled with an upward force.

  This kind of feeling, even Jurgen, who has read countless people, has never seen it in any superior or younger generation.

  "You want to buy [-]% of our group's stock?" Jurgen asked in an old voice.

  Jiang Han sat on the soft leather chair and nodded lightly: "Thirty percent of the stock + the agency of the brand Benchi in the Celestial Dynasty."

  Jorgen coughed twice: "I don't know what price Mr. Jiang can give."

  Jiang Han, who had already used the system to deduce it for a long time.

  Looking at Jurgen and Charliet behind him with a light expression: "Ten billion dollars."

  As soon as the price was mentioned, the faces of the two people sitting opposite Jiang Han were ugly.

  Jiang Han's expression did not change at all.

  Because Jiang Han knew that after Benz acquired Chrysler in the United States in 5, it was promoted to the fifth largest car company in the world on the surface.

  But in fact, the acquired American Chrysler has not developed well and has been losing money.

  Coupled with the sluggish economy in some markets in the past two years, Benz is in urgent need of exploring new markets.

  Therefore, Jiang Han understands that although the price is a bit low, Benz still needs this capital and the market of China.

  "Mr. Jiang's price is a little low." Charette said with some embarrassment.

  Jiang Han did not go around in circles with them, and directly called out: "Chrysler, which your group acquired last year, doesn't seem to bring profit to the group."

  Charliet did not expect that Jiang Han would investigate the Benz Group so thoroughly.

  In fact, it was only because Jiang Han knew that Benz in the 90s did lose money for a period of time after the merger.

  However, when they choose to expand the market at low cost, the profit is still considerable.

  But now the loss of this merger has become a weapon in Jiang Han's hands to lower the stock price.

  If the transaction is really successful at such a low price, Charliet only feels that the Benz Group has lost too much.

  "Mr. Jiang..."

  Jiang Han directly blocked Charette's words: "I wonder if the two of you know anything about the tariffs of the Chinese Empire?"

  The eyes of Charliet and Jorgen flickered at the same time.

  China's trade protection has made China charge huge tariffs on products produced by foreign companies after entering the Chinese market.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  This is why, all along, Germany's three well-known bba brands have never been able to expand the Chinese market.

  Tariffs have been a headache for Benz Group in recent years.

  "I know a little bit." Charette said after a moment of silence.

  "If I put money into Benz Group, Benz Group is no longer a German company, but it can become a joint venture."

  Jiang Han's words ended, and the remaining two people present fell silent for a while.

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