The office phone rang again.

  Wang Gang raised a polite smile again and rushed to room number [-].

  The head here is a representative sent by the At Communication Company of the United States.

  As one of the three giants in the US communications industry, Jack feels that he has capital.

  Looking at the middle-aged man in the tunic suit in front of him, Jack frowned and asked, "Do you know where Mr. Jiang Han lives? I'm going to visit him."

  Speaking of which, Jack is the more polite among the foreigners.

  But Wang Gang knew that this was only superficial, because Jack's behavior still carried some contempt for China.

  Jack asked the question that Wang Gang heard the most during this time.

  I don't know how many times to answer

  "Sorry, we don't know Mr. Jiang Hanjiang's address very well."

  Jack's face suddenly fell, and Wang Gang, who was squinting slightly, was sweating profusely.

  In a few minutes, Wang Gang saw Jack with his assistant in the hotel lobby and hurriedly left the Victory Hotel.

  Jiang's family, Su Hao, who came to be a guest, looked curiously at Jiang Han who had just hung up the phone: "Tell me about you, you are calling Thor and calling the hotel again."

  "It's all agreed to rest at home, and I'm still busy!"

  Su Hao said while yawning.

  Jiang Han smiled slightly: "I'm afraid this group of foreigners has almost arrived, and they are trying to find me."

  "Then you don't want to see them, so just don't let them know." Su Hao cut an apple.

  "That would be boring."

  "Speaking of which, these people have come all the way, they are newcomers, and I have to invite them to eat."

  A hint of interest appeared on Jiang Han's face.

  "What do you want them to eat? Roast duck?" Su Hao asked curiously.

  I saw an unfathomable and mysterious smile on Jiang Han's face:

  "Invite them to a closed door!"

  It didn't take long for the Jiang's doorbell to ring.

  It was Thor who came over after receiving a call from Jiang Han.

  "Notify outsiders that no foreigners will be allowed in, and none of them will be allowed in."

  Jiang Han explained with a serious expression.

  Thor has been following Jiang Han, and it is rare to see Jiang Han look so serious.

  Immediately, my heart tightened and I paid attention.

  The other bodyguards who quickly hid in the dark to protect Jiang Han gathered near the entrance of the community.

  A pair of sharp eyes sifted through the passing pedestrians without noticing it.

  Jack felt that with the dollars he threw down, the news he got must be true...

  Although the man in the tunic suit couldn't ask anything.

  But there is nothing in this world that dollars cannot buy.

  He has always been used to throwing money to solve things, and he doesn't feel anything wrong.

  Although the man didn't say anything, he turned his head and spent three hundred dollars from someone at the front desk.

  After all, these Chinese people have never seen so many dollars, right?

  Thinking of this, the contemptuous look on Jack's face became more and more obvious.

  But Jack didn't know that the person who just gave him the news just received Jiang Han's order.

  At that time, Jiang Han said directly on the phone: "The news of my address, as long as they give you money, you can sell it, and you will earn all the money."

  When the vehicle stopped at an intersection, Jack immediately restrained the arrogant look on his face.

  Adjusting his expression, Jack put on a polite smile.

  Although Jack's face did not have an excessive look, he looked at it from a distance.

  From the way he walks, you can see the overconfidence in this person.

  Such an eye-catching person was stared at by Thor's men almost as soon as he got out of the car.

  Looking at the dilapidated old building in the distance, Jack sneered and strode over.

  "Is Jiang Han really as powerful as Ouzhou Media said?"

  "Why do such powerful people still live here?"

  Jack groaned inwardly and walked fast.

  But he didn't even turn out of this intersection, 3.8, and was surrounded by a group of men in black.

  "Who are you?" Thor asked in a low voice, standing in front of this Jack.

  There was a trace of dissatisfaction in Jack's eyes, but he still said: "I want to visit Mr. Jiang Han, please let me know, I am from At Company in the United States."

  When introducing himself, Jack's face was full of pride.

  After all, there are only two companies in the United States that can compete on the same level as their own companies.

  A communications company like himself that controls or even monopolizes one-third of the U.S. market.

  Jiang Han will definitely talk to himself.

  No way, strength and capital are everything.

  This is how At company has both strength and capital!

  Thinking of this, the smile on Jack's face grew stronger.

  "Sorry sir, Mr. Jiang Han did not inform you to come in."

  Thor said with an expressionless face. .

Chapter 339

  Thor knew for a long time that Jiang Han would not see anyone today, but he still went through the motions and pretended to bring someone to ask.

  "What?" The smile on the corner of Jack's mouth couldn't hold back, and he reiterated the At Company.

  Jack couldn't believe it. The man in front of him didn't know how powerful the At company was.

  Unfortunately, whether it is At or Bt, Thor only listens to Jiang Han's orders.

  Say no to let in, don't let in!

  "Sir, I've explained it to you many times. Mr. Jiang didn't say he wanted to see you. Please leave quickly."

  Thor felt a little annoyed, what Mr. Jack has been buzzing about, emphasizing the power of At Company.

  Thor, who didn't want to listen to him, made a gesture of putting his hands on his waist.

  Jack from the United States was immediately startled and took a step back.

  This action is often seen on police officers in the United States, where weapons can be legally held.

  Jack suddenly realized that he probably won't see Jiang Han again today.

  "Then I'll visit again tomorrow!" Jack's hurried figure disappeared into the street.

  Like Jack, there are not a few people who have eaten Jiang Han's closed door.

  The group of people who used to show off their power in the hotel at the beginning have almost all left the street cursing today.

  The crowd was 12, which made Thor feel the law.

  Anyway, as long as you feel impatient.

  Just pretending to take out a weapon, most of the people who want to see Jiang Han will leave with interest.

  Thor is comfortable with it.

  But the hearts of these foreigners who have been closed doors are full of fire.

  Just after dinner, Wang Gang and his colleagues saw these foreigners returning to the hotel with stinky faces one after another.

  Seeing such a situation, the colleague next to Wang Gang sighed quietly: "Just like this, we will definitely have to make things difficult for us in a while!"

  "If it weren't for the future development of our Celestial Dynasty, the ghosts would be willing to serve them!"

  In the past two days, because of the demons of this group of foreigners, even the whole hotel did not like to see them privately.

  In the past few days, almost half of the representatives sent by the communication operators have returned badly.

  Even the atmosphere of the entire Victory Hotel was extremely low.

  Different from the hotel side, Jiang Han is living a very fulfilling day.

  After the Jiang family had eaten in the early morning, Jiang Han let Thor drive the car and took his parents to the sales center.

  Jiang Hui was shocked when he saw that a special car would pick up his son at the door in the morning.

  Especially when I saw Thor driving, I felt that the driver who only drove was unusual.

  "Son, you went on a trip, and you have a special car to pick you up?"

  Jiang Han's mother, Lin Yueru, also looked at Jiang Han in shock.

  Of course they don't know what kind of terrifying status they will have grown to in this short period of time.

  "I made some investments, but I didn't expect a good return and made some money."

  Jiang Han opened the car door for his parents, let them get in the car, and said casually.

  Thor, sitting in the driver's seat, heard Jiang Han's understatement.

  I didn't know what to say for a while.

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