It can even soar to the sky!

  In the face of absolute interests, few people can restrain their reason.

  But fortunately, Brother Ma and the others are not that kind of people.

  After a brief hesitation, Brother Ma was the first to pick up the pen on the table and signed his name on the two contracts that belonged to him.

  Zhang Zhidong didn't hesitate to see Brother Ma signed the contract.

  He picked up a pen and wrote his name on it.

  With these two taking the lead, the other three naturally have nothing to hesitate.

  Jiang Han looked at the actions of the five with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Picking up the pen that Brother Ma had prepared for a long time, 12 signed their names one by one.

  The share purchase contract was made in duplicate, with five people. Jiang Han took the contract belonging to his party A and handed it to Su Qingyi.

  "Brother Ma, I wish us a happy cooperation."

  Jiang Han smiled and extended his hand to Brother Ma.

  The coveted penguin has now become his company.

  Jiang Han alone holds 80% of the shares!

  If converted into the value after 20 years, the 80% of Jiang Han's shares will be worth about [-] trillion!

  Jiang Han's goal is to let Penguin be listed directly with zero financing in addition to him!

  If so, the loss of shares can be directly avoided.

  As for the cash flow required for the development of Penguin, it is provided by Jiuhuang!

  Jiang Han will continue to inject capital in the future, allowing Penguin to enter the stage of rapid development!

  When the little brother signed the contract, his heart was inexplicably relieved.

  These two days, he had a bad time.

  The huge pressure was on him, and he hadn't slept well for the past two days.

  This is no longer his business.

  If they can't sell the penguins at a price that everyone can accept, Zhang Zhidong and the others will not forgive him!

  Fortunately, Jiang Han did not negotiate with them about the gambling agreement in the share purchase contract.

  On the contrary, in just a few words, Xiao Ma felt Jiang Han's incomparably firm self-confidence!

  "Mr. Jiang, now that the share purchase contract has been signed, the promised funds and this plan..."

  Zhang Zhidong was a little impatient.

  Jiang Han smiled, then turned to look at Su Qingyi.

  Su Qingyi naturally understood what Jiang Han meant.

  Handed the planning book in his hand to Brother Ma and the others.

  Brother Ma took over the plan and flipped through it.

  The first line of words on the first page made everyone stunned.

  'In the first year of Penguin's development, the external valuation has reached 10 billion US dollars, and it must be firmly seated at the top of the Internet! '

  'In the second year of Penguin's development, the external valuation reached 100 billion US dollars, and the daily traffic reached [-] million! '

  'The third year of Penguin development...'

  'fourth year……'

  'Penguin is in its fifth year of development and will enter the Fortune Global [-] club by the end of the year. At the same time, it will conquer the global market. The number of users of its products needs to reach one billion!Planning to go public! '

  Jiang Han's first page contained only five lines of characters, but it stunned Brother Ma and the others.

  Five years to become the world's top [-]?

  Is it really possible?

  It took them more than a year to develop Penguin to such a point that Jiang Han actually wanted Penguin to become the world's top [-] in five years.

  The gap in between is too big.

  The five looked at each other and were silent.

  He lowered his head and continued to read the contents of the second page.

  Jiang Han took out his mobile phone and called Zhao Yu.

  Let Zhao Yu start to acquire the shares of Jiuhuang Technology, and at the same time read the company bank account that Brother Xiao Ma just gave him to Zhao Yu, and let him transfer [-] million into it.

  The company's initial financing is rarely cashed out by founders.

  Basically it is used for business development.

  Brother Ma, they naturally have no idea in this regard.

  With these five million, the development of penguins will not be worrying at all.

  They can fully support themselves.

  In the case of no shortage of money, there is absolutely no need to cash out.

  This is a complete act of killing the chicken and taking the egg.

  Especially after reading the planning book given by Jiang Han.

  If the first page gives the impression of Xiao Ma and the others, they are completely crazy.

  The impression that the second page gave them was a genius!

  An unparalleled genius!

  Just on the first page of the planning book, Jiang Han has already written all the methods that Penguins can use to make money.

  Including member recharge, recharge of various diamonds and the like.

  Wrote two full pages.

  Although Brother Ma and the others just glanced at it roughly, they already had a template on how to make money in their hearts.

  Undoubtedly, following this template, the penguin's take-off will definitely be unstoppable!

  Penguin's market cap hits a billion dollars a year later, and it doesn't seem impossible!

  Such an idea suddenly appeared in the hearts of the five people, including Brother Xiao Ma.

  Suddenly everyone was startled.

  But when you think about it, that's the truth. 873

  Jiang Han's plan describes in detail how to stick users and penguins together, and make them willing to pay in large sums!

  And what they saw was only the first page of this planning book!

  There is a thick stack in the back.

  Jiang Han has really considered Penguin's plans for the next five years.

  This brain alone is enough to convince Xiao Ma and the others.

  Brother Ma and the others, the doubts about Jiang Han had disappeared.

  Looking up at Jiang Han, Brother Xiao Ma admired: "Mr. Jiang, no, Chairman, these ideas of yours are really amazing..."

  Jiang Han smiled and said: "Why, now I believe that I can take the penguins into the world's top [-]?"

  Brother Xiao Ma nodded quickly and said with great certainty: "If we have this plan, we can't become the world's top [-], it only means that our group is not strong enough, and it has nothing to do with you."

  Hearing this, Jiang Han said helplessly: "Don't think that with this plan, the penguins will be able to sail smoothly."

  "I'll give you a task now."

  "You said." Brother Ma said respectfully.

  "I'll give you a month to spend the five million. After one month, I want to see the number of registered users of Penguin reach five million!"

  "But until the number of users reaches this number, I will not allow you to do any monetization activities!".

Chapter 113

  "No profit-making activities are allowed for one month?" Brother Xiao Ma was slightly taken aback and said, "Why?"

  Penguin's current funds are extremely scarce, even if it has received Jiang Han's five million funds, the foundation is still very thin.

  From Xiao Ma's point of view, now that he knows how to make a profit, he must go online as soon as possible. For example, Penguin members can definitely provide a large amount of member recharge income.

  At that time, with stable cash flow in the account, Penguin can also breathe a sigh of relief.

  But Jiang Han's words made Brother Ma full of doubts.

  The five million will be spent within a month, and then what?

  How could Jiang Han not know what Brother Ma was thinking.

  In fact, it was the end of December 2000 that Penguin opened QQ membership in the last life.

  At that time, the number of users of Penguin had reached several million, and the user base had already met the requirements of traffic realization.

  Opening payment channels after the user base reaches a certain level will not make users feel rebellious.

  Instead, it will stimulate the psychology of users and increase sales.

  But Penguin at this time has only hundreds of thousands of users, and once the payment channel is launched prematurely.

  In this case, the user will leave directly, after all, there is no reason to pay in oicq.

  Therefore, it is the best choice to wait for Penguin to open the payment channel after the user base reaches a certain level.

  Otherwise, it will only be killing chickens to get eggs, which will only seriously affect the development speed of penguins.

  Jiang Han simply explained two sentences.

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