Su Qingyi even took out a piece of paper from the table, and let Jiang Han play the ashtray with both hands.

  Even if the two of them had differences just now because of Jiuhuang Technology.

  But in front of outsiders, Su Qingyi gave Jiang Han enough face.

  This is also the reason why Jiang Han admires Su Qingyi so much.

  It is rare to meet a woman who knows the general knowledge like Su Qingyi.

  And when the cigarette in Jiang Han's hand was about to go out, Wang Yousheng and the others finally discussed the result.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "Mr. Jiang, we can give you all the shares in our hands, but when will the one million you promised will be credited?" Wang Yousheng came over and looked at Jiang Han and said.

  The situation of Penguin and Jiuhuang Technology is similar.

  They are all companies that are not favored by others, and their operating conditions are very poor.

  But the only difference is that Brother Ma and the others are full of confidence in the penguins. If it weren't for the appearance of Jiang Han, they would continue to persevere.

  But the shareholders of Jiuhuang Technology have long been disappointed with Jiuhuang Technology, and now they just want to get rid of Jiuhuang Technology.

  That's why it was agreed so quickly and without any additional conditions.

  "One million, I will give it to you after signing the acquisition contract." Jiang Han said after throwing the cigarette butt on the ground and stomping it out.


  Wang Yousheng obviously made up his mind to sell Jiuhuang Technology.

  After hearing Jiang Han's words now, he took out a stack of contracts that had been drawn up a long time ago from the cabinet beside him.

  Everything went very smoothly.

  After Jiang Han ruthlessly pierced the disguise of everyone, they no longer had any idea of ​​resistance.

  There is no one who wants to take this opportunity to make a fortune.

  If Jiang Han was really irritated and turned his head away from Jiuhuang Technology, then the bitter fruit could only be eaten by them.

  It is not a rare commodity, and naturally it cannot be hoarded.

  Playing with the nails family now is basically just waiting to die.

  After Jiang Han got all the shares in the hands of this group of people, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  At this moment, the phone in Jiang Han's pocket rang.

  I took it out and saw that it was Zhao Yu who was calling.

  "Hello? What's wrong?" Jiang Han said.

  "Jiang Han, I have swept away all the circulating shares of Jiuhuang in the market. A total of 38% of the shares cost 382 million."

  All the shares in the stock market have been bought, and so have the shares held by private shareholders.

  It means that Jiang Han has now controlled 100% of the shares of Jiuhuang Technology.

  "Well done, I'll give you an account, you call one million over, and then operate Jiuhuang Technology to delist." Jiang Han smiled slightly.

  After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, turned his head to look at Wang Yousheng and said, "Mr. Wang, take me to the laboratory to have a look." Go.

Chapter 116

  Jiuhuang Technology's laboratory has invested heavily.

  But only in relative terms.

  If compared with other companies, Jiuhuang's laboratory is obviously a lot beyond.

  But compared with other big companies that specialize in this area, Jiuhuang's laboratory is extremely rudimentary.

  When the laboratory was established, Wang Yousheng invested tens of millions.

  Purchased a lot of R & D equipment.

  However, the operating conditions have been very poor in recent years, and many of the equipment has been sold by Wang Yousheng.

  The laboratory, which was originally quite large, now appears to be extremely empty.

  Jiang Han originally expected that Wang Yousheng would not be so stupid, but now it seems that this guy has absolutely no merit.

  To be able to almost empty the laboratory is to cut off the roots of Jiuhuang.

  For a high-tech company, the most important thing is research and development capabilities, and even production lines are not required, but investment in research and development is indispensable.

  At least production can be found by others, but it is impossible for others to do research and development.

  Wang Yousheng, who was next to Jiang Han, saw the disappointment in Jiang Han's eyes, and his face was slightly embarrassed.

  But he couldn't do it at the time.

  The most valuable thing in the whole factory is the research equipment.

  There is no way to sell it.

  Jiang Han didn't speak, walked to a machine, frowned slightly and looked at the half-made mobile phone motherboard.

  "Take me to see your research data." Jiang Han said lightly.

  "Please come here." Wang Yousheng said quickly.

  Su Qingyi has been following Jiang Han's side all the time, as for the back, followed by the shareholders of Jiuhuang Technology.

  They don't want to leave until they get the money.

  Jiang Han followed Wang Yousheng to a computer.

  A lot of dust has fallen on the keyboard of the computer.

  It looks like it hasn't been used for a while.

  Shaking his head secretly, Jiang Han turned on the computer directly.

  Wang Yousheng found a rag from nowhere, and wiped the table and chairs after wetting it with water.

  Then after fiddling with the computer a few times, I just opened a file.

  The above records all the records of Jiuhuang Technology about mobile communication technology in detail.

  The most important thing about mobile communication technology is two points.

  Signal reception and transmission.

  Communication signals are passed back and forth between the mobile phone and the base station.

  The 'PHS', which is about to explode, belongs to the honeycomb network.

  Divide each place into a hive.

  The effective communication distance is limited to a small area at the beginning.

  Therefore, the communication technology of PHS is also known as wireless local calls.

  2001G, which was only officially used in September 2, is a communication technology that enables ultra-long-distance calls and simple data transmission at the same time.

  It is precisely because of the emergence of 2g that the prelude to the Internet on mobile phones was opened.

  Jiang Han does not understand communication technology, and he cannot comment on the current research results of Jiuhuang Technology without systematically learning this technology.

  But he doesn't understand, it doesn't mean the system doesn't understand.

  "Deduce the research results of Jiuhuang Technology's communication technology!"

  "Ding... The system is being deduced..."

  "The deduction is complete, the current deduction progress is 30%"

  "Continue to play!"

  "Current deduction progress is 60%"

  "Continue to play!"

  "Current deduction progress is 90%"

  "Show me the last paragraph, and at the same time I want to optimize the result!"

  "Ding... The deduction is completed, and the results of Jiuhuang Technology's communication technology are as follows..."

  A huge flow of information suddenly emerged in Jiang Han's mind.

  After using all of today's deduction opportunities, Jiang Han finally got a brief communication technology template.

  Jiang Han also has a general understanding of this technology after receiving the information flow.

  The direction that Jiuhuang Technology wants to research is actually a technology between PHS and 2G.

  Use base stations to make calls within the city, and multiple base stations work together to transmit ultra-long-distance calls.

  Then, a base station that plays a central role performs data reception and transmission.

  As a result, the advantages of the combined cellular network and 2G communication technology are somewhat similar to the 3G technology that appeared later.

  But one thing they overlooked is that they don't have a strong R&D capability.

  As far as the difficulty of researching this technology is concerned, no company in the world has been able to study it successfully.

  The technical threshold is too high.

  A technology that is somewhat similar to 3G, but wants to be developed in the era of PHS and 2G, is a bit of a dream.

  In a nutshell, the eyes are high and the hands are low...  

  The 3G network only appeared in 2008. The gap between the 2G network and the [-]G network is enough to see how big the technical fault is.

  Even this information in Jiang Han's hands is only an abbreviated version. If it is to be officially put into production, it will take at least dozens of deductions to succeed!

  However, once the thorough deduction is completed and it is put into commercial use, it is conceivable how much benefits it will bring.

  Not surprisingly, the global communications market is likely to be transformed by this technology.

  At that time, it represents a steady stream of cash flow!

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