Even if he pretended not to win so quickly, it would be enough for Jiang Han to hollow out everyone on the field!

  As long as they dare to follow!

  And after Jiang Han's attention was placed on this game, he already knew all the next cards.

  The corner of his mouth raised slightly, Jiang Han picked up a chip of one million and threw it down.

  Since this President Zhao wants to play, then he will play with him!

  Li Zekai, who was sitting next to him, followed Jiang Han so decisively, his eyes widened.

  Jiang Han is really a little bold.

  Although both cards are spades, and A and 10 can be connected into a straight.

  But throwing a million in chips with just two cards was a bit aggressive.

  Su Qingyi followed Jiang Han and watched for a while, and roughly understood the rules of Stud.

  After seeing Jiang Han throwing out a million chips.

  The hand on Jiang Han's shoulder couldn't help but tighten.

  Feel the sensation on your shoulders.

  There was no change.

  Seeing that the three of them had already placed their bets, the dealer did not hesitate, and directly dealt the three of them the third card.

  What Jiang Han got was a chapter K of spades!

  And that Mr. Zhao got a Q of Hearts.

  Like the clear card in Jiang Han's hand, Mr. Zhao's hand is also flush.

  "Continue to one million!" President Zhao threw another chip.

  Originally, even if it was such a big game, it was impossible for everyone to throw one million by one million, otherwise the casino would not have created chips with a face value of [-] and [-].

  But Zhao always wanted to embarrass Jiang Han.

  I want to take half of the chips in Jiang Han's hands directly.

  So it will be.

  Clearly, he was extremely confident with the cards in his hand.

  But it's a pity that Jiang Han already knows what his next two cards are.

  He turned to look at Mr. Liu, who was sitting there, the female boss.

  As Jiang Han knew, although the two clear cards could be linked together, and they could form a straight flush, President Liu still chose to give up.

  Her hole card couldn't make a straight flush.

  And only Jiang Han and Mr. Zhao were left on the field.

  Jiang Han also picked up a one million chip and threw it down.

  The dealer begins to deal the fourth card.

  Both cards are flush.

  But Jiang Han's has been broken, the fourth card is an 8, it is impossible to practice a straight flush, the biggest is a flush.

  The cards in Mr. Zhao's hand are an A, a Q, and a J.

  And it's all red peaches.

  After seeing the fourth chapter card, Mr. Zhao's eyes were obviously filled with joy.

  This card is very likely to be connected to a straight flush!

  As long as he gets another king of hearts, that's it!

  Because the hidden card in his hand is a 10 of hearts!

  After everyone saw Mr. Zhao's clear card, they were all speechless.

  Especially those who gave up.

  Even more secretly glad to give up early.

  Otherwise, it will only lead to a worse loss.

  In fact, this is not the case. If they call one more round, it is very likely that the cards in Mr. Zhao's hand will be scattered.

  But everyone at the gambling table believed in a matter of luck.

  The fact that Mr. Zhao can get such a card proves that Mr. Zhao is very lucky today.

  And the person who just won the most money from Li Zekai was this President Zhao.

  Looking at the chips in front of him, it was already close to more than [-] million.

  If you have money in your hand, your bets will naturally not be false.

  Picking up a one million chip and throwing it down, Mr. Zhao looked at Jiang Han provocatively.

  "Mr. Jiang, make a bet after thinking about it, or you lose all your money, and the little sister behind you will be pried away by me."

  President Zhao's intention is obvious, that is, to anger Jiang Han.

  Let him follow him mindlessly.

  And Jiang Han also expressed annoyance when he heard the words, grabbed a chip of one million and threw it over.

  "Mr. Zhao, be careful to flash your tongue when you talk big!" Jiang Leng snorted.

  Mr. Zhao smiled when he heard the words, his goal has been achieved.

  Naturally, there is no need to provoke Jiang Han anymore.

  "Deal the cards."

  The dealer dealt the fifth card.

  The cards in Jiang Han's hand became a dark card A plus four bright cards, namely 10, K, 8, and 9!

  The cards in Mr. Zhao's hand are 10 hidden cards and A, Q, J, 9 exposed cards!

  In the eyes of outsiders, both of their cards are flushes...  

  However, they have not even reached a straight flush.

  When Mr. Zhao saw that the fifth card was the 9 of hearts, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

  But it's good to be able to make a flush.

  Jiang Han already knew the result, and after the fifth card was dealt, he threw out the one million chips he had already held in his hand.

  He is the 9 of spades, Zhang is always the 9 of hearts, and the suit is a small one against Zhang.

  Seeing Jiang Han throwing his chips so decisively,

  President Zhao couldn't help but secretly took a deep breath and turned to look at the cards in front of Jiang Han.

  The biggest open card in Jiang Han's hand is Zhang K, that is to say, as long as the hidden card in Jiang Han's hand is not the Ace of Spades, he will win!

  Gamble or not?

  Mr. Zhao gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand and picked up a chip of one million.


  He has a great chance of winning now, so there is no reason not to gamble!

  Jiang Han saw that President Zhao picked up the chips.

  With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Mr. Zhao has it all figured out?"

  There was a hint of mockery in Jiang Han's voice.

  To outsiders, Jiang Han seemed to be deliberately provoking President Zhao.

  However, in Mr. Zhao's eyes, Jiang Han was pretending to be a fox.

  It must be because the cards in his hand are not good, so he wants to scare him.

  Without any hesitation, Mr. Zhao threw the chips directly.

  I had already made a $[-] million bet before, but now it's a bit unreasonable to back off.

  Since the odds of winning are very high, it must be 3.7 to gamble.

  After throwing out the chips, Mr. Zhao directly took out his hidden cards and slapped them on the table.

  "Boy, I don't believe you have an Ace of Spades in your hand!"

  Everyone looked at the card in Mr. Zhao's hand.

  After seeing that President Zhao's hand was indeed a flush, they all secretly frowned.

  This card is already very big, can Jiang Han beat it?

  Jiang Han rubbed his two fingers on the hidden card, and smiled when he saw that everyone was looking at him.

  Then he turned over the cards in his hand.

  Everyone was stunned when they saw the cards in Jiang Han's hand.

  Really Ace of Spades?

  If this is the case, then the card in Jiang Han's hand just happens to be on Mr. Zhao's head!

  "I have a showdown, I am the Ace of Spades." Jiang Han looked at Mr. Zhao after speaking lightly, and then said, "Am I older than you? Huh?".

Chapter 127

  Jiang Han's extremely arrogant words fell in the ears of everyone.

  It made many people look weird.

  Jiang Han was a little arrogant.

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