But looking at the expression on the man's face, the last one had no effect on him at all.

  The cards in Jiang Han's hand are 10, J, K of spades, and the last one is Q.

  In other words, Jiang Han, President Zhao, President Liu, the cards in the hands of the three of them may all be a straight flush!

  As for the card in the other person's hand, if he guessed correctly, it should be four nines and an ace!

  Jiang Han knew exactly what the cards were in everyone's hands.

  It is precisely because of this that there is no turbulence in his heart, and he even wants to laugh a little.

  It's just a matter of time, Mr. Zhao, don't let me down.

  On the fifth round of cards, the man sitting on the edge has the highest card.

  So this round he bet again.

  And Mr. Zhao and Mr. Liu have already restrained the expressions on their faces, and naturally they will not give others a chance to guess the cards through their expressions.

  The man hesitated for a moment, four 9s with an ace of iron. From the cards on the table, it can be seen that there is no iron in the hands of others that is larger than his.

  That is, his hand is the highest card other than a straight flush.

  But looking at the card 883 of the three of Jiang Han, he was a little cowardly.

  These three hands are all likely to be straight flushes.

  As long as one of the three is a straight flush, the iron in his hand is nothing.

  Pay as much as you bet!

  But [-] million chips have already been placed.

  It was just one step closer to the door, but it made him difficult, whether to kick or not.

  "Mr. Wang, hurry up, we're all waiting for you." Mr. Zhao urged anxiously when he saw that the man was reluctant to place a bet.

  Being so provoked by Mr. Zhao, Mr. Wang simply grabbed two one million chips and threw them down.

  "Two million!"

  Mr. Zhao sneered when he heard the words, picked up two one million chips and played with them.

  Seems to be thinking about something.

  The next bet was Mr. Liu.

  After thinking carefully about the cards in other people's hands and his own, President Liu grabbed a stack of [-] chips.

  After a pause, he turned to look at the faces of Jiang Han and Zhao.

  After the two of them were expressionless, they gritted their teeth and pushed all the chips in front of them.

  Anyway, she is a straight flush, as long as the remaining two are not a straight flush, then she will make a lot of money!

  "If you want to play, play a little bigger, there is no passion for a night, I'm stud!"

  Stacks of chips made of plastic were pushed out with a crisp sound of crashing together.

  Stud up!

  Jiang Han looked at the chips scattered irregularly on the gaming table, and Jiang Han sneered in his heart.

  However, there was a slightly stunned look on his face.

  Mr. Zhao has been paying attention to Jiang Han's side all the time. After seeing his face for a while, he already has his own judgment in his heart.

  This kid is stupid!

  Dare to play so many chips without looking at the hole cards?

  Really never lost.

  Jiang Han hesitated for a moment and wanted to open his hole card and take a look.

  But as soon as his hand touched the card, Mr. Zhao said, "Boy, aren't you very arrogant? You dare to bet millions without even looking at the cards. Why? Now you don't dare?"

  "Isn't it more than ten million studs? Don't you dare?"

  Mr. Zhao said this to stimulate Jiang Han to directly stud.

  At that time, he will be able to take back all the chips on the table.

  Looking at the stacks of more than [-] million chips in front of Jiang Han, Mr. Zhao couldn't help licking his lips.

  Mr. Liu had the least chips on the table, but he also had [-] million.

  In other words, in this round, he will gain at least [-] million US dollars or more!

  As long as Jiang Han can follow Stud!

  Li Zekai naturally saw the subtle atmosphere on the field. It is not that studs have never been seen before, but studs with more than ten million dollars are extremely rare even in casinos.

  If Jiang Han studs and President Zhao chooses to follow, then the chips on the table will reach more than [-] million!

  With fifty million dollars, even Li Zekai dared not pretend that he didn't see anything.

  Su Qingyi is the same.

  Although she has confidence in Jiang Han.

  But with so many chips, colorfully placed on the gaming table, just looking at them made her feel almost dizzy.

  This amount of money was simply not what she could imagine.

  The hand on Jiang Han's shoulder couldn't help but strain.

  Jiang Han felt Su Qingyi's nervousness and did not look back. He just raised his hand and patted Su Qingyi's hand, signaling her to relax.

  "Boy, are you still thinking about flirting? Are you following along?"

  Jiang Han glared at President Zhao, stopped looking at the cards, and directly pushed the chips in front of him forward.

  "Just follow, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

  The piles of chips made a crisp sound again.

  Stimulate the nerves of everyone.

  Stud up!Jiang Han also followed Stud!

  Mr. Zhao felt very happy after seeing Jiang Han put out all the chips in front of him.

  He estimated the cards in Jiang Han's hand, and only the hidden card in Jiang Han's hand was Ace of Spades.

  It is possible to be bigger than him!

  But is it possible?

  There were still so many cards in the dealer, and Jiang Han had never seen the hole cards.

  It can't be the Ace of Spades!

  President Zhao was certain that he did not believe that he would lose twice on the Ace of Spades!

  As long as Jiang Han is not the ace of spades, the card in that field is his highest card!

  Because he is a big flush!

  Even if President Liu had a big flush in his hand, he could stabilize his head by virtue of his suit.

  As for the person who made the bet first, Mr. Zhao didn't bother to pay attention.

  The millions of chips he placed were just icing on the cake.

  Thinking of this, Mr. Zhao is in a good mood.

  After eating here with Jiang Han all night, I didn't expect that at the last moment, he would actually earn it back!

  Later, he wanted to see how Jiang Han cried.

  Jiang Han also acted in a full set, although he knew that Mr. Zhao could not give up such a good opportunity.

  But after all the chips were pushed out, he glanced at his hole cards, and then a horrified expression appeared on his face.

  This scene completely fell into Mr. Zhao's eyes.

  Seeing Jiang Han's terrified face, Mr. Zhao laughed and said, "How is it? Boy, do you regret it?"

  "I really don't understand where you got so much courage, how dare you play stud with me!"

  Saying that, Mr. Zhao took the beautiful woman beside him and kissed her fiercely.

  Then he looked up at Su Qingyi and said, "Little sister, just follow my brother from now on, there is no future for following that guy."

  Without looking at Jiang Han's gloomy face, he pushed the chips in front of him!

  "Since you all stud, then I will play with you too! I also stud!"

  The chips in front of Mr. Zhao were pushed out and mixed with the chips introduced by Mr. Jiang Han and Mr. Liu.

  A table full of chips, covering a real gaming table.

  Jiang Han has not counted the amount of these chips, but just looking at the number, it is definitely more than [-] million!

  A table of chips represents more than [-] million Chinese coins! .

Chapter 130

  Although the chips in Mr. Zhao's hands were won by Jiang Han, they still had about [-] million US dollars, which was similar to Mr. Liu's chips.

  Really followed the stud.

  Jiang Han looked at the chips introduced by President Zhao, and the panic on his face had faded.

  Now that the desired result has been achieved, there is no need to disguise it.

  There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

  Sweeping around - the faces of everyone on the table.

  Both Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhao looked very good, obviously because both of them had a straight flush.

  Before the hole cards were revealed, their cards were already huge.

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