Of course, this is only a condition on the surface.

In order not to put pressure on He Bufan, Yang Hong and others did not announce some other conditions.

For example, if the Hidden Chef fails, they will not be able to appear for fifty years.

Moreover, the hidden chef did not dare to break the contract.

Because the guarantor of this game is official!

But if the Huaxia Chef Association fails, the current president Yang Hong will be directly dismissed.

At the same time, chef associations must recognize the role of reclusive chefs in the culinary world.

And once the hidden chef has a status in the culinary world, it will be a very bad thing for the entire Chinese culinary world.

That means that the Chinese culinary world will once again fall into a state of malaise.

Therefore, the height of this game has risen to several levels.

This is a "battle" related to the future development of the Chinese culinary industry!

And as one of the participants in this game, He Bufan is still continuing his process of making trouble.

On the other hand, due to the announcement issued by the chef association, as well as the publicity of many celebrities such as Jiang Qi who pay attention to the trends in the culinary industry.

Many ordinary people also know about the upcoming showdown in the culinary world.

Then, loyal fans of Baiweiya from all over the country began to assemble in a mighty way.

These people have already dug out from all kinds of signs that their favorite chef He Bufan will also participate in this big showdown.

The date of the big showdown coincided with New Year's Day, and some people began to plan trips to neighboring cities.

On 28 December, He Bufan, Jiang Qi, Zhao Xun, Lu Jinyang, and Huang Yu took a plane to Linzhou City.

On the same day, fans from all over the country began to set off one after another.

The first number of people amounted to a thousand.

After He Bufan arrived in Linzhou City, he first went to meet Yang Hong and others.

As the venue for the big showdown, Lingyun Square is building a competition venue.

At the same time, the report submitted by the chef association to the official was also officially approved.

During the showdown, there will be official personnel to supervise and maintain order on the spot!

At that time, the entire Lingyun Square will be able to accommodate 20,000 people at the same time.

This specification has almost reached the level of the ten-year Chinese Chef King Competition.

On December 29, He Bufan summoned the head chef of the Baiwei House branch.

They are the head chef of Yanjing Baiweiwu Branch, and Li Wenyu, a master chef of Beijing cuisine;

The head chef of Yuzhou Baiweiwu Branch, Wang Hui, a master chef of Sichuan cuisine, and Xu Jie, a master chef of Sichuan cuisine;

The head chef of the Baiweiwu branch in Dongshan City, Zheng Qian, a master chef of Shandong cuisine;

The head chef of Chaoguang Baiweiwu Branch, Feng Chao, a master of Cantonese cuisine;

The head chef of the Baiweiwu branch in Nanhu City, Dong Qingshan, a master chef of Hunan cuisine;

The head chef of the Baiweiwu branch in Minzhou City, Yao Jinsheng, a master chef of Fujian cuisine;

The head chef of the Baiweiwu branch in Huishan City, Zhao Qiyang, the master chef of Hui cuisine, and Luo Jin, the master chef of Hui cuisine;

and Wu Jiangyang, a master chef of Zhejiang cuisine, Xiang Guangshun, a master chef of Zhejiang cuisine, and Lu Baiqin, a master chef of Suzhou cuisine, who have not yet opened.

Since then, the chefs of all nine dishes of Barilla House, a total of 12 master chefs, have arrived.

There are 12 of them, all of whom are leaders in their respective cuisines.

It can be said that any one of these twelve people is enough to support the existence of a large hotel when put outside.

But now, by chance, they gathered around He Bufan.

formed this strong lineup of Baiwei House chefs.

Of course, coupled with the fact that He Bufan may have mastered the eight major cuisines, no one in the entire Chinese culinary world dares to underestimate this force.

In the small conference room, He Bufan smiled and told about his next arrangements.

The twelve chefs also ask questions from time to time.

After all, the stakes are too high for them to take lightly.

However, in such a tense meeting, there were three idlers.

Lu Jinyang and Huang Yu sat pitifully at the end of the conference table.

The two followed He Bufan for a while.

At the same time, the cooking skills of the two have also made great progress.

However, there is still a way to go for a master chef to become a master chef.

In the face of the twelve master chefs, the two of them couldn't seem to get into the topic, so they could only sit in the back sullenly and listen to He Bufan's explanation.

Because in He Bufan's arrangement, these twelve chefs were all for him.

Even the master chef can only start, and the two of them are super chefs, and they don't know what they can do!

And the other idler is Jiang Qi.

Originally, Zhao Xun asked him to accompany her to go shopping, but Jiang Qi shirked it.

Although Zhao Xun was a little dissatisfied, she also knew the importance of this matter.

Therefore, Jiang Qi sat here bitterly.

When He Bufan finished talking about his plan, Li Wenyu and the others were also shocked in their hearts.

They don't care about giving He Bufan a hand, after all, He Bufan's cooking skills have surpassed them by a lot.

But they are worried that He Bufan's plan is too large and will be very difficult to implement.

seemed to see everyone's thoughts, only to see He Bufan said with a smile

, "Masters, don't worry,

although the kid is not completely sure!"

"But fifty percent of them are still there!"

When everyone heard this, they rolled their eyes directly.

Fifty percent sure, isn't it possible to win or lose?

What's the difference between this and not saying.

But they also know that this time things are really not going to be easy.

At this time, I only heard Li Wenyu say,

"You may not know this kid!"

"If he says that he is fifty percent sure, then there must be an eighty or ninety percent chance of winning!"

Speaking of this, Li Wenyu said with a smile

, "You don't want to think about it,

this kid brought us all here!"

"Is it just for us to fill up the numbers?"

"Hahaha, that's right!"

I only heard Zheng Qian take over and say,

"This kid is a thief!"

"Yes, we know that!"

Feng Chao on the side also said.

These two people, but they have all been on He Bufan!


On December 30, a large number of people poured into the neighboring city.

The duel scene in Lingyun Square has also been basically completed.

Media and reporters from all over the country have basically arrived.

On December 31, the chefs of the hidden door arrived en masse, and there were 50 people in the lineup on the surface.

But how many people are still in the shadows, no one knows.

On the same day, the scene of the showdown in Lingyun Square was completed.

All kinds of kitchen utensils and seasonings are in place.

At the same time, there are people on duty 24 hours a day at the scene to prevent anyone from secretly causing sabotage.

The tense atmosphere envelops the entire neighboring city!

Time has passed, the old year has turned the page, and the current year has arrived!

In the early morning of January 1, major media outlets had already passed through security checks and entered pre-arranged positions.

There are constantly busy staff on site.

At four o'clock in the morning, all kinds of fresh ingredients needed were inspected by special personnel and transported to the scene.

At five o'clock in the morning, the on-site safety facilities were investigated, and the official personnel who maintained the order of the scene were in place.

At six o'clock in the morning, people began to enter one after another, grabbing the front row position.

At seven o'clock, Lingyun Square was already full of people, and the more than 20,000 chairs prepared were even full.

At eight o'clock, He Bufan led Li Wenyu and others into the venue.

On the other side, the hidden door chef also arrived at the scene on time.

The contestants are in place, and a big showdown in the culinary world is about to begin!

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