Chapter 109

Guangqi Group’s wealth is well-known in the industry. Under the operation of Hu Zhipeng, the private auto companies and auto parts manufacturers that participate in or invest in it will not create a small amount of profits for them every year.

In addition, the sales of several models independently produced by Guangqi are still very good for domestic brands, especially the legendary SUV, which is in the A- and B-segment car market, which has the strength to compete with foreign brands.

Therefore, Guangqi is simply the owner of no money, and it is completely fine to spend 3 billion.

Coupled with the upcoming Q3 and Q5 rollouts, they are very optimistic about the prospects of these two cars.

Hu Zhipeng also knew in his heart that with the production line in Guangqi’s hands, it would be no problem to deal with the hot sales in Q3 and Q5.

But if you want to have better quality, there is also an extension of Q5 in the future.

Even if the cooperation with Baolong continues, there will be more models.

In addition, with the passage of time, the production line in their hands is aging.

Therefore, it is very necessary and imperative to add a brand new super production line with ultra-high productivity, ultra-high automation and ensuring car quality.

Therefore, when Hu Zhipeng had almost no bargaining, he directly signed a super production line procurement contract with Lin Fan, and invited Lin Fan to eat, drink and play through one-stop service, and happily returned to Guangqi.

Soon, Guangqi sent a huge sum of 3 billion.

At the same time, with the delivery of the first batch of official car orders, the 5 billion R&D expenditure has also been fully paid.

8 billion, the cost is only more than a billion, and it is easy to make more than 6 billion, which is almost the same as picking up money.

Lin Fan looked at the long list of numbers on the account, and felt like Jack Ma, and said with full force:

Money is the easiest thing in the world…

The first batch of orders for 100 knights went to the military. Except for some of them for the subordinate R&D institutions to carry out weapon attachments and various transformations, the rest were immediately transferred to units that needed to be replaced.

Among them, 20 vehicles were sent to overseas peacekeeping forces as soon as possible in order to promote the country’s prestige.

Jianliya, a country in war.

Lin Fan’s parents had bought a production line from a proud country there, but they were in danger of an armed attack by Ace.

After Lin Fan came here, he selected the Baolong electric X4 off-road armored vehicle from the system, and magically modified the super magnetic cannon.

Along the way, the Ace armed forces and the local warlords were smashed, and the production line of the proud country was smoothly transported to the port.

Out of humanitarian assistance, the Heavenly Dynasty, together with many countries, also participated in the peacekeeping operations in Shulia.

Helping the people of Zhuliya who have been devastated by the war, while protecting their lives, it also safeguards the safety of the companies and staff established in the territory of Zhuliya in their own country.

The chaotic Jianliya has very rich mineral resources, and many countries want to occupy a place here and obtain the mining rights here.

In the early years, the heavenly dynasty invested huge resources in Zhiliya, established mining bases, exploited the resources here, helped the people here, and built their homes.

The establishment of the sub-government here will not play much role with this, and there are as many local armed forces and Ace armed forces in the country as a cow.

They do not recognize the legitimacy of the government, and rich resources are the goal they compete with each other, leading to domestic turmoil.

The peacekeeping forces are bound by international law. They cannot take the initiative to shoot at any forces in the erection of Asia, let alone participate in the battles of any warlord forces.

This has also led to the establishment of warlords in Asia with confidence, often attacking and harassing peacekeepers who go out, and even pretending to be other warlords, provoking disputes and achieving the goal of eliminating dissidents.

Chen Hu’s peacekeeping force is stationed at a base in the outer suburbs of Amu Darya. The main task is to ensure the safety of mining personnel and ensure the smooth progress of mining work.

A few months ago, Chen Hu and his team received an order to coordinate with the Freedom Country and the Mao Xiong Country to perform a mission somewhere.

When the mission was over, and when he was about to return, he was attacked by a group of armed men of more than a hundred people.

The militants dispatched more than ten pickup trucks, and their weapons and equipment were also very advanced.

At that time, Chen Hu’s team was driving a warrior military vehicle. This military vehicle weighed 4 tons and could carry a maximum of 2 tons of ammunition.

However, in front of the free country’s military Hummer and the Mao Xiong country’s 90-wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, the Warrior’s military vehicle cannot be compared with it in terms of body size, protection performance, and mobility.

Three squads and three military vehicles were surrounded at the same time, but the military Hummer and the 90-wheeled infantry fighting vehicle were able to come and go freely in the encirclement of armed men with their strong performance.

However, the poor top speed of the warrior military vehicle is so slow, and its protection ability is completely lost to the military Hummer and 90-wheeled infantry fighting vehicle.

The peacekeeping squad fought fierce battles with the militants.

Although finally won.

One of Chen Hu’s team was killed and the other seriously injured.

However, the free country and the Mao Xiong country relied on their powerful military vehicles, and no one was injured.

Casualties on the battlefield were inevitable.

But this time, if there is a military off-road vehicle that is as powerful as a military Hummer or a 90-wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, such casualties will never happen.

In the same way, the peacekeepers from the homeland and the bear country were able to do well with the excellent performance of military vehicles, but Chen Hu and the others paid a huge sacrifice for this.

Chen Hu and his team members felt very sad every time they thought of this incident.

No one knows better than them the importance of a powerful military vehicle.

No one needs a powerful off-road military vehicle more than them.

Peacekeeping force base.

Chen Hu and his team members are studying tomorrow’s mission.

Discuss how to effectively avoid routes that are likely to be attacked.

And what kind of response measures should be taken in case of encountering armed forces.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and team member Wang Meng ran in and reported with excitement: “(Zhao Zhao’s) ¨‖ squad leader, received the order from above, let us go to the airport tomorrow to accept the new military vehicle~~.

Chen Hu wondered: “Accept the new military vehicle? Is the Warrior military vehicle updated?”

Wang Meng scratched his head, but didn’t quite understand: “The above seems to say that it is not a military vehicle produced by Beiqi. It seems to be the latest generation military vehicle produced by Baolong. Warriors are much stronger now.”

Chen Hu nodded faintly, and responded.

Compared with Wang Meng’s excitement, Chen Hu behaved a lot more calmly.

He is quite clear about the situation of domestic military vehicles. Even Beiqi can’t make military vehicles comparable to military Hummers and 90-wheeled chariots. Can a company that has never heard of it be better than Beiqi?

Chen Hu sighed. Even if he can make a military vehicle that can achieve 70% of the performance of a Hummer and a 90-wheeled chariot, he will not lose an important brother in the last peacekeeping operation. Hinder.

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